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Emma Zip, also known as Chelsea Zip, is a glitch that involves zipping Emma out of bounds usually resulting in the game putting her in a better spot when the area is reloaded. It was originally found by the speedrunner Misschelseaz on the 26th of June, 2021.
- Emma can be zipped in any room, including during the Big Shell Evil chapter in Snake Tales. However, not every room is worth zipping Emma in (i.e.: the zip is slower in Strut L Sewege Treatmant Facility).
- When Emma is zipped, guards in the area will instantly 'spot' her and try to call in an Alert. This includes cameras and cyphers.
- Confirmed to work on Substance (PC) only.
- No success on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox ports of the HD Edition.
Shell 2 Core, B1
Shell 2 Core, 1F
It is slightly faster to reload the room by exiting to the KL Connecting Bridge than it is to do so from the elevator.
Elevator Setup
KL Connecting Bridge
Corner Setup
Strut L Sewege Treatment Facility
While it is possible to zip Emma in this room, it is slower to do so. The reason for this is that the player will have to open the hatch before reloading the area inorder for the game zip Emma into the room.