Tengu 2 is the third and final guard fight of the game. Depending on difficulty, the player will fight anywhere between 48 to 128 tengus in total. Tengus can be defeated lethally or non-lethally.

General Information:

  • On Very Easy to Normal, it is faster to kill all the guards then to try to skip it. The opposite is true for Hard and above.
  • If a Tengu is killed by Snake, it is NOT counted towards the player's kill count.
  • The Coolant Skip is possible on all versions of MGS2, but is only consistent in Sons of Liberty.
  • The Choke Skip is possible on all versions of MGS2 and consistent in all of them too.
  • The Choke Skip was first shown by K'Will in 2013. According to him, he found it back in 2004. Original video
DifficultyNumber of kills necessary to end the fight
Very Easy 48
Easy 48
Normal 64
Hard 96
Extreme 128
European Extreme 128

Defeating The Guards

Only use these strategies for Very Easy, Easy, and Normal. If playing on Hard, Extreme, or European Extreme, use on the skips instead.

  • To defeat the guards, its best to use the Stinger and aim at the room where the guards spawn in from.
  • If you run out of Stinger ammo, take out the AK-74u, Socom, or even the H.F Blade and start attacking the guards.

Beswick Position:

  • From the start of the fight, move north and use the Socom to take out the guard on the right.
  • Face left and equip the Stinger.
  • Fire at the guard directly ahead of Raiden.
  • Aim at the room on the left side of the map.
  • Fire Stinger rounds at the guards that spawn in. Using turbo from this position is slightly faster than timing your shots.

Standard Position:

  • From the start of the fight, equip the Stinger and shoot the two guards to the north of the fight.
  • Aim at the left and fire at the Tengu who lands down.
  • Aim at the room on the left side of the map.
  • Fire Stinger rounds at the guards that spawn in.

* This strategy should be avoided on PS2 and PS3 because of the stinger lag [NEEDS TO BE CHECKED]

Lazy Method:

  • For Very Easy only, lie down on the floor and put your controller down.
  • Wait for Snake to kill all the guards. This method is about 15-20 seconds slower.

Coolant Skip

  • Only use these strategies for Normal, Hard, Extreme, and European Extreme.
  • If playing on Very Easy or Easy, defeat the guards instead.
  • Coolant Skip is only viable for Sons of Liberty as the skip is inconsistent on Substance and the HD Edition.
    • NOTE: A new setup has been found that is confirmed to work on Substance (PC) and possibly(?) all versions/ports.
  • Equip the M9 before the fight begins.
  • At the start of the fight, use the M9 to tranquilize Snake and run south.
  • Face the Tengus then menu to the coolant spray.
  • Spray the Tengus from left to right, right to left.
  • Release square after each pass to not run out of spray.
  • Wait until the fight is over.

Note: If you have a turbo controller, you can turbo square instead of having to stop spraying every few seconds.

The steps are the same as the usual Sons of Liberty Coolant Skip but with two small changes to make it work on Substance and the HD Edition.

  • Equip the M9 before the fight begins.
  • At the start of the fight, use the M9 to tranquilize Snake and run south.
  • Face the Tengus then menu to the coolant spray.
  • Spray the Tengus from left to right, right to left.
  • Release square after each pass to not run out of spray.
  • After about 1:05 to 1:10 minutes have past since the start of the fight, unequip the Coolant Spray and punch some guards.
  • It is recommended to PPK the guards, as this seems more consistent than just doing a punches only on guards.
  • Wait until the fight is over.

Note: If you have a turbo controller, you can turbo square instead of having to stop spraying every few seconds.

Choke Skip

First shown by K'Will in 2013. According to him, he found it back in 2004.

Only use these strategies for Hard, Extreme, and European Extreme. For lower difficulties, use other methods.

  • Rolling into Snake at the start of the level prevents him from killing the Tengu. You will also take damage from the Tengu swiping at Raiden.
  • Sometimes its possible to do two chokes quickly after each other. This can be done early in the first set of chokes.
  • Depending on pace, its possible to grab the Tengu as soon as you drop him.
  • The fight usually lasts between 80-90 seconds. Anything under 80 seconds is very unlikely to work. (Timing from PC Substance).
  • On the HD Edition, the choke skip is a little bit faster.

Choke Order meaning:

  • Standard way of phrasing it is Punch/NoPunch/Bump-X-Y-Z.
    • The first part refers to how you deal with the guard at the start of the fight.
    • The X refers to how many chokes are done to the Tengu before dropping him for the 1st time. This includes the initial grab.
    • The Y refers to how many chokes are done to the Tengu before dropping him for the 2nd time. This includes the 2nd initial grab.
    • The Z refers to how many grabs are done to the Tengu at the end of the fight. At this stage of the fight, do not choke the guard consecutively. Instead, grab and drop.
    • The total punches + chokes + grabs combination that you can do before the guard gets knocked out is 17 on Extreme and European Extreme. It is 13 on Hard.
      • Punch counts for 1, NoPunch or Bump counts for 0.
      • Each choke and grab counts for 1.
      • The higher the value of Z is, the slower the skip will be. The lowest Z can be is 2.

Standard Setup:

  • The order of the chokes is Punch-10-3-3.
  • At the start of the fight, go south-east towards the Tengu with the blade.
  • Punch him once then grab him. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the “10” part of Punch-10-3-3.
  • From here, drag the guard to the bottom-left corner of the room in the south. Along the way, choke the guard and count your chokes.
  • Once you reach 10 chokes, wait a little for the Tengu to attempt to break free then drop him.
  • Grab the guard. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the first “3” part of Punch-10-3-3.
  • Once you reach 3 chokes, wait a little for the Tengu to attempt to break free then drop him.
  • Grab the guard. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the second “3” part of Punch-10-3-3.
    • Note: During this part, instead of choking the guard, continuously grab and drop him instead.
  • Finally, when the Tengu gets knocked out, wait until the fight is over. Standing to the right of the door can be safer.

Safe Setup:

This setup is very safe, but considerably slower than other methods.

  • The order of the chokes is Punch-4-0-12.
  • At the start of the fight, go south-east towards the Tengu with the blade.
  • Punch him once then grab him. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the “4” part of Punch-4-0-12.
  • From here, drag the guard to the bottom-left corner of the room in the south. Along the way, choke the guard and count your chokes.
  • Once you reach 4 chokes, wait a little for the Tengu to attempt to break free then drop him.
  • Grab the guard. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the “12” part of Punch-4-0-12.
    • Note: During this part, instead of choking the guard, continuously grab and drop him instead.
  • Finally, when the Tengu gets knocked out, wait until the fight is over. Standing to the right of the door can be safer.

Hard Safe Setup:

This setup is for the difficulty Hard. The timing is less lenient on this difficulty.

  • The order of the chokes is Punch-3-0-9.
  • At the start of the fight, go south-east towards the Tengu with the blade.
  • Punch him once then grab him. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the “3” part of Punch-3-0-9.
  • From here, drag the guard to the bottom-left corner of the room in the south. Along the way, choke the guard and count your chokes.
  • Once you reach 3 chokes, wait a little for the Tengu to attempt to break free then drop him.
  • Grab the guard. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the “9” part of Punch-3-0-9.
    • Note: During this part, instead of choking the guard, continuously grab and drop him instead.
  • Finally, when the Tengu gets knocked out, wait until the fight is over. Standing to the right of the door can be safer.

NoPunch-5-10-2 Setup:

  • The order of the chokes is NoPunch-5-10-2.
  • At the start of the fight, go south-east towards the Tengu with the blade.
  • Grab the guard (possible to bump into him first, or shoot him once or twice). The grab will count as the 1st choke from the “5” part of NoPunch-5-10-2.
  • From here, drag the guard to the bottom-left corner of the room in the south. Along the way, choke the guard and count your chokes.
    • Choke number 2 and number 3 can be done consecutively.
  • Once you reach 5 chokes, wait a little for the Tengu to attempt to break free then drop him.
  • Grab the guard. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the “10” part of NoPunch-5-10-2.
  • Once you reach 10 chokes, wait a little for the Tengu to attempt to break free then drop him.
  • Grab the guard. The grab will count as the 1st choke from the “2” part of NoPunch-5-10-2.
    • Note: During this part, instead of choking the guard, continuously grab and drop him instead.
  • Finally, when the Tengu gets knocked out, wait until the fight is over. Standing to the right of the door can be safer.

Stun Skip

Found by PlatonicGuy in 2022.

Not useful for a run compared to the other methods, but still technically possible.

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  • mgs2_boss_tengu_2.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/06/11 19:02
  • by PlatonicGuy