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Sneaking Mode No Weapon Level 4

Sneaking Mode No Weapon Level 5

Sneaking Mode No Weapon Level 6

Sneaking Mode No Weapon Level 7

Image provided from the Metal Gear Ghost Babel Official Guide

You'll have to navigate through this small maze with lasers and get to the goal which is at the very center top. The ideal route is to take the right side, even though there's a left route that's quicker. We take the right because the guard that patrols will be on the left side of screen by the time you reach the top, and it'll take time getting around him, thus losing some time. The right route lasers' activity and rests are as follows, beginning from spawn point:

  • Laser 1: 2 sec active 2 sec rest
  • Laser 2: 3 sec active 2 sec rest
  • Laser 3: 2 sec active 2 sec rest
  • Laser 4: 2 sec active 2 sec rest 2 sec active 10 sec rest
  • Laser 5: 2 sec active 2 sec rest
  • Laser 6: 2 sec active 2 sec rest 2 sec active 10 sec rest
  • Laser 7: 2 sec active 2 sec rest 10 sec active 2 sec rest

When you start the mission, it is essential you start at a good time, because unlike guards, the lasers are still active during the mission briefing. Some players wait right before the “K” to appear in “ATTACK” from the briefing. You can also use the first high note in the Metal Gear theme that plays before every VR Mission. I like to look at the virtual waves that you see on the Goal (the 3D exclamation point, specifically the third lower wave). As of right now, you want to wait roughly 3 seconds before starting to get the best Laser route. If done correctly, you'll only need to wait for the last Laser, but not to worry, it's a brief wait.

  • metal_gear_ghost_babel/gbvr_sneaking_mode_no_weapon.1549503087.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/02/07 01:31
  • by badhumans