
This is an old revision of the document!

Q: How many versions of Metal Gear are there?

A: Three. For more detailed info check out this page: MGMSX Regions, Versions and Platforms.

Q: What qualifies for a guard spotting/noticing me?

A: Guards will only notice you if they see Snake’s lower body within their range of vision (waist down).

Q: A bomb I placed disappeared after I used the menu, what gives?

A: Opening the menu removes any placed items from the current game screen.

Q: The floor is opening up under Snake, wtf?!

A: At certain parts through the game, there are several pitfall traps you need to avoid otherwise they will kill you. The detailed guide will tell you how to avoid them.

Q: When do I rank up?

A: Every fifth hostage is one rank.

Q: What good is hitting an enemy once and stunning it?

A: When stunned, enemies can't detect you and you can move through them as if they don't exist.

Q: What alerts are mandatory?

A: (1) The rocket guards atop building 1, (1) roof of building 2, (3) The screen before building 3, (3) first screen of building 3.

Q: What tells you a wall is breakable, even with explosives?

A: When you have Snake punch a wall, if a question mark appears above him the wall is breakable.

Q: What are the requirements for Big Boss rank?


Difficulty: Original
Time: 44:59 max
Saves: Unlimited
Continues: None
Alerts: 0 (Excluding the 8 mandatory alerts)
Human Kills: None
Rations: 1
Special Item: No

Q: How am I supposed to remember that long sequence for the MG fight?

A: See here for a broken down pattern:

1) R R L
2) R L L
3) R L L
4) R R L
5) R L R
6) R

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  • mg_msx_faq.1647096086.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/03/12 14:41
  • by discranola