Big Shell Evil has two possible endings:

  1. Complete the mission without having Emma recieve damage.
  2. Complete the mission and having Emma recieve damage at least once.

The language of the captions affects how many pages the player has to skip during the run. The less pages, the faster it is. For Big Shell Evil (tested on Substance), the order of languages from least pages to most is as follows:

  1. Japanese
  2. French
  3. Spanish
  4. Italian
  5. German
  6. English

Note: Korean needs to be tested.

The following table are the amount of pages to skip for in Big Shell Evil:

Strut E Heliport 9 8 9 8 7 9
DE Connecting Bridge 5 4 5 4 4 5
Strut C Dining Hall #1 151314131214
Strut C Dining Hall #2 8 7 8 7 6 7
Strut B Transformer Room 9 8 9 9 7 8
Strut F Warehouse #1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Strut F Warehouse #2 121112119 11
Strut E Parcel Room 6 5 6 5 5 6
Shell 1-2 Connecting Bridge #1 141213121013
Shell 1-2 Connecting Bridge #2 131112129 13
Total 928089827081

Strut E Heliport:

  • You'll start off on the Strut E Heliport, proceed south, down the stairs and stair glide. Proceed into Strut E Parcel Room.

Strut E Parcel Room:

  • Run down the stairs (no rolling) and hold up the first guard. Head left behind the second, (hold him up if you wish) and roll into the door trigger.

DE Connecting Bridge:

  • Hold up the guards then immediately roll into them. Head north into the upper section of Strut D.
  • (New Game Route): Skip the text as soon as you gain control hold up the guards. If you only get the first that's fine. Take an immedite left and drop down via the rail. Head north into the lower section of Strut D.

Strut D Sediment Pool:

  • Roll down the first set of stairs and take the outer ring across this room. When you get within the guard's range, fire three quick M9 shots in third-person to tranqulize him.
  • (New Game Route): Movement is very important here, so watch the video carefully. Move along the railing and once you reach the line on the floor by the stairs roll. Grab the M9 and at the halfway point of the stairs, punch once. Head up the stairs and hold up the guard as you reach the top. Head left, roll up the steps and menu left to the M9. Head onto the CD Connecting bridge.

CD Connecting Bridge:

  • Avoiding the camera run behind the guard and hold him up. Run through him and head into Strut C.

Strut C Dining Hall:

  • Go to the food pantry and press the action button to open it & find Emma. Skip the mini cutscene to save a minor bit of time & then skip the text.

Boss Fight: Guard Rush 1:

  • The guard encounter here is pretty tricky and will require some practice. Feel free to make a save at the text screen by pressing select. To begin crouch, tap R2 to equip your M9 and shoot the first guard, double tap R2 and shoot the second. Stand up, go to the left stand where the USP ammo is & shoot the 3rd guard. Return to your original location and crouch again, repeat the same process for the final three guards. Quickly swap back to your USP before the alert clears and the fight ends. Head towards the BC Connecting Bridge.

BC Connecting Bridge:

  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span> Let the cypher spot you. As you approach the guard fire 2 third-person shots with the USP and as you get really close to him deliver the final blow. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Perfect Stats:</span> From the BC bridge shoot the Cypher 4 times and if you are fast the guard will investigate the debris from the Cypher giving you clear passage to head straight into Strut B. <br></html>

Strut B Transformer Room:

  • In Strut B head into the transformer room, down the stairs to your immediate left and north, then right to the node. Use the Node with the action button and skip the text. Make your way out of Strut B the way you came.

BC Connecting Bridge:

  • On the BC Bridge, this time shoot the Cypher only once, hug the right side and proceed straight. Hold up the guard and head into Strut C.

Strut C Dining Hall:

  • Head towards the DE connecting bridge but before you reach the corner, fire your USP & again as you turn the corner to avoid being shot or getting an alert. Leave the Strut.
  • Alternatively, you can just hold up the guard instead of firing a warning shot.

CD Connecting Bridge:

  • The CD Bridge is the same as before, hug the left side and hold up the guard. Mind the camera entering Strut D.

Strut D Sediment Pool:

  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span> Roll down the stairs and take the outer ring again. When the guard spots Snake, shoot him three times with the USP. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Perfect Stats:</span><br></html> Strut D the return is a bit tricky. Roll down the steps and when the guard ahead notices Snake fire the USP to alert him if timed correctly Snake will miss the guard. When you're close follow up with a quick first person shot to take out his radio. Head to the DE Connecting Bridge.

DE Connecting Bridge:

  • The DE Connecting Bridge is straightforward. Hug the right side and hold up the guard. Head into Strut E.

Strut E Parcel Room:

  • On entry to Strut E head down the left side and pass behind the guard. He won't see you so you can make a clean escape to the EF Bridge. Easy.

EF Connecting Bridge:

  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span> As soon as you turn around the corner, go into first person view and aim the gun then immediately fire to blow up the cypher. Take the most direct route to Strut F and when the final cypher spots you, roll to have the cypher shoot Snake mid-roll. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Perfect Stats:</span> Head to the entrance onto the Bridge and wait for the Cypher to pass. Head down left and third person aim on to the second Cypher and spam some shots. Once it's down head into Strut F. <br></html>

Strut F Warehouse:

  • Skip the text and go left. Then down and along the right side. Go around the first corner and you'll find Emma. Don't piss around in here, an alert will be an immediate game over. Skip the text and retrace your steps to leave. If your movement was good enough you'll get out with no issues.


EF Connecting Bridge:

  • Grab the chaff & menu down once to equip them, throw one, unequip them and escort Emma across the bridge. If you move fast enough you'll enter Strut E before the chaff expires.


Boss Fight: Guard Rush 2:

  • Skip the text and begin what I personally find to be the hardest fight. There's not a lot I can explain for these last two fights, so I suggest watching the videos and using saves to practice. Good luck!

Boss Fight: Harrier:

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  • mgs2_big_shell_evil.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/06/07 14:14
  • by PlatonicGuy