
This is an old revision of the document!

This 2022 route update builds upon the original 2019 route, linked below for reference purposes.

Due to the two distinct routes, one emphasizing safety and the other emphasizing speed, the page will branch out at Terminal.

While the same applies to NG runs, using card counting will help you in NG+ runs. Because all decks are planned and cookie-cutter, you can have a general sense how your cards will play out based on your first 2 full hands (12 cards). For example, if you are flooded with all 4 Extra Turns in your first hand, you know that the rest of the deck will not have any.

2019 First Route Reference Page

This section explains the logic behind speedrunning the Acid games and approach.

Unlike some RPGs where turn order is determined by a speed statistic, Acid uses “cost” to determine turn order. Every card has a cost value, ranging from 0 to 30, and every action has some cost associated with it (discarding cards is 6 cost, doing nothing is 4 cost, punching is 4 cost).

In addition, playable characters will always go first when a stage begins. This means we can avoid enemy characters from performing a turn if our deck is designed well.

There are 2 methods of prohibiting enemies from acting: either keep your cost below theirs, or use Extra Turn cards to continue your actions indefinitely.

Reducing cost has its perks. If one character reduces cost to 0 in their initial turn, all enemies receive 4 cost. This occurs as long as the enemies do not spot you or an alert occurs. Reducing cost is a safe way to play the game.

There are 2 big problems with cost reduction: most of those cards cannot be used for movement, and animation.

For the former, any cards that purely reduce cost can only do that. Therefore if you get flooded with cost reducers, you cannot move. This is why a card like ADA+ is so valuable, as it both reduces cost and can be used as movement in a pinch.

For the later, any time you reduce cost, a small animation plays that takes ~3.7 seconds. Reducing 15 cost takes ~3.8 seconds. Reducing 20 cost takes ~4.1 seconds. In Acid1, cost reduction occurs immediately (aside from any special effect time loss), making cost reducers very powerful.

Alternatively, we chain together turns with Extra Turn and Extra Turn+. With a total of 4 cards in a 30 card deck, in theory we can sustain the playable character's actions indefinitely in combination with mulligan cards. However, if the deck has no cost reduction and cannot continue the chain due to error or bad card draw/deck shuffle, the amount of cost may be so high it forces a stage reset.

Deck Management

Due to randomness from what cards drop during gameplay, the library used by the runner will vary to some degree between runs. Unless you are pulling cards that are static within a library, such as cards at the end or beginning of a list, you can't totally plan the inputs. Smart use of the Category and Cost tabs allow you to grab specific types of cards without searching through the ID tab.

Your goal in changing deck should be to minimize changes as much as possible, especially if changes occur outside of the “In Deck” tab.

In general, devise your deck to the minimum card amount of 30. The less filler in your deck, the more quickly you can rotate through high value cards. While every card in a deck should be useful, some are categorized as 'useful but not essential.' These are the cards that should be first on the chopping block.

This is the 8th of 9 attempted manipulated deck setups for NG+. The strategy is to minimize enemy actions, maximize Snake's turn, and keep card additions/removals as lean as possible. Because card draw becomes random after the first boss, this can only be maintained until then. As currently tested, RNG manipulation past that point is the realm of multisegment or tool-assisted speedruns. The deck runs a lean Cost Reduction (3 Ingrams, 1 ADA) deck, however an infinite turn style deck may be theoretically better due to reducing card changes after Harab Serap.

This strategy prioritizes safe movement through the stages while still being able to run multiple turns in a row. By including a few cost reduction cards (1/5 of deck), the player can keep cost low while moving along. The use of ADA+ makes movement cheap, particularly great at the end of a high action turn when ADA+'s cost is low. In the situation that your turn ends early with this deck, your cost should be low enough that it won't bleed a massive amount of time.

If you are maintaining a 0 cost but do not extra turn, you will switch between the characters. This is most likely in Prototype Factory.


  1. Jonathan Ingram/Ingram+
  2. ADA+
  3. Extra Turn
  4. Action++/Double Action

This strategy is similar to the Infinite Turn Strategy used in the first Ac!d game, but includes movement cards. With the introduction of upgraded cards, linkage cards, and the Mr. Sigint card, the ability to maintain the player's turns can be substantially improved. It completely cuts cost reduction and minimizes movement cards. This strategy allows the player to continually prioritize Snake's and Venus's turns over the guards, effectively giving them “infinite turns.” However, it is not foolproof as the card draw can screw you, leaving you with a high built cost and effectively ruining the stage. The characters' turns are maintained by prioritizing cards in a certain order - using Extra Turn/Extra Turn+ (at the very least), Action++ (Snake only), and Double Action. Action+ Linkage/Action+ Linkage+ are automatically played upon drawing with 0 cost and will increase the rest of the player by one. Use Mr. Sigint as early as possible (as long as Rest is plentiful) to enable 3 card drawing. Use Johnny Sasaki/Johnny Sasaki+, Olga Gurlukovich/ or Briefing/Briefing+ if you are low on cards in your hand or if you need better cards.


  1. Extra Turn/Extra Turn+
  2. Double Action/Action++
  3. Mr. Sigint

Similar to the movement Infinite move strategy above, but movement cards are removed and replaced with weapon and cost adding cards. Double Action:Cost+ is always included to build cost for Dragon cards. Arsenal Gear cards can be used to accrue cost, move or deal damage to Golab. FIM stingers are added for the Metal Gear fights. Mr. Sigint is removed to keep the deck lean, as card draw should be avoided.


  1. Double Action:Cost+/Double Action
  2. Action++
  3. Extra Turn/Extra Turn+

Sentences that are bold and italic indicate a cutscene that will interrupt Snake’s/Venus’s movement.

To reduce clutter, Venus's deck will only be shown for the stages she is playable.

If Snake and Venus are at least 5 blocks away from all guards or in another room with the doors closed, guards will not receive a turn unless the game is currently in the Alert phase.

If Snake and Venus both incur cost and then reduce to zero on their first turns of a stage, all guards that are 5 blocks or more away from each character will receive 4 cost.

If a guard spots Snake or Venus and then moves in the same turn or on their next turn, all other guards will receive +4 cost.

If Snake or Venus accumulate 1028 cost or more, the game will softlock.

Even with Quick Mode (Always) enabled in options, the game will speed up if you press triangle after Snake's or Venus's turn.


Card Number Name Number of Cards
062 Action++ 1
068 Double Action 1
157 Running Man 2
168 Jonathan Ingram 1
175 Ocelot Unit 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
291 Jack 1
306 Chaff Grenade+ 2
355 Briefing+ 2
412 Genome Solider+ 4
428 Solid Snake MGS2+ 1
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
441 Running Man+ 2
452 Jonathan Ingram+ 2
457 ADA+ 1
459 Ocelot Unit+ 2
526 Action+ Linkage+ 2


Card Number Name Number of Cards
060 Briefing 1
068 Double Action 3
073 Extra Turn 2
148 Johnny Sasaki 2
157 Running Man 2
168 Jonathan Ingram 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
355 Briefing+ 2
364 Extra Turn+ 2
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
441 Running Man+ 2
452 Jonathan Ingram+ 2
457 ADA+ 2
459 Ocelot Unit+ 2
526 Action+ Linkage+ 2
565 FIM-92A 4


Card Number Name Number of Cards
060 Briefing 2
068 Double Action 3
073 Extra Turn 2
148 Johnny Sasaki 2
157 Running Man 2
188 Mr. Sigint 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
355 Briefing+ 2
364 Extra Turn+ 2
412 Genome Solider+ 1
433 Olga Gurlukovich+ 2
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
441 Running Man+ 2
459 Ocelot Unit+ 2
526 Action+ Linkage+ 2
565 FIM-92A 4

If you need a reference to just deck changes for each stage, check out the following links:

MGA2 Deck Change Reference Safe

MGA2 Deck Change Reference Risky

Tutorial 1

Advance to the goal.

Tutorial 2

Advance to the goal by running behind the guard.

Tutorial 3

With one GRU card, move North 3 blocks and enter crawl mode. On the next Rest, move North through the vent, stand again once Snake is through it, and advance to the goal.

Tutorial 4

Move 2 blocks North, press Snake against either the left or right wall and knock, then move towards the goal on the opposite side from which wall you knocked on. After the guard has moved around the other side, advance to the goal.

Tutorial 5

Immediately use a M1911a1 card one input right/left to kill the guard.

Tutorial 6

Use a GRU card to move up the ladder and then one block East, end turn. Mash O to equip the M4 and then use the M4 to kill the guard.

Post Tutorial

After holding triangle for the dialog, mash X to skip the Commercials


Hold triangle to skip dialog until the image appears, then mash start or square. Do this for both Consuela and Dalton.

Mash X and then start or square to skip the title cutscene and Harbor cutscene.

INITIAL HAND Solid Snake MGS2+, Jonathan Ingram, Ocelut Unity, Action+ Linkage+x2, ADA+

1. ADA+ use (CARD 4), move with Solid Snake MGS2+ (CARD 1), move with Ocelot Unit (CARD 3) down the stairs, end turn.

2. Equip Jack (CARD 2), move with Running Man (CARD 3) towards door, end turn.

3. Move with Genome Soldier+ (CARD 3) to terminal, skip cutscene, then Ocelot Unit (CARD 2) out the door to the north at the red barrels, end turn.

4. Move with Running Man (CARD 3) to middle of yellow crate, end turn.

5. Move with Running Man (CARD 3), skip cutscene, MISSION COMPLETE.


Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

INITIAL HAND Running Man+, Jonathan Ingram+, Jack, ADA+, Chaff Grenade+, Action+Linkage

1. Move up with Chaff Grenade+ (CARD 5), use ADA+ (CARD 4), end turn.

2. Move to Terminal around the East with Running Man+ (CARD 1), move to stairs with Ocelot Unit (CARD 5), end turn.

3. Move up stairs with Double Action (CARD 3), move along southern/northern wall with Ocelot Unit (CARD 4), end turn.

4. This turn has two variants - equip Jack (CARD 2), equip Solid Snake MGS2+ (CARD 4), use Sasaki+ (CARD 3) OR equip Solid Snake MGS2+ (CARD 4), equip Jack (CARD 2), use Sasaki+ (CARD 3). Move with regular Running Man (CARD 2) to terminal, end turn.

5. Move to guard with Running Man+ (CARD 3), KO, run along top edge, use Sasaki+ (CARD 5), end turn.

6. Use Action++ (CARD 6), move with Genome Soldier+ (CARD 5) off the rail to left, move to terminal with Ocelot Unit (CARD 4), skip cutscene, move with Briefing+ (CARD 1), MISSION COMPLETE.

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.


Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

INITIAL HAND Ocelot Unit, Genome Solider+, Ocelot Unit, Action+ Linkage, Chaff Grenade+, Action+Linkage

1. Move with Ocelot Unit (CARD 1), Genome Soldier+ (CARD 2), and Chaff Grenade+ (CARD 4) along the bottom to the top of the stairs, end turn.

2. Equip Jack (CARD 3), move with Ocelot Unit (CARD 1) as close as possible to the guard, end turn.

3. End turn by continuing to hold triangle.

4. Move with Running Man+ (CARD 1), use Double Action (CARD 2), Running Man+ (CARD 3) to the laser sensor, use Ingram (CARD 4), end turn. All actions can be mashed.

5. Move with both Genome Soldier+ (CARDS 1, 3), to the left and up towards the terminal, MISSION COMPLETE.

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.

ADD x2 [156] Metal Gear
ADD x2 [440] Metal Gear+


Card Number Name Number of Cards
062 Action++ 1
068 Double Action 1
157 Running Man 2
156 Metal Gear 2
168 Jonathan Ingram 1
175 Ocelot Unit 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
291 Jack 1
306 Chaff Grenade+ 2
355 Briefing+ 2
412 Genome Solider+ 4
428 Solid Snake MGS2+ 1
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
440 Metal Gear+ 2
441 Running Man+ 2
452 Jonathan Ingram+ 2
457 ADA+ 1
459 Ocelot Unit+ 2
526 Action+ Linkage+ 2

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

INITIAL HAND Running Man+, Johnny Sasaki+, Metal Gear+, Genome Soldier+, Jack, Metal Gear

1. Use Metal Gear (CARD 6), then Metal Gear+ (CARD 3), MISSION COMPLETE.

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.

In Deck Tab:
REMOVE ALL Metal Gear+
Inputs: 2 inputs down, 2 inputs right, L or R, 4 inputs down, 2 inputs right, O O, X, Up, O, Up O O.
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30

Card Number Name Number of Cards
062 Action++ 1
068 Double Action 1
157 Running Man 2
168 Jonathan Ingram 1
175 Ocelot Unit 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
291 Jack 1
306 Chaff Grenade+ 2
355 Briefing+ 2
412 Genome Solider+ 4
428 Solid Snake MGS2+ 1
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
441 Running Man+ 2
452 Jonathan Ingram+ 2
457 ADA+ 1
459 Ocelot Unit+ 2
526 Action+ Linkage+ 2

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

INITIAL HAND Action++, Ocelot Unit, Jack, Chaff Grenade+, Action+Linkage, Johnny Sasaki+

1. Use Action++ (CARD 1), Equip Jack (CARD 3), Move with Ocelot Unit (CARD 2), Use Sasaki+ (CARD 5), Move with Running Man+ (CARD 2) and Ocelot Unit (CARD 3) to Objective Marker, skip cutscene, end turn.

2. Move with Running Man (CARD 2), Use Double Action (CARD 3), Move with both Genome Soldier+ (CARDS 4, 5) along the wall to avoid sentry, Use Sasaki+ (CARD 1), Move with Solid Snake MGS2+ (CARD 1), Running Man (CARD 3) and Genome Soldier+ (CARD 5) to the Vent, end turn.

3. Move with Genome Soldier+ (CARD 5) through vent, move with Running Man (CARD 4) into Door, skip both cutscenes, MISSION COMPLETE.


Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

INITIAL HAND Ocelot Unit+, Johnny Sasaki+ Genome Soldier+, Action+Linkage, Action++, Chaff Grenade+

1. Move with Ocelot Unit+ (CARD 1) to Corner, Use Chaff Grenade+ (CARD 6), Use Action++ (CARD 5), end turn.

2. Use Double Action (CARD 3), Move with Genome Soldier+ (CARD 2) into vent, Use Sasaki+ (CARD 1), Move with Genome Soldier+ (CARD 2), Solid Snake MGS2+ (CARD 3), Genome Soldier+ (CARD 4), Ocelot Unit+ (CARD 5), ADA+ (CARD 6) to the bottom right of the lower sentry bot.

3. Equip Jack (CARD 3), Use Briefing (CARD 1), Move with Running Men (CARD 2, 3) to the east ramp, End turn.

4. Move with Ocelot Unit (CARD 2) and Running Man (CARD 3), Use Sasaki/Briefing (CARD 4 OR 1), Mash for Running Man (CARD 1), then move with Ocelot Unit (CARD 3) to door, MISSION COMPLETE.

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.

In Deck Tab:
ADD x1 Solid Snake (MGS2)+
Inputs: R, 3 Inputs Down, 1 Input Left, O O
ID Tab:
ADD x1 [130] Cyborg Ninja
Inputs: R, U/D, O O
Deck Size: 32

Card Number Name Number of Cards
062 Action++ 1
068 Double Action 1
130 Cyborg Ninja 1
157 Running Man 2
168 J. Ingram 1
175 Ocelot Unit 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
291 Jack 1
306 Chaff Grenade+ 2
355 Briefing+ 2
412 Genome Solider+ 4
428 Solid Snake MGS2+ 2
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
441 Running Man+ 2
452 J. Ingram+ 2
457 ADA+ 1
459 Ocelot Unit+ 2
526 Action+ Linkage+ 2

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

INITIAL HAND ADA+, Chaff Grenade+, Running Man+, Jonathan Ingram, Solid Snake MGS2+, Jack

1. Use Chaff Grenade+ and mash up to throw in front of the guard1) (CARD 2), equip Solid Snake MGS2+ (CARD 5), end turn.

2. Move with Running Man+ (CARD 2) to cubicle, skip cutscene, use Ocelot Unit (CARD 5) to enter room, end turn.

3. Use ADA+ (CARD 1) and equip Jack (CARD 3), end turn.

4. Move with Chaff Grenade+ (CARD 5) into room, skip cutscene, move with Genome Soldier+ (CARD 4) along right wall ending at nearest cubicle to stair guard, end turn.

5. Move with Ocelot Unit+ (CARD 6) to marker, move along top wall with Ocelot Unit (CARD 5), end turn.

6. Move with Genome Soldier+ (CARD 2) past guard, use Sasaki+ (CARD 3), move with Ocelot Unit+ (CARD 3), mash Cyborg Ninja (CARD 1), end turn.

7. Move with Genome Soldier+ (CARD 1), Move with Running Man (CARD 2), punch guard, run to door, skip cutscene, MISSION COMPLETE.

Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.

In Deck Tab:
REMOVE x1 [428] Solid Snake MGS2+
Inputs: R, 3 Inputs Down, 1 Input Right, O O
ADD x4 [485] M1A2
ADD x1 [481] Arsenal Gear+
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 36

Card Number Name Number of Cards
062 Action++ 1
068 Double Action 1
130 Cyborg Ninja 1
157 Running Man 2
168 J. Ingram 1
175 Ocelot Unit 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
291 Jack 1
306 Chaff Grenade+ 2
355 Briefing+ 2
412 Genome Solider+ 4
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
441 Running Man+ 2
452 J. Ingram+ 2
457 ADA+ 1
459 Ocelot Unit+ 2
481 Arsenal Gear+ 1
485 M1A2 4
526 Action+ Linkage+ 2


Boss HP Per Difficulty:
Easy: 800
Normal: 1000

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

INITIAL HAND Jonathan Ingram+, Running Man+, Cyborg Ninja, Action+Linkage, Johnny Sasaki+x2

1. Move with Running Man+ (CARD 2) to bottom right of Harab Serap, use Sasaki+ (CARD 4), use Action++ (CARD 6), use Arsenal Gear+ (CARD 5), use M1A2 (CARD 2), MISSION COMPLETE.

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

In Deck Tab:
ADD x1 Action++
ADD x2 Double Action
REMOVE ALL Cyborg Ninja
REMOVE ALL Running Man
REMOVE ALL Jonathan Ingram
REMOVE ALL Ocelot Unit
REMOVE ALL Chaff Grenade+
REMOVE ALL Genome Soldier+
REMOVE ALL Solid Snake (MGS2)+
REMOVE ALL Running Man+
REMOVE ALL Jonathan Ingram+
REMOVE ALL Ocelot Unit+
ADD x1 Arsenal Gear+
Inputs: left, down, 2 inputs left, down, right, down, 2 inputs right,
down, right, down, 2 inputs right, 2 inputs down, right,
down, 2 inputs right, L or R, 4 inputs right, down, right, 2 inputs down, 2 inputs right,
down, 2 inputs right, down, right, down, 2 inputs right,
down, left, down, 4 inputs right, triangle, up, 4 inputs right, O O

ID Tab:
ADD x3 [066] Double Action:Cost+
ADD x2 [073] Extra Turn
ADD x2 [147] Olga Gurlukovich
ADD x2 [148] Johnny Sasaki
ADD x2 [199] Arsenal Gear
ADD x2 [254] M47 Dragon
ADD x2 [364] Extra Turn+
ADD x2 [535] Super Dragon
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 32

Card Number Name Number of Cards
062 Action++ 2
066 Double Action:Cost+ 3
068 Double Action 3
073 Extra Turn 2
147 Olga Gurlukovich 2
148 Johnny Sasaki 2
199 Arsenal Gear 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
254 M47 Dragon 2
355 Briefing+ 2
364 Extra Turn+ 2
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
481 Arsenal Gear+ 2
526 Action+Linkage+ 2
535 Super Dragon 2


Whichever deck you chose at the start, minus the x4 FIM-92A

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

Immediately end Snake's turn; only Venus is used for this stage.

Move Venus through the door to the Southwest. If you stop your turn, the guard in the west room will move out of the way. You can punch the guard if you are not guaranteed to get around the longer way, even though the longer way is faster than spending the time punching the guard. Climb the ramp to the objective, skip the cutscene, MISSION COMPLETE


Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

The Infinite Turn Deck Strategy (Snake Fighting) is utilized for this stage. Prioritize the Double Action:Cost+ at the start of any turn to maximize your cost accumulation. Defeat Vince by building Snake's cost and then using an M47 Dragon or Super Dragon card on him. The barrel explosion does 96 damage to Vince, meaning you do not need as much cost as his HP would imply.

When firing, do 1 INPUT LEFT to target barrel causing an additional 200+ damage to occur. If you need to fire again, do 1 INPUT LEFT to target Vince. Refer to the table below.


Boss HP M47 Dragon Super Dragon
Easy: 1000 ≥80 Cost Needed ≥54 Cost Needed
Normal: 1200 ≥100 Cost Needed ≥67 Cost Needed

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.

In Deck Tab:
REMOVE ALL Super Dragon
REMOVE ALL Arsenal Gear
ADD x2 [182] Shagohod
ADD x2 [465] Shagohod+
REMOVE ALL Arsenal Gear+
Inputs: up, 2 inputs right, O O, 2 Inputs Right, 3 Inputs Up, 2 Inputs Right, Up, 2 Inputs Left, Up, 2 Inputs Left, Up, 2 Inputs Right, O O, X, Up, O O
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30

Card Number Name Number of Cards
062 Action++ 2
066 Double Action:Cost+ 3
068 Double Action 3
073 Extra Turn 2
147 Olga Gurlukovich 2
148 Johnny Sasaki 2
182 Shagohod 2
245 Action+ Linkage 2
254 M47 Dragon 2
355 Briefing+ 2
364 Extra Turn+ 2
434 Johnny Sasaki+ 2
465 Shagohod+ 2
526 Action+Linkage+ 2

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.

Immediately end Snake's turn unless you need to mulligan; Only Venus needs to move for the first part of this stage. Move her through the door to the East. Crawl through the vent to the Southeast of the room, enter stand mode, run South 4 blocks, and enter the pink room through the western door. Mash start to skip the cutscene.

After the cutscene, Snake will be moved into the room. End Venus's turn and utilize the Infinite Deck Strategy with Snake to defeat the 14 Sukiyaki-Box robots. Move Snake down the ladder, then 2 blocks East, and 2 block South so that he has a Sukiyaki Box adjacent to the East, and a “server block” to the South. Use a Shagohod or Shagohod+ card to defeat all enemies. MISSION COMPLETE.

Mash start or square to skip the cutscene.


This stage is just cutscenes. Mash start or square to skip the cutscenes.

At this point, the route splits based on your risk tolerance.

Lean Cost Reduction Deck Strategy (Safe Movement)

Infinite Turn Deck Strategy (Risky Movement)

It is ~0.5-1 second faster to reduce the guard's movement versus tossing it in front of Snake
  • acid2ngplus.1658235093.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/07/19 12:51
  • by plywood