"You're drowning in time. I know what it's like, brother."

Metal Gear Solid 2 is the sequel to Metal Gear Solid; it was released in 2001 on PlayStation 2. A technical marvel at the time of release, it advances the gameplay of Solid with improved artificial intelligence, an expanded weapons list, and controls with greater complexity. The game is controversial among Metal Gear fans due to its meta-narrative and dual character structure.

Category Run Description Route
Any% Reach score screen as fast as possible. Route
Glitchless Reach score screen as fast as possible without using glitches. Route
All Dog Tags Collect all the dog tags and reach the score screen as fast as possible. Route
Miscellanous Categories Run Description Route
Blindfolded Reach score screen while being blindfolded. Route

MGS2 Versions, Platforms, and Regions

MGS2 Difficulty Differences

MGS2 Tutorials

MGS2 Glitches

MGS2 Bosses

MGS2 Resources


MGS2 Info Dump

MGS2 Entry in Speed Demos Archive Knowledge Base

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  • metal_gear_solid_2.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/07/24 10:41
  • by hau5test