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metal_gear_solid:portable_ops_plus [2022/05/18 10:02] MarlonH8metal_gear_solid:portable_ops_plus [2022/09/07 09:04] (current) – [Information] MarlonH8
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 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ released in 2007 exclusively to Playstation Portable, later to the PlayStation Store. It is a separate expansion pack to the original [[metal_gear_solid:portable_ops|Portable Ops]]. The main draws of MPO+ were its online multiplayer additions that built upon MPO's original framework to deliver additional modes, maps & more until the servers were shut down in 2012. Nowadays, people play MPO+ for its Infinity Mission, which works as a kind of "Metal Gear Randomizer". This mode's main objective is simple: Get to the exit... while playing through a random set of up to 20 maps from MPO's main game with randomized item, guard, spawn & exit point placements. Weapons and equipment OSP! Occasionally, the player will need to do special missions before moving on, including objectives such as 'Take out all Stealth camo-equipped guards!' or 'Survive an alert phase!'. MPO+ allows you to build and customize squads with characters & units across the complete series timeline ranging from MGS3's Ocelot and his unit all the way up to Raiden & Old Snake. The game also features Training Missions and a Boss Rush mode with greatly increased difficulty compared to the original MPO! Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ released in 2007 exclusively to Playstation Portable, later to the PlayStation Store. It is a separate expansion pack to the original [[metal_gear_solid:portable_ops|Portable Ops]]. The main draws of MPO+ were its online multiplayer additions that built upon MPO's original framework to deliver additional modes, maps & more until the servers were shut down in 2012. Nowadays, people play MPO+ for its Infinity Mission, which works as a kind of "Metal Gear Randomizer". This mode's main objective is simple: Get to the exit... while playing through a random set of up to 20 maps from MPO's main game with randomized item, guard, spawn & exit point placements. Weapons and equipment OSP! Occasionally, the player will need to do special missions before moving on, including objectives such as 'Take out all Stealth camo-equipped guards!' or 'Survive an alert phase!'. MPO+ allows you to build and customize squads with characters & units across the complete series timeline ranging from MGS3's Ocelot and his unit all the way up to Raiden & Old Snake. The game also features Training Missions and a Boss Rush mode with greatly increased difficulty compared to the original MPO!
-[[MPO+ Maps|MPO+ Map Spawns Exits]]+^Category^Difficulty^Description^Resource^ 
 +|Infinity Mission|Normal/Hard/Extreme|Complete the Infinity Mission as fast as possible|[[mpop_im_any|Guide Tips]]
 +|Infinity Mission - Rush!|Easy|Complete the Infinity Mission as fast as possible on the Easy difficulty|[[mpop_im_easy_rush|Todo]]| 
 +|Infinity Mission - Recruit!|Easy|Complete the Infinity Mission as fast as possible on the Easy difficulty - while recruiting all 6 soldiers|[[mpop_im_easy_recruit|Todo]]| 
 +|Infinity Mission - Raid!|Easy|Complete the Infinity Mission as fast as possible on the Easy difficulty - while recruiting all 6 soldiers and collecting all 41 items|[[mpop_im_easy_raidf|Todo]]|
-[[MPO+ Map Check Guide]]+====Information==== 
 +[[MPOP_Maps|MPO+ Map Spawns & Exits]] 
 +[[MPOP_Info_Dump|MPO+ Info Dump]]
 [[|MPO+ SpeedNotes by MarlonH8]] [[|MPO+ SpeedNotes by MarlonH8]]
-[[| MPO+ Entry in The Cutting Room Floor]]+[[|MarlonH8's "MPO & MPO+ strats & shenanigans" playlist with 300+ clips]] 
 +[[| MPO+ entry in The Cutting Room Floor]] 
 +[[MPOP Map Check Guide|MPO+ Map Check Guide by Pythonicus]]
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 [[:metal_gear_series|Return to Metal Gear Games]] [[:metal_gear_series|Return to Metal Gear Games]]
  • metal_gear_solid/portable_ops_plus.1652868150.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/18 10:02
  • by MarlonH8