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MGS:PW - First Ending - New Game - S-Rank

Ammo production is important for the PW2 fight. It's based on R&D level. At lv10 it's +3 LAW/CG/FIM ammo per mission, at 23 it's +6.
you need at least more than +6 to not run out of ammo.

Rockets developed per mission by R&D Level

R&D # of rockets
10 +3
14 +4
17 +5
20 +6
24 +7
27 +8
30 +9
34 +10
  • metal_gear_solid/first_ending_srank_ng.1689073979.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/07/11 11:12
  • by hau5test