
This is an old revision of the document!

000Michael P JanesHeliportSleeping Vent
001Paul RogozinskiHeliportTruck
002Rich BarnesHeliport2nd Floor
003Kalle Seponpoika ViitanenTank HangarLeft
004Dan AmadioTank HangarMiddle
005Kate DysonTank HangarSuppressor Guard
006Kaleb T HeilArmoryLeft
007Kevin GordonArmoryMiddle Right
008Carlos A OrtegaArmoryGuards PSG-1
009Edward A HolmbergCanyonUpper
010Suneel C BuggalCanyonTank
011Ken AlguireCanyonLower
012David MinerNuke Building B1Urinal
013Steven TieuNuke Building B1Office
014Souta AsakaBlast FurnaceMiddle Catwalk
015Paul CaporicciBlast FurnaceOpposite Side
016Akitaka TosakaWarehouseLeft
017Carey MurrayWarehouseMiddle Left
018Brian L HansenWarehouseMiddle Right
019Eric DechauxWarehouse NLower
020Essam Khlil L ObaidiWarehouse NUpper
021Vong Chan PhucUnderground BaseTop
022Patrick IngoldsbyUnderground Base1st Guard
023Johnny SasakiNuke Building B1Meryl in Disguise
024Meryl SilverBurghVariousBest in Caves
025Psycho MantisCommander's Room
026Sniper WolfSnowfieldMust be grabbed by legs
027Vulcan RavenWarehouse
028Liquid SnakeSupply RouteMust be knocked off Rex

17 out of 29

000Michael P JanesHeliportSleeping Vent
001Paul RogozinskiHeliportTruck
002Rich BarnesHeliport2nd Floor
  • You do not need to tranq Rich if he is facing directly South.
003Kalle Seponpoika ViitanenTank HangarLeft
004Dan AmadioTank HangarMiddle
005Kate DysonTank HangarLATER
006Kaleb T HeilArmoryLeft
007Kevin GordonArmoryMiddle Right
008Carlos A OrtegaArmoryLATER

Nuke Building B1

012David MinerNuke Building B1LATER
013Steven TieuNuke Building B1LATER
  • It's faster to pick up these guards on a later trip
023Johnny SasakiNuke Building B1Meryl in Disguise
025Psycho MantisCommander's Room
  • Don't forget! Return to Mantis's remains to pick up his tag!
024Meryl SilverBurghVarious
  • Tranq headshot Meryl at the door, and grab her tag.
012David MinerNuke Building B1OPTIONAL
013Steven TieuNuke Building B1Office
  • Now is the time to hold up the guard (Steven) in the office, it is faster than holding him up when grabbing Nikita
  • You can go for David, but if you aren't fast enough, he will be leaving the urinal for the sink
008Carlos A OrtegaArmoryGuards PSG-1
  • If you want to be safe, you can knock on the top of the PSG-1 room, and wait for Carlos to walk up to investigate it
005Kate DysonTank HangarSuppressor Guard
009Edward A HolmbergCanyonUpper
010Suneel C BuggalCanyonTank
011Ken AlguireCanyonLower
012David MinerNuke Building B1Urinal
  • Grabbing David's tag now forces an additional menu, but that's better than getting caught during the PSG1-T sequence

12 out of 29

026Sniper WolfSnowfieldMust be grabbed by legs
  • Don't forget! Return to Wolf's remains to pick up her tag!
  • After you drop her body, roll into her tag and menu to the M9 or Socom to prepare for the Blast Furnace
014Souta AsakaBlast FurnaceMiddle Catwalk
015Paul CaporicciBlast FurnaceOpposite Side
027Vulcan RavenWarehouse
  • Don't forget! Return to Raven's remains to pick up his tag!
019Eric DechauxWarehouse NLower
020Essam Khlil L ObaidiWarehouse NUpper
021Vong Chan PhucUnderground BaseUpper Left
022Patrick IngoldsbyUnderground BaseLower Right
  • Return to Warehouse after picking up the PAL card
016Akitaka TosakaWarehouseLeft
017Carey MurrayWarehouseMiddle Left
018Brian L HansenWarehouseMiddle Right
028Liquid SnakeSupply Route
  • Don't forget! Knock off Liquid to pick up his tag!
  • When finished, save your game, load the game from the Dog Tag Viewer in Special, and check your percentage (%)

Return to Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

  • metal_gear_solid/tts_adt_normal.1611134411.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/20 09:20
  • by Tyler2022