This is an old revision of the document!
Difficulty Differences
- Vision difference for guards by difficulty. Very Easy is the same as Easy. 3, 4, 5, and 8 running chaff steps respectively for each difficulty in distance
Difficulty | Guard Bullet | Turret Bullet | Ration | Rank Up |
Easy | -64 | -80 | +384 | +Full |
Normal | -96 | -120 | +256 | +Previous Rank |
Hard | -128 | -120 | +256 | +64 |
Extreme | -128 | -160 | +256 | +0 |
Rank | HP | Boss |
1 | 256 | Start |
2 | 320 | Ocelot |
3 | 384 | Tank |
4 | 448 | Ninja |
5 | 512 | Mantis |
6 | 576 | Wolf 1 |
7 | 640 | Hind-D |
8 | 704 | Wolf 2 |
9 | 768 | Raven |
Very Easy
- Addition of MP5, Infinite Ammo, Silenced, Fully Automatic Gun. Replaces FAMAS.
- RAM Manipulation is impossible
- No Score Screen
- Assume Easy otherwise
- Defeating a boss refills HP completely.
- Ammunition respawns quickly.
- Maximum of 5 rations.
- Guards hear noises poorly.
- Cell Guards - 3
- Ocelot - 7 Socom, 2 grenades
- Ninja - 28 hits to hide n' seek, 49 to complete (48 will also do)
- Mantis - (for Console) 16 (11 to transition) 7 to phase skip (12 hits total if phase skip)
- Wolf 1 - 5
- Hind-D - 14 (5 for phase 1)
- Wolf 2 - 7
- Raven - 8
- Rex - 6 & 6
- Liquid - (assuming 2 throws) 29 to Nice shot! 61
- Checkpoint Guards 4
- Liquid Jeep - 16
- Phase 1 (Swerve 1) - 3
- Phase 2 (Tunnel Bumper) - (2 transition) 2
- Phase 3 (Swerve 2) - 2
- Phase 4 (Columns) - (2 transition) 3
- Phase 5 (Side by Side) - 2 [7 total for phase 4 and 5]
- Defeating a boss refills HP in the amount before upgrade. To say it another way, the max before upgrade.
- Ammunition respawns slowly.
- Maximum of 5 rations.
- Guards hear noises normally.
- Cell Guards - 3
- Ocelot - 10 Socom, 3 grenades
- Ninja - 34 hits to hide n' seek, 64 to complete (63 will also do)
- Mantis - (for Console) 23 (15 to transition) 11 to phase skip (19 hits total if phase skip)
- Wolf 1 - 6
- Hind-D - 16 (7 for phase 1)
- Wolf 2 - 8
- Raven - 9
- Rex - 8 & 8
- Liquid - (assuming 2 throws) 29 to Nice shot! 83
- Checkpoint Guards 5
- Liquid Jeep - 21
- Phase 1 (Swerve 1)- 4
- Phase 2 (Tunnel Bumper) - (2 transition) 3
- Phase 3 (Swerve 2) - 3
- Phase 4 (Columns) - (2 transition) 4
- Phase 5 (Side by Side) - 3 [9 total for phase 4 and 5]
- Defeating a boss refills HP in the amount of the upgrade.
- Ammunition respawns slowly.
- Maximum of 2 rations.
- Guards hear noises normally(?)
- Cell Guards - 4
- Ocelot - 11 Socom, 3 grenades
- Ninja - 36 hits to hide n' seek, 64 to complete (63 will also do)
- Mantis - (for Console) 31 (21 to transition) 16 to phase skip (25 hits total if phase skip)
- Wolf 1 - 7
- Hind-D - 17 (7 for phase 1)
- Wolf 2 - 9
- Raven - 10
- Rex - 8 & 8
- Liquid - (assuming 2 throws) 32 to Nice shot! 83
- Checkpoint Guards 6
- Liquid Jeep - 26
- Phase 1 (Swerve 1)- 5
- Phase 2 (Tunnel Bumper) - (2 transition) 4
- Phase 3 (Swerve 2) - 4
- Phase 4 (Columns) - (2 transition) 5
- Phase 5 (Side by Side) - 4 [11 total for phase 4 and 5]
- Defeating a boss does not refill HP.
- Ammunition does not respawn.
- Maximum of 2 rations.
- Guards hear noises extremely well.
- Cell Guards - 5
- Ocelot - 12 Socom, 3 grenades
- Ninja - 36 hits to hide n' seek, 64 to complete (63 will also do)
- Mantis - (for Console) 44 (30 to transition) 20 to phase skip (34 hits total if phase skip)
- Wolf 1 - 7
- Hind-D - 18 (7 for phase 1)
- Wolf 2 - 10
- Raven - 10
- Rex - 9 & 9
- Liquid - (assuming 2 throws) 32 to Nice shot! 83
- Checkpoint Guards 7
- Liquid Jeep - 31
- Phase 1 (Swerve 1)- 6
- Phase 2 (Tunnel Bumper) - (2 transition) 5
- Phase 3 (Swerve 2) - 5
- Phase 4 (Columns) - (2 transition) 6
- Phase 5 (Side by Side) - 5 [13 total for phase 4 and 5]