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MGS1 Glitches

Instant grenade explosion by Tromboncino

Solid Spistiddo

Blank Save Glitch

Otacon U.Base3 Codec Call Skip

Box Glitch by Repeatzzz

Headless Snake Scope Glitch by Tromboncino
performed by equipping scopes, then switching weapon with a hotkey and doubletapping fpv
use: to kill guards to a higher point than yours with Socom/Famas
Also applies to Rex2

Wrong Warp found by iLL_Pazzo on MGS PC Integral
See wrong warp page

Hind-D skip level up sequence for an IGT time save (banned under current ruleset)
found by iLL_Pazzo applicable for all difficulties:

  • Take the Stinger ammo box before the Hind ladder
  • Take the ladder and start the Hind fight
  • Kill the Hind WITHOUT (very important) using GME
  • When the Hind reached 0 health, just suicide
  • Take the ladder again and leave the roof
  • Go down the stairs and go to Wolf2 using GME2
  • Congratulation, you just saved 25 to 30 seconds (depending on how fast you suicide) on every category without even using GME or area reload 🙂

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  • mgs1_glitches.1720971557.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/07/14 15:39
  • by hau5test