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Big Shell: Pre-Stillman

Big Shell: Bomb Disposal Segment (Part 1)

Note: The bomb is placed behind a fence on the south-east section of the room. See image below:

Note: You MUST pick up the box here if you plan on doing Conveyor Belt Route.

  • When Raiden reaches the third black line on the floor coming from the south, do an aerial into prone to pickup the claymore. Coolant-rise right after that.

Note: You MUST pick up the box here if you plan on doing Conveyor Belt Route.

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Fortune. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Fortune page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

Big Shell: Bomb Disposal Segment (Part 2)

Tap R2 to bring out the M9 and avoid the claymores here. Using the box to avoid the claymores can be useful.

If you didn't pick up the Chaff Grenades earlier, pick them up now.

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Fatman. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Fatman page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

Big Shell: Heading to Ames

  • <html><span style=“color:SandyBrown”>NG:</span> Ames will always spawn in the same position, which is spot #14 on the photo below. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:SandyBrown”>NG+ and NG++:</span> Ames can spawn in 20 random positions and the game determines this the moment the player enters the Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall for the first time. <br></html>

Big Shell: Heading to the President

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Harrier. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Harrier page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

Big Shell: Emma Escort

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Vamp 1. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Vamp 1 page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

This method is Rank 1 compatible and only requires a bit of practice beforehand.
In general:

  • immediately grab emma and start dragging her down left
  • drag emma right on the dark line of the door frame
  • then shoot the guard with your M9
  • and quickly cartwheel into him
  • correct Emma's position if necessary
  • run off to the exit of the room towards KL Bridge
  • make sure to hold up the upper guard at the box
  • leave
  • return back to Shell 2 Core 1F
  • walk to the Prez room top left corner
  • grab Emma and drag her through the door to the KL bridge

For the Master Collection Version specifically the start timing seems to be different (at least on MC PC)
The safer method

  • drag Emma straight down first
  • until past the dark line, then go down left
  • until you're close to the door frame
  • OR drag emma right on the dark line of the door frame
  • hold up, then shoot the guard with your M9
  • quickly cartwheel or PPK him
  • correct Emma's position if necessary
  • run off to the exit of the room towards KL Bridge
  • make sure to hold up the upper guard at the box
  • and tranq him for extra safety
  • leave
  • return back to Shell 2 Core 1F
  • walk to the Prez room top left corner
  • grab Emma and drag her through the door to the KL bridge

The riskier method

  • drag Emma straight down first
  • until past the dark line, then go down left
  • drag emma right on the dark line of the door frame
  • shoot the guard with your M9
  • quickly cartwheel or PPK him
  • run off to the exit of the room towards KL Bridge
  • the extra guard (top of box) should not have spawned if done correctly
  • leave
  • return back to Shell 2 Core 1F
  • walk to the Prez room top left corner
  • grab Emma and drag her through the door to the KL bridge
  • The best position to stand when spraying is the black line to the top of the fire. A good audio cue is when the phone begins to ring.
  • The visual cue to stop spraying at the fire is when the black smoke appears.

  • When Emma gets past the thin part of the bridge, let go of her and head to the southern door.

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Vamp 2. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Vamp 2 page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

Arsenal Gear

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Tengu 1. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Tengu 1 page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Tengu 2. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Tengu 2 page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for MG-Rays. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: MG-Rays page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Solidus. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Solidus page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

Skip the cutscenes after finishing off Solidus and the cutscenes after the credits sequence. Time will end at the Score Screen and Rank will be shown after that.

  • <html><span style=“color:Aquamarine”>HD Edition (PlayStation 3):</span> On this version and platform, sometimes the credits can lock up (called a 'Credit Freeze'). Unfortunately, this means a run that has this can NOT go on the leaderboards as it has no score screen. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Aquamarine”>Sons Of Liberty:</span> The rank screen will NOT show your final rank. For <span style=“color:Cyan”>Rank 1</span>, a score screen with a time of 3:00:00 or less, 8 or less Saves, 0 Continues, 3 Alerts, 0 Kills, and 0 Rations, and no special items used is enough for the leaderboards to consider it a Fox Rank.<br></html>

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  • mgs2_plant_any_hd.1702550185.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/12/14 10:36
  • by hau5test