
"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to yourself?"

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops released in 2006 exclusively to PlayStation Portable. MPO shrinks the gameplay of MGS3 to the small screen, bringing with it a radically different equipment system, team management and many more features that were further built upon in Peace Walker. Similar to Metal Gear: Ghost Babel, MPO splits the game into smaller chunks, with a variety of maps to visit and missions to tackle. Taking place after MGS3, Big Boss must stop a rogue FOX unit - led by a man known as Gene - from causing nuclear Armageddon.
Typical criticisms include the low framerate, unusual control scheme and the tedium of kidnapping people slowly dragging recruits to your truck (or box) in order to recruit them.

New Game Any%Easy/NormalStart a new save file and complete the game as fast as possibleRoutes & Guide
New Game TsuchinokoEasy/NormalStart a new save file and complete the game as fast as possible - without getting spottedRoutes & Guide
New Game + Any%Easy/Normal/ExtremeComplete the game as fast as possible with any previously collected equipment & personnel at your disposalRoutes & Guide
New Game + TsuchinokoEasy/Normal/ExtremeComplete the game as fast as possible with any previously collected equipment & personnel at your disposal - without getting spottedRoutes & Guide
New Game + FoxhoundExtremeComplete the game as fast as possible with any previously collected equipment & personnel at your disposal - while obtaining the highest RankSoon™

Archived Tutorials

  • metal_gear_solid/portable_ops.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/01 13:20
  • by MarlonH8