
This is an old revision of the document!

MGS2 Plant All Dogtags Normal Route

This all dogtag Plant route features the Normal difficulty specifics done on the PC version of Substance.
For boss encounters/fights, we refer to the main game segments.

000Arsenal Gear, ColonSolid Snake
001Strut-A RoofRoof Guard
002Strut-A Pump RoomComputer Guard
003Strut-A Pump RoomPump Guard
004AB Connection BridgeLeft Guard
005AB Connection BridgeRight Guard
006Strut-B Transformer RoomInside Room Guard
007Strut-B Transformer RoomHallway Guard
008BC Connection Bridge Guard
009Strut-C Dining Hall Hall Guard
010Strut-C Dining Hall Toilet/Hallway Guard
011CD Connection Bridge Left Guard
012CD Connection Bridge Right Guard
013Strut-D Sediment Poolinner circle guard
014Strut-D Sediment Poolouter bottom circle guard
015Strut-D Sediment Poolguard
016DE Connection BridgeLeft Guard
017DE Connection BridgeRight Guard
018Strut-E Parcel RoomGuard
019Strut-E Parcel RoomGuard
020Strut-E Parcel RoomHidden Guard (post Sniping)
021Strut-E HeliportSnoozing Guard
022Strut-E HeliportHarrier Guard
023Strut-E HeliportHarrier Guard
024Strut-F WarehouseHigher Level 2nd Guard
025Strut-F WarehouseHigher Level 1st Guard
026Strut-F WarehouseLower Level Guard
027FA Connection BridgeGuard
028Shell 1 Core - 1FLeft Guard
029Shell 1 Core - 1FElevator Guard
030Shell 1 Core - 1FRight Guard
031Shell 1 Core - 1FRight Guard
032Shell 1 Core - B1Elevator Guard
033Shell 1 Core - B1Left Hall Guard 1
034Shell 1 Core - B1Left Hall Guard 1
035Shell 1 Core - B2Computer Right Guard
036Shell 1 Core - B2D-Mic Guard
037Shell 1 Core - B2Left Computer Guard
038Shell 1 Core - B2Outer Right Guard
039KL Connection BridgeGuard
040Strut L - Sewage TreatmentSecond Guard
041Strut L - Sewage TreatmentFirst Guard
042Shell 2 - Core 1FNode Guard
043Shell 2 - Core 1FSideway Guard
044Shell 2 - Core 1FElevator Guard
045Shell 2 - Core 1FSouthern Guard
046Shell 2 - Core 1FSleepy Guard
047Shell 2 - Core 1FDoorway Guard
048Strut-E HeliportThe dropped Stillman Dogtag by Fatman


Depending on going clockwise or counter-clockwise to defuse all bombs, you can collect more or less dogtags during this segment.

counter-clockwise can collect the north Strut-C dogtag before grabbing the sensor B during the bomb defusal.
compared to later after having met Ames and before Harrier in case of the clockwise bomb defusal route.

The guard at the computers in Strut-A can be collected earlier during the counter-clockwise bomb defusal route,
compared to the clockwise route which will collect that dogtag at the end before laving for Fortune.

Strut C Dining Hall

CD connecting bridge

Strut D, Sediment Pool (2)

0Strut-D Sediment Poolouter top circle guard
0Strut-D Sediment Poolouter bottom circle guard

Enter the room, walk forward to meet the top outer circle guard and hold him up.
Walk behind him and once you collected his dogtag, choke him out.
Follow the path south again to freeze the bomb.
Then continue north to meet the bottom outer circle guard.
Hold up, cartwheel through him and leave the area.

DE connecting bridge

When the guard sees you, shoot him once and do a cartwheel into him.
Then leave quickly through the east door into Strut-E to not get an alert.

Strut E, Parcel Room (1)

0Strut-E Parcel RoomGuard 1 north, tough guy
0Strut-E Parcel RoomGuard 2 south

On entering, walk south and have the first guard notice you. Once he follows you close,
hold him up and shoot with the socom over his head, the 2nd guard won't hear the shot normally.
Take the first guard out after having collected his dogtag. Then go east in the room and get behind guard 2.
Simply hold him up and shoot him after the dogtag was received. Then leave towards the heliport.

Strut E, Heliport (1T,1R)

0Strut-E HeliportSnoozing Guard
0Strut-E HeliportHarrier Guard North
0Strut-E HeliportHarrier Guard South

Defuse the bomb as usual, then walk south to meet the south harrier guard.
Hold up, choke him out after receiving the dogtag. Repeat for the north guard as well.
Afterwards go down the stairs to meet the snoozing guard, which you can kill with a socom shot
after having received the dogtag.

Strut E Parcel Room

EF Connection Bridge

Strut F, Warehouse (1)

0Strut-F WarehouseLower Level Guard
0Strut-F WarehouseHigher Level Guard 1
0Strut-F WarehouseHigher Level Guard 2

This room is tricky. On entering, get ready to coolant spray the first guard on top and hold him up.
After getting the dogtag, choke the guard out to kill him. Then stand behind the central boxes to get the
southern top level guard's attention and knock on the railing to get the bottom level guard's attention.
Ideally both guards will arrive at the dead body at the same time. Once both guard's are on their way,
walk around the railing clockwise and wait for the guards to investigate the dead body.
Then you can hold them both up at the same time. One of them is a tough guy, so shoot over their heads.
Afterwards you can shoot both in the head, drop down to freeze the bomb and then continue to the FA bridge.

FA Connection Bridge (1)

025FA Connection BridgeGuard, tough guy

Walk up to the guard, make sure to be at the northern edge to not get spotted by the cypher or the guard.
Standard hold up, shoot over the guard's head, get onwards to Strut A.

Strut A, Pump Room

0Strut-A Pump RoomComputer Guard
0Strut-A Pump RoomPump Guard

On entering the room, go to the pumps first, and hold up the first guard at the right side.
You can shoot the guard with the socom after having received his dogtag, or punch him in the groin.
Defuse the bomb and then return back to the computer room.
Hold up the computer guard and then leave towards AB Connection Bridge.

IF you need more Socom ammo, you can get more at the left side lockers, the right locker.

AB Conection Bridge

0AB Connection BridgeNorth Guard
0AB Connection BridgeSouth Guard

Walk up the bridge and let yourself be noticed from the southern guard.
Hold him up and punch him in the groin to have him be knocked out.
Then get the northern guard's attention and have him find the knocked out guard.
Once he is close, hold him up and get his dogtag, shoot the northern guard.
Wake up the southern guard we knocked out earlier and get his dogtag.

Strut B, Transformer Room

0Strut-B Transformer RoomHallway Guard
0Strut-B Transformer Roominside Room Guard

Walk up the hallway and get the first guard's dogtag. Choke him out and
walk inside, down the stairs to get the 2nd guard's dogtag. You can get more
Socom ammo quickly next to the terminal. Freeze the bomb and move towards Strut-C.

BC Connection Bridge

Strut C Dining Hall

BC Connection Bridge

Strut B, Transformer Room

AB Connection Bridge

Strut A Pump Room

Strut A roof (1)

0Strut-A RoofRoof Guard

Walk south and hold up the guard. Get the dogtag and leave via the elevator.

Strut C Dining Hall

BC Connection Bridge

Strut B, Transformer Room (1)

0Strut-B Transformer RoomInside Room Guard
0Strut-B Transformer RoomHallway Guard

Take care of the bomb first, then walk south and hold up the inside room guard, get his dogtag.
Tranq the room guard and get back outside to the hallway for the 2nd dogtag. The hallway guard is a tough guy.

AB Connection Bridge

0AB Connection BridgeNorthern Guard, tough guy
0AB Connection BridgeSouthern Guard, tough guy

Strut A Pump Room (1)

0Strut-A Pump RoomComputer Guard
0Strut-A Pump RoomPump Guard

Enter the room and hold up the guard at the computers.
Defuse the bomb and get the box 1, leave towards AB Connection bridge.

FA Connection Bridge (1)

025FA Connection BridgeGuard

Either get the dogtag now, or on your way to meet Fatman. Destroy the cipher and get up to the guard to get his dogtag. Standard hold up, get onwards to Strut F.

Strut F, Warehouse (1)

024Strut-F WarehouseHigher Level Guard South

Start the room and wait at the corner to use the coolant spray to distract the guard.
Sneak behind him and hold him up, to get his dogtag. Continue as usual to freeze the bomb.
After the bomb was taken care of, drop down and hold up the next guard who will be next to the stuns now.
Once the 2nd dogtag was acquried, walk up and leave towards the EF Connection bridge.

EF Connection Bridge

Strut E, Parcel Room

0Strut-E Parcel RoomNorthern Guard, tough guy
0Strut-E Parcel RoomSouthern Guard

At the start of the room, walk left and crawl under the conveyor. Use coolant rise to get up quickly and be behind the guard.
Hold up the guard and get his dogtag, then leave towards the heliport.

Strut E, Heliport (1T,1R)

0Strut-E HeliportSnoozing Guard
0Strut-E HeliportHarrier Guard North
0Strut-E HeliportHarrier Guard South

Start the room as usual and freeze the bomb under the harrier.
Once you're done, stand up and walk left of the left box to get behind the harrier guard.
Hold him up, get his dogtag and shoot him to not get an alert.
Afterwards walk down the stairs to the left to get the snoozing guard's dogtag.

Strut E Parcel Room

Strut C Dining Hall

CD connecting bridge

Strut D, Sediment Pool (2)

0Strut-D Sediment Poolouter top circle guard
0Strut-D Sediment Poolouter bottom circle guard

Enter the room, walk forward to meet the top outer circle guard and hold him up.
Walk behind him and once you collected his dogtag, choke him out.
Follow the path south again to freeze the bomb.
Then continue north to meet the bottom outer circle guard.
Hold up, cartwheel through him and leave the area.

DE connecting bridge

Strut E Parcel Room

Strut A, Pump Room

Strut A roof

003Strut-A RoofRoof Guard

Enter the roof and walk south and hold up the guard.
Get the dogtag and leave via the elevator.

If not already acquired during the bomb defusal, get this dogtag now as your last chance.

025FA Connection BridgeGuard

Standard hold up, get onwards to Strut A.

042Strut-E HeliportThe dropped Stillman Dogtag by Fatman
028Shell 1 Core - 1FLeft Guard
029Shell 1 Core - 1FElevator Guard, tough guy
030Shell 1 Core - 1FRight Guard
031Shell 1 Core - 1FRight Guard

On entering, go up first, hold up the first guard and get his dogtag. Tranq him.
Then walk back down again to the locker room. The bottom side, 2nd locker from the right
has the Socom suppressor which is highly encouraged to get.

From here, walk left and get the next guard's dogtag.
Finally, walk north around and stay at the corner. The third guard will wake up the first guard.
You can now shoot the first guard in the head to get rid of him with the suppressed socom.
Be aware that the third guard will try to see how shot, so go around the corner, equip your AK.
Then you can came back down the hallway to hold up the third guard to get his dogtag.

035Shell 1 Core - B2Computer Right Guard
036Shell 1 Core - B2D-Mic Guard
037Shell 1 Core - B2Left Computer Guard
038Shell 1 Core - B2Outer Right Guard

Walk right and hold up the first guard from behind. We get his dogtag last.
Continue inwards and hold up the left guard, his dogtag is #3 in the order.
Finall hold up the two close together guards. Get their dogtags and while they shake,
get the D-Mic. Then get rid of the guards and continue with the bottom left guard.
Finally walk all the way back and threaten the final guard with a socom shot over his head.

If you need more Socom ammo, there is a box on the left side lockers. The 2nd locker from the bottom has a socom ammo box.

032Shell 1 Core - B1Elevator Guard
033Shell 1 Core - B1Left Hall Guard 1
034Shell 1 Core - B1Left Hall Guard 1

After having found Ames, go left and knock on the storage units to get the first guards attention.
There is another socom ammo box in the 3rd locker from the left.
Hold him up from around the corner, try to bump him further left to make noise.
That noise should get the attention of the 2nd guard. Leave south until he's closer.

If the first guard lowers his hands, shoot his knee. He'll stay held up now. Hold up guard 2,
Socom shot over his head for the dogtag. Then take him out, get the first guard's dogtag.

Leave to the elevator and get that elevator guard's dogtag, threaten with a socom shot over his head.

023Strut-F WarehouseHigher Level Guard
024Strut-F WarehouseHigher Level Guard

If not already acquired during the bomb defusal or pre Fatman segment, this is your last time you can get the dogtag from the upper level guard.
Simply grab the sniper PSG-1, then turn left and meet the guard at the hallway as he is looking left. Once the dogtag was acquired, continue as normal.

017DE Connection BridgeLeft Guard
018DE Connection BridgeRight Guard

Go down the bridge and do a cartwheel for the first steps to meet the bottom guard in time.
He is a tough guy, so shoot with the socom over his head. Once you have his dogtag, ideally you
can catch up with the 2nd guard before he spots you. If he does, punch him enough times to knock him
out, then use the coolant spray to have him get up again quickly and get his dogtag that way.

013CD Connection Bridge Left Guard
014CD Connection Bridge Right Guard

Simply walk down the bridge and hold up the first guard.
Keep to the left side of the bridge to not get seen by the 2nd guard.
Hold up, dogtag, enter Strut-C.

011Strut-C Dining Hall Hall Guard
012Strut-C Dining Hall Toilet/Hallway Guard, tough guy

If not already acquired during the bomb defusal, get the dining hall guard first. Enter the Strut C and walk directly to the left door (not the top door) to the dining hall.
Get that guards dogtag, then move out further down the hallway to meet the tough guy at the toilets.
If timed well, he will be looking left or down, so he should be easy to hold up.
Once again hold him up, then threaten with a socom shot over his head. Leave to BC Connection Bridge.

010BC Connection Bridge Guard

The last dogtag for a while.
Get the socom out and shoot next to the guard to distract him.
Shoot out the cypher. Either walk up to the guard and get his dogtag, or distrat again with a shot by his feet, then walk up to him.

From here on, walk back to Strut-D and get to the Shell 1-2 connection bridge.

Harrier Segment

Back up strat for this guard in the hallway.

042Shell 2 - Core 1FNode Guard
043Shell 2 - Core 1FSideway Guard
044Shell 2 - Core 1FElevator Guard
045Shell 2 - Core 1FSouthern Guard
046Shell 2 - Core 1FSleepy Guard
047Shell 2 - Core 1FDoorway Guard

Begin by dragging Emma out of the elevator, and getting the first dogtag from the node guard.
Drag Emma further along, so she is past the node “room”. Leave her there and go down to the small side path to the left.
Get that dogtag, kill the guard. In the left corner is more Socom ammo. If the timing doesn't work out,
knock on the wall to have the guard come out of the side hall. Hold up, get dogtag, kill.

Afterwards go to the stairs and have the elevator guard spawn. Walk back up, use the socom
to shoot behind the guard and have him turn around. Follow up to him and get the third dogtag.

If the timing does not work out, kill emma and death warp back to the elevator. Since dogtags remain after a continue, you can go until the stairs regular.
Ideally you can walk down the stairs to the wall and knock on it, to get the fourth guard's attention. Hold him up around the corner and get the dogtag.
Then walk onwards to meet the 5th guard. He might be sleeping, simple hold up, kill after dogtag retrieval.

The 6th dogtag is the easiest one, just like VE and EZ you can walk up with Emma behind you and get the dogtag from the guard.

036KL Connection BridgeGuard

On Easy, this guard won't notice you, so just shoot by his feet and then walk towards him to hold him up.

If you utilized Emma Zip in this room, you can cartwheel all the way over to the guard and jump over him. Hold him up from behind, then get onwards to get rid of the fire and leave the room.

037Strut L - Sewage TreatmentSecond Guard
038Strut L - Sewage TreatmentFirst Guard

Walk up to the first guard and hold him up quickly. Get his dogtag, kill him, then hind to the left behind the corner.
The 2nd guard will walk up and check for the dead guard, then you can easily hold him up and get his dogtag.

Final Stretch

020Strut-E Parcel RoomConveyor Guard (post Sniping)

Remember to turn turbo off after opening the door or else you might kill his guard behind the level 5 door.
Walk up around the conveyor since the music guard is now walking instead of just standing compared to easy difficulty.
Else it's standard hold up, get dogtag, move on.

000Arsenal Gear, ColonSolid Snake

The final dogtag of the game!
Bump into Snake and press square to start holding him.
Choke him 9 times and release him, so he will be unconscious.
On the floor you can grab him, release him, then he drops his dogtag.

  • adt_plant_nm.1676474355.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/02/15 15:19
  • by hau5test