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Emma Zip, also known as Chelsea Zip, is a glitch that involves zipping Emma out of bounds usually resulting in the game putting her in a better spot when the area is reloaded. It was originally found by the speedrunner Misschelseaz on the 26th of June, 2021.
- Emma can be zipped in any room, including during the Big Shell Evil chapter in Snake Tales. However, not every room is worth zipping Emma in (i.e.: the zip is slower in Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility).
- When Emma is zipped, guards in the area will instantly 'spot' her and try to call in an Alert. This includes cameras and cyphers.
- Confirmed to work on Substance (PC) only.
- No success on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox ports of the HD Edition.
Shell 2 Core, B1
Currently, there is no reason nor setup to zip Emma in this section.
Shell 2 Core, 1F
It is slightly faster to reload the room by exiting to the KL Connecting Bridge than it is to do so from the elevator.
However, on higher difficulties this may not be advised as Alerts carry over.
Bmn's Elevator Setup
- Hold up and right on the D-Pad and then let go of all inputs when Raiden turns right against the wall.
- Go into first person view and then grab Emma.
- Let go of Emma just before she stops moving to the left and immediately hold right on the D-Pad.
- As soon as Raiden starts to press against the wall, let go of right.
- Punch once the moment the bottom part of Emma's pink top is no longer visible.
Some Notes:
- The order of inputs you go into first person view then grab Emma is important otherwise a downwards bump is likely to happen.
- The timing of letting go of Emma is important as it makes a two-bump zip more likely than a three-bump zip.
- The timing of holding right to go against the wall is important as it sets up Raiden's position correctly.
- The timing of the punch is important as it influences how Raiden's standing animation and Emma's left turn interact.
Center Setup
Place Emma at the center of the elevator facing the northern wall then bump into her.
KL Connecting Bridge
On higher difficulties and no Alert runs, this may not be advised as the cypher can cause a transition alert.
Tino's Corner Setup
- Hold down on the directional pad until Raiden is facing the south wall.
- Go into first person view and grab Emma.
- Turn Emma slightly towards the left wall (while in first person view).
- Let go of the first person view button and hold right on the d-pad while doing so.
- After Raiden presses against the wall, let go of right.
- Punch once then hold down on the d-pad to press against the south wall.
- Now slightly bump Emma by letting go of the wall. If she fails to zip, keep slightly bumping her by tapping up on the d-pad.
- Do NOT do Emma Bump in the previous room.
Fast Hand Grab Setup
- Grab Emma's hand for about half a second then let go.
- Go into first person view and chokehold Emma.
- Let go of the chokehold and rotate Raiden (without moving) facing the door.
Some Notes:
- Do NOT do Emma Bump in the previous room.
- This only has one chance of working. Revert to a backup if it doesn't.
Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
While it is possible to zip Emma in this room, it is slower to do so. The reason for this is that the player will have to open the hatch before reloading the area in order for the game to zip Emma into the room.