The first goal is to head to the top of the Tanker and find out where its headed. So head to Deck-E, the bridge.

From the start, head left then up-left and make your way to the hatch near the guard on the western-most side of Aft-Deck.

Turn right and have the guard spot Snake. Fire one M9 round into him and roll before he fires at Snake. Head closer towards the guard and fire one more M9 round into him.

Head to the door in the north-east section of this room.

Rolling into the door early is slightly faster, but can be awkward.

On average, it is faster to roll as the guard will almost always shoot Snake. However not rolling and having the guard miss his shots is slightly faster.

Skip the cutscene and head left. Fire one M9 round into the closest guard and then do a tactical reload. Get closer to the guard and fire another M9 round into him while holding him up.

Head up the stairs and to the door on the right.

It is possible to also stair glide here for a small timesave.

  • <html><span style=“color:Orange”>GOID</span> Skip the cutscene and head left. Line Snake up with where the plant meets the wall and look north east. Aim in and shoot to tranq the enemy in the heart.<br></html>

You can also use this strategy if you aren't comfortable with the NGOID strat.

Roll into the cutscene, skip it, and then hold up the guard.

Head up the stairs in the western section of this room.

It is possible to skip the cutscene by distracting the guard. This is a bit precise though.

Skip the cutscene and walk underneath the camera. On this difficulty, the camera won't spot Snake if this is done correctly.

Head up the stairs in the middle of this room.

If you feel you need multiple attempts at Prozac Skip later on, pick up the Chaff Grenades in the locker.

Head into the door on Snake's left and skip the cutscene. Shoot the wall to the left of this guard (use the third-person autoaim to do this) to have him face there.

Head towards the stairs to go up, be mindful of the camera!

If you pickup an Alert, you will not be able to progress to Deck-E.

Head to the hatch on the left.

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Olga. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Olga page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

Move Snake down to pick up the M9 ammo as soon as the fight begins. Olga will either move left (refered to as 'Left Side Olga') or down (refered to as 'Right Side Olga'). For the latter, we have a setup for this. For the former, we will attempt to setup a loop.

Right Side Olga

  1. Go into FPV and hold L2 after Olga starts firing.
  2. When she's done, stop holding L2 and fire a headshot at her.
  3. After she's done reacting to the first shot, fire another headshot at her.
  4. After the “Conflict and Victory” cutscene, fire a headshot at her as she moves towards the south-east box.
  5. Fire a final headshot at her to end the fight. This will happen either at the south-east box or behind the tarp to the north.

Left Side Olga

  1. Head to the right of the door Snake entered from and stay near wall to the right of it.
  2. After Olga begins firing, hold R2 to prevent being shot.
  3. Go to the spot where Snake was at the start of the fight and aim towards where Olga's head will be.
  4. When she reaches there, shoot her once.
  5. If she loops, then she will attempt to reload before playing the cutscene. Shoot her again to prevent the cutscene from playing.
  6. Repeat the previous step until the end of the fight.

Note: If she fails the loop and plays the “Conflict and Victory” cutscene, the final two shots will be similar to the final two shots from a Right Side Olga.

Tanker: Pre-Holds

Now with a lethal fire-arm and Otacon knowing where the ship was headed, its time to head to the bottom of the ship to take some photos of the Metal Gear. Basically, head backwards and then to the Engine Room.

Tap R2 to unequip the M9, then mash Square as Snake attempts to drop down.

If done correctly, this will skip the animation of Snake dropping down a ledge (called a 'davdrop'), saving about 0.8 seconds.

This is unlikely and tricky to do, so its more likely than not that you will not get this.

  • <html><span style=“color:Aquamarine”>Turbo:</span> Davdrops also be done by using turbo. <br></html>

Head down the stairs, but first roll down it and switch from the M9 to the USP. This will keep both weapons on your previous for the rest of the Tanker chapter.

Head back to the stairs in the north section of this room. Pickup the USP ammo along the way. The camera will NOT spot you

There are two strategies for this room.

The first strategy is to aim the USP towards the ceiling and fire a warning shot. After that, run underneath the camera and leave to Deck-B before the Alert gets called in.

The second strategy is to head to the southern wall and fire the M9 at the guard, then run to the wall with the camera to avoid getting spotted.

Fire a warning shot to avoid getting shot by the guard then run into him as you leave to Deck-A to prevent an alert from being called in.

  • <html><span style=“color:Aquamarine”>Sons Of Liberty:</span> The railing will not work on this version, you will have to walk down the stairs. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any Rank:</span> Walk down the stairs, ignore the guard as he spots and make your way to the railing. Drop down the railing and then roll down and equip the camera for later. Head to the Engine Room. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Rank 1:</span> Walk down the stairs, ignore the guard as he spots and make your way to the plant. Once there, turn towards the guard who spotted Snake and tranquilize him. Drop down the railing and then roll down and equip the camera for later. Head to the Engine Room.<br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Rank 1 (Risky):</span> Walk down the first set of stairs, turn north and pull of a quick headshot to the guard on Snake's right. If you miss the headshot, run up to the plant and tranqulize the guard. You can also do the second shot in third person if the first shot was a body shot. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Rank 1 (Risky):</span> Walk down the first set of stairs, ignore the guard as he spots Snake. Once you get past the glass, fire two quick third-person shots (using tactical reloads) to tranqulize the guard. <br></html>

Roll north into the Raven cutscene then skip it.

Hang on the ledge and drop one floor down.

Delay going into hanging mode as much as possible, as this gives a chance for the guard below to start moving. This will be a small timesave as you spend less time walking down the stairs.

As the guard approaches the staircase, tranq-roll into him. Head left.

When you approach the next large set of stairs, tranq the guard twice and let the second shot hold him up to. Roll to avoid the other guard on the top-left from spotting Snake. Whether or not the top guard notices Snake will determine if the next part of this area is a “Fast Engine Room” or “Slow Engine Room.”

  • <html><span style=“color:SandyBrown”>Extreme:</span> The roll to avoid getting spotted by the left-most guard is unnecessary. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:SandyBrown”>European Extreme:</span> The roll to avoid getting spotted by the left-most guard is highly recommended for a Fast Engine Room. <br></html>

Fast Engine Room:

  1. You'll know this is the case if the top-left guard does NOT say anything.
  2. Body shot the guard with the M9 the first chance you get then run to his left as he turns clockwise.
  3. Right before triggering the cutscene in the next room, fire the USP to prevent it from triggering.

Slow Engine Room:

  1. You'll know this is the case when the top-left guard says “What's that?”
  2. When the top-left guard spots you, roll into his shot then fire at his radio with the M9.
  • <html><span style=“color:Orange”>GOID</span> This strategy is quite precise. If you're too slow the guard will notice you on the way to check the guard, if you're too fast he will not notice you at all which turns into slow engine room. - Credit to Azu<br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any Rank:</span> When the second guard spots Snake, fire the USP once into him then an M9 round into him. After bumping into the second guard, alternate between USP and M9 rounds into the final guard. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Rank 1:</span> Before approaching the second guard, do a punch-punch-kick buffer. Then head towards the ending of the room. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”>Rank 1 (Risky):</span> As you approach the second guard, do quick shot in FPV while standing on Snake's toes. Then head towards the ending of the room. <br></html>

Keep heading south.

Note: Pickup additional M9 ammo (only if needed) from behind the pipes near the door you entered this room from. There's also a few USP ammo packs if needed.

This guide will only focus on the standard strategy for Guard Rush. Please refer to the MGS2 Boss Fight: Guard Rush page for more advanced strategies and information on the fight.

The final three guards can be killed lethally and it will not count as kills if the fight ends before their bodies despawn.

  • <html><span style=“color:Red”>Any Rank:</span> Shooting the guards in their hearts is a one shot kill and their bodies will despawn the fastest this way, resulting in the fastest way to get through this fight. <br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Cyan”> Rank 1, </span><span style=“color:Aquamarine”>Sons of Liberty and Substance (PlayStation 2):</span> For the final three guards, tranqualize the first one then use the USP to kill the other two. This way the kill count will remain at zero if executed correctly. <br></html>

Tanker: Holds

Finally, at the holds. Head towards Hold No.3 to take some photos of the new Metal Gear and then send it to Otacon.

Note: These rooms are GOID (Game Over If Discovered) even if you had this option turned off at the start of the run.

There are two separate ways you can get to Hold No.3. This can be done by either doing Left Side Hold or Right Side Hold.

Left Side Hold

  • Hold No.1
  1. Reach the bottom of the ladder (using any method e.g one of the variants of ladder glitch. - MGS2 Ladder Glitch -
  2. Head left and run past the very edge of the projectors view to avoid detection, then quick shot the guard below you with the M9 to distract him long enough to run past.
  3. Run to the lone guard at the left of the large group and roll past him.
  4. Run to Hold No.2 by running directly up and through the door, ignoring the enemy further left.

NOTE: You MUST roll past the guard before the timer on the Commandant's speech reaches 6:42, or the guard further left will start moving up and notice you. If you're too slow you can wait for him to move out of sight.

  • Hold No.2
  1. Once you enter the room, run to the projector and press the button to make the enemies turn right.
  2. Then proceed to run to the bottom left guard and hold him up while you run past him directly upwards, then hold up the guard 3 enemies up.
  3. Take a left and run further up towards the grate on the floor, then hold up the enemy to the right of the grate.
  4. Run left of the grate and proceed around the boxes to Hold No.3.

Right Side Hold

  • Hold No.1
  1. Reach the bottom of the ladder (using any method e.g one of the variants of ladder glitch. - MGS2 Ladder Glitch -
  2. Here, you must knock over ATLEAST every single enemy on the far right row of the group of guards except the last one with a specific roll from the back left of the closest guard.
  3. Then, you need to roll through both of the two guards to the right of the group, being very careful to stay to the right of them otherwise you will be noticed.
  4. Proceed to Hold No.2 past the right of the boxes

NOTE: The 2nd image is simply a general line of where you should roll from, there are many different lineups you can do that will work, this one just doesn't require any adjustment for the far right 2 guards.

  • Hold No.2
  1. Once you enter the room, run north west until a cutscene starts. Instantly skip it and hold up the guard as you run past the edge of the projectors view to avoid detection.
  2. Continue left and hold up the bottom left guard while you run past him directly upwards, then hold up the guard 3 enemies up.
  3. Take a left and run further up towards the grate on the floor, then hold up the enemy to the right of the grate.
  4. Run left of the grate and proceed around the boxes to Hold No.3.

NOTE: This is a very specific line, if you're too slow and the guards all turn left while you aren't at the final boxes you will get noticed.

  • <html><span style=“color:Aquamarine”>4:3 Aspect Ratio:</span> 2 spot photos do NOT work and you will have to take the photos in 3 spots.<br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Aquamarine”>16:9 Aspect Ratio:</span> Both 2 spot and 3 photos work.<br></html>
  • <html><span style=“color:Aquamarine”>Sons Of Liberty (JPN / NTSC):</span> Only 3 photos are required. Take a photo from the left at the start of the room then go near the computer and take photos of the right side and marines logo in one spot.<br></html>

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  • mgs2_tanker_any_ex.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/05/12 17:22
  • by PlatonicGuy