Any% (Very) Easy Disc 2
Blast Furnace
- Throw the Stun at the orange shadow before the door
- Nikita is the simplest to use to destroy the crane, line yourself up near the sidle point, fire up. Tactical Reload to destroy precisely
Cargo Elevator
- There are many approaches to the elevator, depending on your weapons and needs
- Remember to go in and out of the room to bring the elevator up quickly
Warehouse (Raven)
- You need at least 7 full explosives and a bullet to defeat Raven, or 8 full explosives.
- If tanking damage, do not spam grenades, you need to time them after standing back up.
Warehouse North
Underground Base (Rex's Lair)
Underground Base 2
Underground Base 3
- Where to answer the third Otacon codec
- If on All Bosses, use the SOCOM to take out the guard
- If on Any%, use skating to silence your footsteps and toss the guard
- On the way back from computer room, go along the left wall, do not silence your foot steps
Drainage Ditch PAL Key (10+ Alerts)
- There are 7 spots the PAL Key (and Bomb) can spawn
- This only happens if you have 10 or more Alerts before entering the room
Rat and Room Temperature (Yellow)
- The rat can hear you shoot regardless of distance, so unequip with R1 to avoid this. For example, the rat is by the turret and you shoot by the stairs.
- Jumping into the ditch will spook the rat, regardless of distance.
Command Room (Computer Room)
- From yellow laptop, go downleft for a moment, upleft until you hit the chair, then hold left.
- For the 2nd card, you can just hold left if you have a gun equipped or no weapon equipped,
then equip when you reach the chair.
- if all you have is chaff, unequip before interacting with the Blue laptop, then equip when you reach the chair.
- Snake's model stance changes with guns, that's why there is a difference.
Low Temperature (Blue)
High Temperature (Red)
- 15 steps forward to manipulate phase 1
Liquid Snake
- Snake does more damage on Easy, making the fight faster.
- Liquid does the least amount of damage on Easy.
- During Phase 2, Liquid will run away on Easy and Normal if you attack with a kick.
Various 2, 1 and 0 throw setups
another bottom left side no throw setup by Tromboncino
Escape Route
- Only pick up the ration in the parking lot!
- Guards deal 40 damage (5%) in the parking lot on EZ, and 42 damage during the driving sequence
- There are two bottlenecks in the Parking Lot sequence. Your ally will not say “Snake, hold on!” until 9:34.60 on the timer. Therefore, your time can be no faster than 9:31.66. Video example here!
- Aim at the corner of the metal for Checkpoint 1
- Aim at the corner of the door to the left after Checkpoint 2 to aim for the left guard
- Guards take 4 shots each on EZ
Liquid Jeep
- Liquid Jeep - 16
- Phase 1 (Swerve 1) - 3
- Phase 2 (Tunnel Bumper) - (2 transition) 2
- Phase 3 (Swerve 2) - 2
- Phase 4 (Columns) - (2 transition) 3
- Phase 5 (Side by Side) - 2 [7 total for phase 4 and 5]