A Wrongdoing has seven possible endings:

  1. [Good Ending] Beat Fatman lethally, meet Jennifer, and diffuse the bomb in the Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall.
  2. [Good Ending] Beat Fatman non-lethally, meet Jennifer, and diffuse the bomb in the Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall.
  3. Beat Fatman lethally and meet Jennifer, but do not diffuse the bomb in the Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall.
  4. Beat Fatman non-lethally and meet Jennifer, but do not diffuse the bomb in the Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall.
  5. [Bad Ending] Beat Fatman lethally and do not meet Jennifer nor diffuse the bomb in the Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall.
  6. [Bad Ending] Beat Fatman non-lethally and do not meet Jennifer nor diffuse the bomb in the Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall.
  7. [Retirement Ending] Go back into the elevator on Strut A Roof.

Note: Beating Fatman lethally is faster for the final set of scripts, but is a net timeloss as the fight itself is slower than non-lethally if done optimally.

The language of the captions affects how many pages the player has to skip during the run. The less pages, the faster it is. For A Wrondoing (tested on Substance), the order of languages from least pages to most is as follows:

  1. Japanese
  2. French, Italian
  3. Spanish
  4. English, German

Note: Korean needs to be tested.

The following tables are the amount of pages to skip for all endings in A Wrongdoing:

Bad Ending:

Strut A Roof 6 5 6 5 4 6
Strut F Warehouse 111011108 11
Strut E Heliport #1 5 4 5 4 4 4
Strut E Heliport #2 (Lethal Fatman) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Strut E Heliport #2 (Non-Lethal Fatman)6 5 6 5 5 5
Total (Lethal Fatman) 252225222024
Total (Non-Lethal Fatman) 282428242226

Good Ending:

Strut A Roof 6 5 6 5 4 6
Strut F Warehouse 111011108 11
Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall #1 5 4 5 4 4
Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall #2 8 8 9 8 9
Shell 1 Core, 1F 2 2 2 2 2
Strut E Heliport #1 4 3 3 3 3
Strut E Heliport #2 (Lethal Fatman) 9 9 109 9
Strut E Heliport #2 (Non-Lethal Fatman)
Total (Lethal Fatman) 45414641 44
Total (Non-Lethal Fatman)

Retirement Ending:

Strut A Roof #1 6 5 6 5 4 6
Strut A Roof #2 2 2 2 2 2
Total 8 7 8 7 8

Bad Ending

A Wrong Doing is the shortest Snake Tale, by virtue of the fact you can choose whether or not to rescue the hostages in the Shell 1 Core. The speedrun route genreally does not rescue them, however you are free to do so.

All Snake Tales can be done NG (New Game) or NG+ (New Game Plus). The main difference between either choice is the added M9 to Snakes inventory from the offset. Making a no alerts, no kills run easier and faster to accomplish, due to the fact you don't need to route in an M9 pickup. For A Wrong Doing fighting Fatman Non Lethally (NL) is faster if you can pull off 3 headshots when he's down, demonstrated in the video. [add video]

The basic route is fairly straightforward, from the Strut A roof, head right into Strut A. Go down the stairs and stick right, through the door to the FA Connecting bridge.

From there head down the stairs, rolling on the last set somewhere in the middle. Go straight, turn into the right and ascend the next set of stairs, rolling as the guard sees you will “damage boost” Snake saving a second or so. The guard will run into the door way leading to Strut F to call for backup, either bump into him or Punch him to stop the call long enough to enter Strut F.

From Strut F head north and left. Go by the guards left side, he shouldn't see you here. Head straight ahead to meet with Ames. Skipping the text again by holding Triangle and right on the DPAD. Head towards the EF connecting bridge.

Unlike the Plant Chapter, the EF Bridge does not have claymore mine's to worry about. However there are still cyphers and a guard overlooking the bridge with binoculars. The fastest route is to run directly down the centre of the bridge, shooting the cyphers in 3rd Person, by holding L1 to run and run. If you have trouble with this, using FPV is fine also.

Strut A Roof:

  • The basic route is fairly straightforward, from the Strut A roof, head right into Strut A Pump Room. Unequip the M9 to prepare for Stair Glides.

Strut A Pump Room:

  • Go down the stairs and stick right, through the door to the FA Connecting bridge.

FA Connecting Bridge:

  • Take the stairs down to avoid the cyphers then go back up again from the other side. Use Stair Glides as much as possible.
  • The guard will shoot you and run away to call for backup. Fire two M9 shots in third-person and he should fall asleep before the alert goes off.
  • Roll into the door to save a bit of time as well.

Strut F Warehouse:

  • Go by the guards left side, he shouldn't see you here. Head straight ahead to meet with Ames.
  • If you plan on using the M9 in the coming rooms, keep it equipped before meeting Ames so that it remains on previous.

EF Connecting Bridge:

  • Unlike the Plant Chapter, the EF Connecting Bridge does not have claymore mines to worry about. However there are still cyphers overlooking the bridge. There are a couple of ways to go through this room, either avoiding the cypher's vision or destroying it. This depends on whether you plan to equip the USP.
  • M9 Route: Don't menu any weapon other than the M9 that is on your previous from the prior room. When you reach to the end of the northern part of the EF Connecting Bridge, roll to avoid being spotted by the Cypher.
  • USP Route: From NONE, menu the USP (this is to maximize stair glides later on). Take out the northern cypher in either third person or first person (see video below).

Strut E Parcel Room:

  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span> Head to the right and up the staircase to get to the Heliport. A camera will spot Snake on the way causing an Alert. Before the Alert kicks in, hold up the guard blocking your path and make your way to the end of the room. Depending on your menus, you should have NONE on your previous, use this to stair glide. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span> If you picked up an alert on the EF Connecting Bridge, equip the USP. In third-person, shoot the first guard twice and bump into him. As you approach the stairs, shoot the other guard in third-person and roll into him. Snake will most likely get shot by the final guard. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Perfect Stats:</span><br></html>

Strut E Heliport:

  • Depending on your menus, you should have NONE on your previous, use this to stair glide.
  • When you approach over two-thirds up the final staircase, roll and crash into the stairs while equipping the coolant at the same time for better menu-ing later on.

Boss Fight: Fatman

Good Ending

Everything until the first visit to EF Connecting Bridge is the same as the Bad Ending.

EF Connecting Bridge:

  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span><br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Perfect Stats:</span><br></html>

Shell 1 Core, 1F:

  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span> You should have picked up an Alert from the previous room. At this point, roll up the stairs and have the guard shoot you to cancel the roll animation. When you gain control of Snake, kill the guard with 3 third-person USP shots. After that, pick up the D-Mic from the locker room and head towards the elevator from the left-hand side of the room to avoid the Assault Team Unit. There will be a final guard to deal with. Delay killing him as much as possible (be careful, a guard spotting you in Evasion Mode is an instant Alert) to avoid having Snake walk slowly over his dead body. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Perfect Stats:</span><br></html>
  • The D-Mic is located in the locker room. It is inside the 2nd left-most locker from the south.

Shell 1 Core, B1:

  • Head to the hall. Unlike the main game, you do NOT have to use the Retinal Scanner and the door in unlocked.

Shell 1 Core, B1 Hall:

  • Similar to the main game, the player needs to use the D-Mic to call out at a specific hostage. In Snake Tales, that hostage is Jennifer. Jennifer's position is random and there are two other hostages who look similar to her.

Shell 1 Core, B1:

  • Head to the elevator and take it down to the computer room.

Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room:

  • In this room, diffuse the bomb in the computer room then leave back to the elevator and head to the first floor. There's a couple of ways to do this:
  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span> A risky strat involves causing an Alert to have the assault team unit keep the elevator open while the player goes and diffuses the bomb. This removes the RNG involving opening an elevator. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Perfect Stats:</span><br></html>

Shell 1 Core, 1F:

EF Connecting Bridge:

Strut E Parcel Room:

  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any%:</span> Head to the right and up the staircase to get to the Heliport. A camera will spot Snake on the way causing an Alert. Before the Alert kicks in, hold up the guard blocking your path and make your way to the end of the room. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Perfect Stats:</span><br></html>

Strut E Heliport:

  • When you approach over two-thirds up the final staircase, roll and crash into the stairs while equipping the coolant at the same time for better menu-ing later on.

Boss Fight: Fatman

Retirement Ending

Strut A Roof:

  • From the start, roll back into the elevator and that's it!
  • Make sure you play on the optimal language depending on your platform.

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  • mgs2_a_wrongdoing.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/06/07 14:12
  • by PlatonicGuy