
This is an old revision of the document!

Individual Level (IL) runs in UnMetal are quite interesting and aren't typical of ILs in other games of the series. Due to the way the game is presented in stages, and that equipment and XP can be gained and carried over into future stages, optimal times for ILs can't come during full game runs and instead come from specific IL runs. That isn't to say IL submissions can't come from full runs, this is permitted, but a well-optimized stand-alone IL will always beat one from a full run.

This page will list the considered setup requirements for each stage as well as differences in the run that would differ from a normal Any% run. All advice is based on Any% Easy. Whilst every stage is unique, there are four basic setup principles that apply to each:

  • Optimal ammo/equipment count
    This may not need to be the maximum ammo count, just a good enough amount. In Stage 3-10 this will often include using Molotovs crafted in Stage 2. Molotovs do the same amount of damage as grenades but are obtained earlier, throw faster and don't count towards your grenade ammo count.
  • Optimal level upgrades
    Levelling up as much as possible to get more upgrades, but also any level that doesn't use the pistol may favour Die Hard over Lethal Weapon at Level 6.
  • Optimal XP
    Being the highest level possible, but at an XP level that won't cause you to level up, as levelling up will lose you about five seconds.
  • Having every secret
    Grabbing every secret from every prior stage will obviously give Jesse better stats.

This does therefore mean that proper setup will require playing through all previous stages almost perfectly to be properly prepared. Having one of the three save slots dedicated to IL running is probably wise if you're looking to put in a serious effort to IL running, as full run saves will overwrite stages you've previously optimised. Preparing hotkeys ahead of time will also save you time.

You do not need to show the difficulty in-game when submitting an IL. Whilst the game has no indication of the difficulty being run except in your Stats Menu, each level has unique traits that differ between the difficulty levels which are easy to identify (boss health, boss patterns etc).


  • None


  • Ignore the first three guards and save scum as normal after grabbing the bandages.
  • As long as it won't cause an Alert, most other guards can be ignored, unless they have an item you need (Radios, Eyepatch, Stick).
  • Don't take out the guard next to Grenade Guy's room straight away. Deal with the two joking guards first and the other guard will come to you upon hearing the gunfire. You will need to dodge his gunfire as you break the two boxes.
  • Don't take damage or pick up any Medkits, as both will trigger dialogue to skip.
  • Minimise XP gains so you don't level up after beating Grenade Guy.


  • Don't Perfect Stage 1, get enough XP so that you hit Level 2 from beating Grenade Guy (you can't hit Level 3 just from Stage 1). Having too much more XP will mean you level up after beating Sg. Rosco or Sewerjunk.
  • Grab the Stage 1 secret.
  • Have some Depleted Uranium Balls in case you need them for Sewerjunk after the Flamethrower breaks (though ideally, you'll get the Flamewthrower skip).
  • Take damage and pick up at least one Medkit to avoid triggering those dialogues. Having extra Medkits can be handy whilst fighting Sewerjunk.


  • This IL is run pretty much the same as a full run except you don't grab either secret or go out of your way to grab extra items. The two Medkits in Sg. Rosco's room are still free to grab.
  • Having extra health kits means you can afford to take the rodent Flamethrower section a lot riskier. You can heal afterwards with Medkits whilst Sewerjunk is diving during his boss fight.
  • Heal often whilst Sewerjunk is diving so you can tank his shots whilst getting the most damage in.
  • Learning Flamethrower skip and knowing when it is optimal to go for it will save you time.
  • If you don't get the Flamethrower skip, position yourself as close to the exit for Sewerjunk as possible whilst being able to shoot it with Depleted Uranium Balls.


  • Have near-perfect XP from Stages 1-2 so that you've hit Level 4. Having Sprint and Rolling Thunder speeds up your movement significantly.
  • Have six Medkits so you don't need to grab any from your first trip to the ward and avoid the cutscene on your second.
  • All secrets is nice, but you won't be taking much damage so not required.
  • Need all three Molotovs from Stage 2.


  • Ignore the guard in the first room. Getting spotted by him won't raise an alert.
  • Still dispatch the guard in the second room, else he'll still be there when you're leaving with Lt. Markusson.
  • No need to pick up any Pistol ammo, if all goes well, you won't use the Pistol. Having said that, you do need to break two boxes with ammo in them to get the Pistol as you do still have to get it. (Need to confirm this.)
  • Ignore guards but don't get an alert on the way to Intel File 1, or the door to it will lock. Getting an alert between Intel File 1 and the lift is fine, as it'll be cancelled by the call you receive just before the lift.
  • Megadron is defeated with a single Molotov.
  • Whilst Megadron is blowing up, still break boxes to give you a clear route on your return journey.
  • Lt. Markusson is defeated with two Molotovs. Throw one at the two guards, which will knock them out (you don't have to heal them). You'll need to run to a position to throw the second Molotov at Markusson, which will defeat him in one blow. You will still need to heal him.


  • Be at least Level 4 so that you have Rolling Thunder. There's no XP gain in this level, so you don't have to worry about levelling up.
  • Run through the stage so you know what the minefield layouts are. Ideally, close and relaunch the game until you get a good minefield that's easy to skip.


  • Level is run mostly the same as a full game run, just ignoring all guards and secrets.
  • You can ignore the two guards in the room after the dogs. If you keep to the left side of the room, they won't spot you. If they do spot you, simply ride out the alert through the minefield as you'll lose it once you've passed minefield two.


  • Be at least Level 6 and have taken Die Hard. This will give you more health to tank shots from Machine Mike.
  • Ensure you have a low amount of XP so beating Splash Mike doesn't level you up.
  • Have all three Molotovs from Stage 2, these should simply be considered as extra Grenades.
  • Have every stamina based secret up to this point to tank more shots from Machine Mike.


  • Everything up to the two bosses is the same as a full game run, just don't grab the body armor.
  • Tank as much of Machine Mike's fire as you can. Throw all three Molotovs at him; they do the same damage as Grenades, but Jesse throws them much faster.
  • You want to perform the Machine Mike defeat skip; after throwing your last grenade, run into Machine Mike and keeping holding up as his turret station disappears. Note, you need to be touching the turret before it disappears. If done correctly, you'll move into the next screen before 'Boss Defeated' appears. If you're slightly too slow, you'll soft lock the game on the next screen.
  • Defeat Splash Mike as normal, but as you'll have three extra grenades you can use these to blow up the three boxes in the top right corner of the map, rather than wait for Splash Mike to destroy the truck that hides three grenades.


  • Your level makes very little difference in this stage, the only upgrades that matter are Sprint and Healing. [Note: testing of whether having Level 8's Demolition Man affects the submarine's torpedoes is still to be done]
  • Have low XP. You get XP from all six engineers and Hugeel.
  • Have at least four grenades. Whilst you'll need seven, two in the level are guaranteed pickups and one is optional that won't lose time to get. You can also use molotovs.
  • Have all six medkits. If you only have five, you can get one optional medkit instead of the optional grenade.


  • Ignore everything in the first room and go straight to the engineers; you should already have the equipment you need.
  • When attacking the right machine of the second set, you have to break one of two boxes for your grenade to reach. The left box contains a medkit, the right box contains a grenade. Choose whichever you need.
  • Just before you recycle your equipment, throw a grenade at the wall on the right. Whilst recycling, it will bounce off the wall, go left, and destroy the box with the key so you don't have to punch it.
  • Only grab 18-20 torpedoes. Submarine section is as normal, just don't grab the secret.


  • Be at least Level 8 with Demolition Man, this will massively speed up the fight against Nuke Sub (needs confirming that Level 8 is reachable by Stage 7. If it is reachable but in Stage 7, it is likely worth taking the time loss to level up)
  • Have two rockets, there are no easy pickups in the level. These must be obtained during the Splash Mike fight in Stage 5.
  • Have at least six grenades. Whilst you'll need ten, four in the level are guaranteed pickups. There is a Grenade Slot secret in Chapter 6 to increase your max count to nine.
  • Have two out of three molotovs (if Demolition Man is obtainable, need to check whether it affects Molotovs as well)
  • Still have one of the gas canisters you use to make molotovs available.


  • Everything up to Nuke Sub is as normal, just without grabbing any extra ammo. Take the two sets of guards out as quickly as possible, as long as you don't take an alert.
  • With Demolition Man, Nuke Sub is taken out far quicker. Do the early rocket set up as normal, then throw both moltovs and finish with grenades.
  • As you have the spare gas canister from not crafting a molotov, you can go from Nuke Sub straight to Black Thunder.
  • (Need to see if Lethal Weapon affects the bullets from the speedboat). Even with Demolition Man, it's still not worth taking the hovercraft.

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  • unmetal_ils.1649334734.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/04/07 12:32
  • by nickrpgreen