Stage 08 Hard
- Hard and Very Hard are fairly similar, as guard and camera patterns are the same
- Hard gives more resources than Very Hard, but fewer than Easy or Normal
- Hard and Very Hard both have boss behavior modifiers
- Snake can take more damage than on Very Hard
<html> <b><span style=“color:Red”>LOOK BELOW FOR ROUTE UPDATES</span></b> </html>
- If you are routing in the ration by electrified water, make sure to make the guard hear you late. Example here
- C4 by electric box blown up after card pickup is there, unlike Very Hard
- You will need a ration for Nikita skip, unless going for the guard variant.
- You can run past by the guard when picking up the Lv 4 Card, but it is riskier (potential RNG look causing an alert and damage).
- If the guard doesn't spawn below the desks, you need to throw a grenade to continue the alert.
- Grenades in bottom right corner of first screen of 1F are there, unlike Very Hard. Pick up on Stage 09? Could incorporate that into avoiding guards on Evasion for Nikita Skip
Nikita Skip
Pyro Bison
- HP: 47
- Takes 4 damage per hit
- 12 hits to kill
- Pyro Bison has a new attack - he can use his flamethrower as a jetpack and jump around the room
- Pyro Bison's initial movement is not the same on (Very) Hard, which is really annoying!
Below is an animated .gif of his invincibility frames, click to watch. Pay attention to Bison's Elbow.
The first and final frame of his recovery - ready flamethrower
The second and penultimate frame of his recovery - sharp elbow
No Big Boss Ration