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Tengu 2 is the third and final guard fight of the game. Depending on difficulty, the player will fight anywhere between 48 to 128 tengus in total. Tengus can be defeated lethally or non-lethally.

General Information:

DifficultyNumber of kills necessary to end the fight
Very Easy 48
Easy 48
Normal 64
Hard 96
Extreme 128
European Extreme 128

Defeating The Guards

Only use these strategies for Very Easy, Easy, and Normal. If playing on Hard, Extreme, or European Extreme, use on the skips instead.

Beswick Position:

Standard Position:

* This strategy should be avoided on PS2 and PS3 because of the stinger lag [NEEDS TO BE CHECKED]

Lazy Method:

Coolant Skip

Standard Setup

Note: If you have a turbo controller, you can turbo square instead of having to stop spraying every few seconds.

Substance / HD Edition Setup

The steps are the same as the usual Sons of Liberty Coolant Skip but with two small changes to make it work on Substance and the HD Edition.

Note: If you have a turbo controller, you can turbo square instead of having to stop spraying every few seconds.

Choke Skip

First shown by K'Will in 2013. According to him, he found it back in 2004.

Only use these strategies for Hard, Extreme, and European Extreme. For lower difficulties, use other methods.

Choke Order meaning:

Standard Setup:

Safe Setup:

This setup is very safe, but considerably slower than other methods.

Hard Safe Setup:

This setup is for the difficulty Hard. The timing is less lenient on this difficulty.

NoPunch-5-10-2 Setup:

Stun Skip

Found by PlatonicGuy in 2022.

Not useful for a run compared to the other methods, but still technically possible.

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