MGS2 Tanker All Dogtags Easy Route

This all dogtag Tanker route features the Very Easy difficulty specifics done on the PC version of Substance.
For boss encounters/fights, we refer to the main game segments.

000Navigational deck, wingAfter Olga fight
001Aft DeckGuarding Deck-A hatch
002Aft DeckBinoculars
003Aft DeckLookout guard
004Navigational deck, wingAfter Olga fight right door
005Deck-A, crew's quarters, PortHallway
006Deck-B, crew's quartersWindow, Tough guy
007Deck-A, crew's loungeSnoozing Guard, Tough guy
008Deck-A, crew's loungeSmelly Guard
009Deck-A, crew's loungeStairs guard
010Deck-D, crew's quartersWalking right/Judo Toss guard
011Deck-D, crew's quartersPantry guard
012Deck 2, portWalking towards you
013Deck-2, portHeadphone guard
014Deck-2, portSleepy guard
015Engine RoomFirst downstairs guard
016Engine RoomLight guard
017Engine RoomBinocular guard
018Engine RoomLeft side Rail guard
019Engine RoomRight side Rail guard
020Engine RoomDoor fixer
021Hold No. 1Guarding high Hold No.2 doorExcluded
022Hold No. 1Projector GuardExcluded
023Hold No. 3High Level Holds 3 GuardExcluded
024Hold No. 3MARINES Logo picture guardExcluded
025Hold No. 34th in first row guardExcluded


001Aft DeckGuarding Deck-A hatch
002Aft DeckBinoculars
003Aft DeckLookout guard

Start with three punches to buffer the guard at the top. His movement will be delayed for a faster 2nd dogtag.
After that go left and meet the first guard to get this dogtag. Afer that, follow up the stairs to meet the 2nd guard.
After having acquired the 2nd dogtag move on to the right and drop from the top behind or next to the third guard.
Hold him up, bump into him to get to his front and after grabbing the 3rd dogtag, move inside into Deck B.

Enter the room, get ready to skip the cutscene on walking in the shot hallway path.
You can tranq or hold up this guard, but you can't get his dogtag yet, as he is a tough guy,
that won't be threatened by your M9. We will come back after Olga once we acquired the Socom.

Just follow the room and go up the stairs.

010Deck-D, crew's quartersWalking right/Judo Toss guard

On entering the room, walk right towards the pantry. If you're brave you can do a roll under the lasers.
Alternatively you can crawl under the lasers and speed up by quickly unequipping and equipping the M9.
Hold up the guard and get his dogtag, then walk up the stairs towards the Deck-E.

000Navigational deck, wingAfter Olga fight

See here for how to do the Olga boss fight.

After having fought Olga, simple grab Olga and let go to get her dogtag.

004Navigational deck, wingAfter Olga fight right door

After grabbing Olga's dogtag, go right and walk south past the left door to Deck-E, to meet the 2nd guard.

It is recommended to grab the Socom ammo pack in the top right corner of the room.

011Deck-D, crew's quartersPantry guard

Walk down the stairs and turn right, shoot the laser sensor and kill the guard.
Walk into the pantry to have the pantry guard spawn. This guard is a tough guy.
Walk back outside and get to the stairs that leave the Deck-D to Deck-C.
Hold up the pantry guard and threaten him with a Socom shot over his head.

Simply walk down and left to leave to the Deck-B level. Ignore the alert.

006Deck-B, crew's quartersWindow, Tough guy

Walk down the stairs and be quick. You want the window guard's attention so he notices you as you walk into his left side corner.
Be sure to not get an alert, or else you have to leave the room and come back to try again.
As the guard is walking left, wait at the corner to hold him up and threaten him with a Socom shot over his head to get his dogtag.
Continue to the Deck-A Crew lounge.

008Deck-A, crew's loungeSmelly Guard
009Deck-A, crew's loungeStairs guard

Walk down the stairs at the left side of the railings to not get spotted.
Hold up the glas guard. While holding him up, you can either lean left of the guard,
or put your weapon down to get to the Socom and shooting the floor or wall behind that guard.
The goal is the get the stinky guard's attention so he starts walking up, saving you time.

After you received the glas guard's dogtag, put him to sleep with the M9 and walk left to meet the stinky guard.
Get the stinky guard's dogtag and then leave south to go to Deck-A Port.

005Deck-A, crew's quarters, PortHallway

Simply follow the path and get to the guard at the end of the right side of the hallway.
Hold up the guard and get the dogtag, then continue right to re-enter Deck-A crew lounge.

007Deck-A, crew's loungeSnoozing Guard, tough guard

Here is why it matters that you put the previous guards to sleep. The snoozing guard is a tough guy, so you need to shoot the socom to get his dogtag. Enter the room and turn left to get the snoozing guard's attention and simply use the Socom and shoot above his head to get his dogtag. Afterwards leave to the engine room to the right.
Note: You can NOT do Prozac Skip to enter the engine room, as you will lose the guard who is fixing the left engine room door and his dogtag.

015Engine RoomFirst downstairs guard
016Engine RoomLight guard
017Engine RoomBinocular guard
018Engine RoomLeft side Rail guard
019Engine RoomRight side Rail guard
020Engine RoomDoor fixer

The longest stretch of getting dogtags.
The first guard is simple to hold up on entering the engine room, bump into him and turn around with auto aim.
Switch to FPV and hold the M9 into his face and he will drop his dogtag.

The next guard is on the level below. Depending on how fast you got the first dogtag, you can either walk south first
down the stairs and run after him, or you have to wait for him to walk past you, so you can sneak up to the guard.
Get his dogtag and walk south over the railing to drop down to the light guard.

This guard either looks left or right, use the radar to be sure to avoid detection, hold him up and get his dogtag.

Follow now the path through the engine room up the left central stairs to meet the binocular guard.
Simply bump into the guard to get between him and the railings to acquire his dogtag.

You have to move fast to meet the cycle of the left railing guard. Hold him up and tranq him after acquiring the dogtag.

Finally, walk up the rest of the engine room and roll into the cutscene trigger to have the door being repaired.
If you're fast, you can shoot out the one engine room bomb sensor and THEN walk back to the now repaired door.
Alternatively you can first go south and get the dogtag from this guard and then take care of the sensors.

012Deck 2, portWalking towards you
013Deck-2, portHeadphone guard
014Deck-2, portSleepy guard

The first guard is your critical guard.
Walk up and watch a video reference to know when to distract the guard.
Either shoot to his side with the M9 so he will be turned.
Alternative you can shoot the guard with the socom twice, then hold him up as you almost walk through him.

After you got this dogtag, walk further up and get to the 2nd guard that listens to his music.
Do a PPK to time yourself, then hold up the music guard and get his dogtag. While he shakes off,
you can get the extra socom ammo to his left.

Alternatively if you're fast, when holding up the first guard and getting his dogtag, you can walk further up,
to trigger the music guard earlier.

After having acquired the 2nd dogtag, you can get the final dogtag from the snoozing guard.
Simply walk up and hold him up, get the dogtag and leave to the right.

Simply follow the path.

020Hold No. 1Guarding high Hold No.2 doorExcluded
021Hold No. 1Projector GuardExcluded

The first dogtag in Holds 1 is requiring you to do some preparation:

  • tranq the first full row of guards
  • also tranq the two guards in the 2nd row starting from right
  • tranq the extra right guard

Perform your preferred method to go down the two ladders.
Walk all around the holds and walk behind the projector screen at the boxes.
Knock to get the guard's attention that has the dogtag. He will walk towards you,
so be ready to hold him up around the corner to get his dogtag.
Once acquired shoot your socom for a continue and to restart back at the top of the stairs.

Fast Holds 1 via Ladder Glitch (all platforms)

For the 2nd guard, you preferably need to use the ladder glitch to move through the Holds 1 faster.
But you can also just hang from the ledge and get to that top right guard at the door that holds your 2nd dogtag.

For performing the ladder glitch for just one level, have the M9 equipped and start the glitch as usual.
By doing a ppk and equipping the camera, then press triangle to get on the ladder.
Afterwards just mash triangle (easy pace) and hold dpad forward. You should be now at the middle level of the ladders.

Now you can perform another ladder glitch, this time just get on the ladder. (ppk + camera + triangle).
This will have Snake hop forward. You can hop with this method to the end of the Holds 1 to meet the door guard.
Make sure the guard is walking left, by waiting for shooting with the M9 to distract him. Technically you are out of bounds.
Once you're inside the little walking stage, the guard can acknowledge you again when you hold him up.

After having held up the guard, turn to the side and shoot the wall, then hop in front of the guard.
Use first person aim to stop in the air, aim with your M9 at the guards head so he drops the dogtag.
Shoot the guard and hop until you grabbed the dogtag, then leave through the door to return back to normal.

With FULL health, hang over the ledge and climb all the way to the end. There is no faster way.

023Hold No. 3High Level Holds 3 GuardExcluded
024Hold No. 3MARINES Logo picture guardExcluded
025Hold No. 34th in first row guardExcluded

You have two options here depending on your game version. Games that run in 16×9 can capture two images of Ray here.
Right side and marine logo. The right side can just be shot at the head of Ray. The marine logo is his left foot.
If playing on a 4×3 resolution version, just take the right side photo and grab the marine logo after getting down at the pipe.

There is a specific angle where on 4×3 resolutions the left leg can work as a Marine logo. But further testing for the reliability is required.

Mainly you can enter first and hold up the guard to get his dogtag, then take the pictures quickly while he shakes off his DT.
Follow the path and glide down the pipe, take the marine logo picture if not already done,
walk south to meet the next guard at the corner that has your second to last dogtag.

After that, grab the last two pictures in the center of the room for the front picture and walk left to get the left side picture.
To get the final dogtag, you have to tranq the first three guards in the first row starting from the left.
Then walk under the stage, lean against the “wall” and knock to get the 4th guard's attention.
Walk back to the left and hide behind the corner until the guard has reached the spot you called him to.
Get his dogtag and then tranq him. Deliver your photos at the PC and finish tanker.

Ideally you finish with the M9 on your previous slot, so you can continue into Plant faster.

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  • adt_tanker_ez.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/15 15:34
  • by hau5test