Tengu 1 is the second guard fight of the game. Depending on difficulty, the player will fight anywhere between 48 to 128 tengus in total (in runs, this fight is skipped). Tengus can be defeated lethally or non-lethally.

General Information:

  • On the lower difficulties, it is recommended to pick up AK-74u ammo earlier in the run to be used here.
    • Note: On Very Easy, AK-74u ammo (along with every other weapon) is completly refilled when meeting Snake in Ascending Colon.
  • On the higher difficulties, it is recommended to pick up Stun Grenades earlier in the run to be used here.
    • Note: Picking up less Stun Grenades is slightly faster also very risky. At least 4 Stun Grenades is standard.
  • On the higher difficulties, it is recommended to pick up the Body Armor earlier in the run to be equipped here.
    • Note: Avoiding the Body Armor is slightly faster but also very risky.
  • On the HD Edition, Stun Grenades take longer to blow up making this fight harder than on Sons of Liberty and Substance.
  • If a Tengu is killed by Snake, it is NOT counted towards the player's kill count.
  • The Coolant Skip is possible on all versions of MGS2, but is only consistent in Sons of Liberty. [needs testing]
  • The Door Skip is possible on all versions of MGS2 and consistent in all of them too. It is also by far the fastest way to get past Tengu 1.
  • If Raiden's health is low enough, Snake will pull out the M4 instead of using the USP.
    • On Very Easy, Snake always starts with the M4.
DifficultyNumber of kills necessary to end the fight
Very Easy 48
Easy 48
Normal 64
Hard 96
Extreme 128
European Extreme128

Coolant Skip

This method is outdated, slower, and riskier. Using the Door Skip is recommended for all difficulties and versions of MGS2.

Door Skip

This method involves running up to the door to the north of this room as fast as possible then performing a glitch to hit the load zone behind the door. This will then skip the fight. This glitch is the key to all the methods listed below. The glitch involves performing a PPK combo in a specific way so that Raiden's legs extends behind the door and hits the trigger for the load zone.

  • <html>For strategies that rely on Stun Grenades, note that they take long to explode on the <span style=“color:Aquamarine”>HD Edition</span>.<br></html>

Door Glitch:

  1. Go up against the door at the end of the room.
  2. Go into FPV and then stop pressing against the door.
  3. Perform a punch-punch-kick combo in FPV.
  4. As the kick is happening, let go of FPV.

After learning how to do Door Glitch consistently, use the following methods depending on the difficulty. These will help you reach the door as fast as possible.

  • The AK-74u Method is the standard strategy used on the lower difficulties such as Very Easy, Easy, and Normal.
  • The Stun Grenades Method is the standard strategy used on the higher difficulties such as Hard, Extreme, and European Extreme.
  • If there are any live guards near Raiden when attempting to perform the door glitch, Raiden will autoaim towards them ruining the glitch. If this happens, either take out the guards or look higher in FPV.
  1. Run on the left side of the room , at the start of the fight you want to cartwheel and equip the AK.
  2. You don't have to shoot too much because you only want to avoid getting shot on the door or kicked.
  3. It's best to also not shoot the first Tengu opposite the last staircase (on the left near the door) , that gives you extra time to do the glitch.

This is the standard method for runs.

  1. Equip the Stuns as soon as the fight begins.
  2. Cook the Stuns as early as possible and when close enough, throw it as far north as possible.
  3. Equip the box and hide towards the right.
  4. When the Stun goes off and all the guards are taken out, run forward and start throwing stun grenades until Raiden reaches the door.
  5. When the final set of guards get knocked out by the Stun Grenades, perform the door glitch.

This is a slightly riskier version of the 4+ method, but requires more precision with the Stun Grenades.

  1. Equip the Stuns as soon as the fight begins.
  2. Cook the Stuns as early as possible and when close enough, throw it as far north as possible.
  3. Equip the box and hide towards the right.
  4. When the Stun goes off and all the guards are taken out, run forward and start throwing stun grenades until Raiden reaches the door.
  5. When the final set of guards get knocked out by the Stun Grenades, perform the door glitch.

This is a very risky strategy for Tengu 1 and NOT recommended for single segment runs.

Safe Setup:

  1. Equip the Stun Grenades and throw one of them (distance doesn't matter).
  2. Equip the box and get shot in it.
  3. Unequip the box and fire two Socom rounds at the far left guy. The autoaim does all the work here.
  4. Once the first stun goes out, cook the second stun.
  5. Throw the second stun at when you reach the black line on the floor. Throw it as far away as you can.

Alternate Setup:

  • Equip the Stuns as soon as the fight begins.
  • Cook the Stuns as early as possible and when close enough, throw it as far north as possible.
  • Equip the box and keep heading north.
  • Unequip the box after a bit.
  • Cook the Stun Grenade after the first one blows up, throw it as far north as possible then do aerials until the door.
  • Perform the door glitch.

Original Risky Setup:

  1. Equip the Stuns as soon as the fight begins.
  2. Cook the Stuns as early as possible aand throw it as early as possible. Distance thrown is irrelevant.
  3. Change to the box as the guards shoot at Raiden.
  4. Unequip the box and equip the Socom.
  5. Aim the Socom and shoot one bullet at the farthest-left guard.
  6. Equip the Stuns and cook them.
  7. When Raiden reaches the horizontal black line on the floor, throw it as far north as possible then do aerials until the door.
  8. Perform the door glitch.

This is a very risky strategy for Tengu 1 and NOT recommended for single segment runs.

  1. Do 3 aerials north as soon as the fight begins. Equip the Stun Grenades as well.
  2. Aim the Socom and shoot two bullets at the farthest-left guard. Make sure the shots are somewhat spaced out.
  3. Once the second shot goes off, change to the Stun Grenades and begin cooking them.
  4. Once the guard on the left appears, throw the Stun Grenade and change back to the Socom.
  5. Fire at him once then do aerials until the door.
  6. Perform the door glitch.

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  • mgs2_boss_tengu_1.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/06/12 21:02
  • by PlatonicGuy