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NG+ Single Segment
Cost Reduction Deck Strategy
This strategy is similar to the Cost Reduction Strategy used in the first Ac!d game. The changes from one game to the next are mostly due to the new card limitations implemented in Ac!d 2 as well as the addition of upgraded cards and the Jack card. Use Cost -6, -8, -10, -12, and Jonathan Ingram/Jonathan Ingram+ cards to keep Cost as low as possible (preferably 0). Equip Jack whenever possible so that Snake or Venus receive +1 to movement for three turns. Use Running Man/Running Man+ and Ocelot Unit/Ocelot Unit+ for movements larger than 3 blocks. Use Action++ (Snake only) when Rest is lower than 4. Use Johnny Sasaki/Johnny Sasaki+ or Briefing/Briefing+ if you need better/more cards in your hand. This will be the strategy utilized for the majority of the run.
Infinite Turn Deck Strategy
Again, this strategy is very similar to the Infinite Turn Strategy used in the first Ac!d game. With the introduction of upgraded cards, linkage cards, and the Mr. Sigint card, the ability to maintain the player's turns can be substantially improved. This strategy allows the player to continually prioritize Snake's and Venus's turns over the guards, effectively giving them “infinite turns”. The characters' turns are maintained by prioritizing cards in a certain order - using Extra Turn/Extra Turn+ (at the very least), Action ++ (Snake only), and Double Action/Double Action+Cost. Use Mr. Sigint as early as possible (as long as Rest is plentiful) to enable 3 card drawing. Use Johnny Sasaki/Johnny Sasaki+, Briefing/Briefing+, or Olga G/Olga G+ if you are low on cards in your hand or if you need better cards. If you have enough Rest, use cards you don’t need for movement. This strategy is used for boss fights and some other stages. Refer to the Card Priority below:
Double Action/Double Action+Cost
Extra Turn/Extra Turn+
Mr. Sigint
"Hybrid" Deck Strategy
This strategy is similar to the Infinite Turn Strategy used in the first Ac!d game, but it also utilizes movement cards from the Cost Reduction Deck. With the introduction of upgraded cards, linkage cards, and the Mr. Sigint card, the ability to maintain the player's turns can be substantially improved. This strategy allows the player to continually prioritize Snake's and Venus's turns over the guards, effectively giving them “infinite turns”. The characters' turns are maintained by prioritizing cards in a certain order - using Extra Turn/Extra Turn+ (at the very least), Action++ (Snake only), and Double Action/Double Action+Cost. Action+ Linkage/Action+ Linkage+ are automatically played upon drawing with 0 cost and will increase the rest of the player by one. Use Mr. Sigint as early as possible (as long as Rest is plentiful) to enable 3 card drawing. Use Johnny Sasaki/Johnny Sasaki+, or Briefing/Briefing+ if you are low on cards in your hand or if you need better cards. This strategy is only used by Venus for boss fights and some other stages. Refer to the Card Priority below:
Double Action/Double Action+Cost
Extra Turn/Extra Turn+
Mr. Sigint
Sentences that are bold and italic indicate a cutscene that will interrupt Snake’s/Venus’s movement.
To reduce clutter, Venus's deck will only be shown for the stages she is playable.
If Snake and Venus are at least 5 blocks away from all guards or in another room with the doors closed, guards will not receive a turn unless the game is currently in the Alert phase.
If Snake and Venus both incur cost and then reduce to zero on their first turns of a stage, all guards that are 5 blocks or more away from each character will receive 4 cost.
If a guard spots Snake or Venus and then moves in the same turn or on their next turn, all other guards will receive +4 cost.
If Snake or Venus accumulate 1028 cost or more, the game will softlock.
Even with Quick Mode (Always) enabled in options, the game will speed up if you press triangle after Snake's or Venus's turn.
Starting Decks
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
VENUS’S STARTING DECK: (Edit before starting NG+) Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 2 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
Deck Change Reference
If you need a reference to just deck changes for each stage, check out the MGA2 Deck Change Reference.
Tutorial 1
Advance to the goal.
Tutorial 2
Advance to the goal by running behind the guard.
Tutorial 3
With one GRU card, move North 3 blocks and enter crawl mode. On the next Rest, move North through the vent, stand again once Snake is through it, and advance to the goal.
Tutorial 4
Move 2 blocks North, press Snake against either the left or right wall and knock, then move towards the goal on the opposite side from which wall you knocked on. After the guard has moved around the other side, advance to the goal.
Tutorial 5
Immediately use an M1911a1 card to kill the guard. If it misses, use the other M1911a1 card in your hand.
Tutorial 6
Use a GRU card to move up the ladder and then two blocks East. Equip an M16a2 card and end Snake's turn. On the next turn, use another
M16a2 on the equipped card to kill the guard.
Stage 1 | Harbors Area
<span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br>
Venus only; don't change Snake's deck.<br>
<b>In Deck Tab:</b><br>
<span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL FIM-92B<br>
Equip Snake's Starting Deck if necessary (see below).
Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
Move Snake down the stairs and into the small room located on the South side (left side of the screen if you haven't changed the camera angle). Move to the subgoal located by the computer terminal. After the cutscene, go back outside of the room and advance West towards the goal.
Stage 2 | Control Section
Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
Incur cost on Snake, then reduce it to zero and end his turn. Approach the nearby goal located to the North by the computer terminal from the right side. After the cutscene, move Snake up the stairs then move East along the southern wall to avoid being spotted by the camera. Proceed to the goal at the terminal nearby. After the cutscene, Move Snake two blocks North, then three blocks West and enter prone mode. Crawl under the divider, then stand back up and immediately run North to the next room. Be careful not to run too far to the West when leaving the room or the camera will spot Snake. Run down the next set of stairs and to the subgoal at the last computer terminal. After the cutscene, run to the exit directly to the North.
Stage 3a | Communications Tower
Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
Move Snake East and up the first set of stairs, then into the building. Punch the guard that stands in the way. Reduce cost to zero and end the turn, then punch him again on your follow up turn to knock him out. Run through the lasers (will cause an instant alert) guarding the Western exit to the building and up the next flight of stairs that bring you into the taller building. Run between the two cubicles on the path where the set of lasers and fire extinguisher are and proceed to the end goal at the computer terminal on the Northwest side of the room.
Stage 3b | Communications Tower
<span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br>
Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br>
<b>ID Tab:</b><br>
<span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x4 [130] Cyborg Ninja<br>
<span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [163] Metal Gear Gander<br>
<span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [431] Mass-Produced Ray<br>
<span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [447] Metal Gear Gander+<br>
Deck Size: 40
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
130 | Cyborg Ninja | 4 |
163 | Metal Gear Gander | 2 |
431 | Mass-Produced Ray | 2 |
447 | Metal Gear Gander+ | 2 |
Eliminate all guards to complete the mission. Don't move Snake from the starting position. Use Metal Gear Gander/Metal Gear Gander+ or Mass-Produced Ray cards to eliminate all or the majority of guards. There is a very small chance that these cards can kill Snake. If he gets hit two or three times, you can use Cyborg Ninja to finish off any remaining guards as a backup. Use cost reduction cards to keep cost as low as possible.
Stage 4a | Research Block
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br> <br> <b>Edit Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cyborg Ninja<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Metal Gear Gander<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Mass-Produced Ray<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Metal Gear Gander+<br>
END<br> </html> SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
Section A
On Snake's first turn, use a card that brings his cost up to at least 4, then reduce it to zero. This will bring the cost of all the patrol bots in the area up to 4. Don't spend more than 4 cost in the area and advance to the subgoal.
Section B
Immediately head through the door to the East. Once you end a movement into the following room, a short cutscene will play. Move through the door to the Northwest. Climb up the ladder in the pink room, move past the patrol bot, and head through the door to the East. If the bot prevents you from climbing the ladder due to an alert phase in the previous section, just wait for it to move. Once through the door, run North 4 blocks and enter crawl mode. Move Snake through the short vent and then enter stand mode. Run through the door to the Northwest to complete the stage.
Stage 4b | Research Block
Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
Head back the same way you took in the last stage. Crawl through the vent to the Southeast, enter stand mode, run South 4 blocks, and enter the pink room through the western door. Run past the Patrol Bot, climb down the ladder, and move through the door to the West. Instead of heading South here, run up the ramp to the West. Advance to the goal at the North side of the map.
Stage 5a | Security Section
Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
Section A
Incur cost on Snake, then reduce it to zero and end his turn. Head down the stairs in the Northeast corner of the room. Lasers along the way will set off an alert, and a cutscene will play. Crawl underneath the cubicle that separates the two Sukiyaki boxes to the North and South. Head through the door to the East. Once you've left the room, head through the northern door. A cutscene will interrupt Snake's movement on the first block in this room. A guard will block the stairs to the North, so use Punch to get around him. Climb the stairs to the subgoal.
Section B
Enter the room and head West along the northern wall to avoid being shot at by the turret. Run up the set of stairs, and use Punch if any guards stand in your way to the next set. A turret will interrupt your movement on the stairs here. Proceed to the goal in the Northwest by using Punch on the guard in the way.
Stage 5b | Security Section (BOSS: Harab Serap)
<span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br>
Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br>
<b>ID Tab:</b><br>
Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
245 | Action+ Linkage | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
526 | Action+ Linkage+ | 2 |
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint | 1 |
199 | Arsenal Gear | 2 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
481 | Arsenal Gear+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
The Infinite Deck strategy is utilized for this stage. Defeat Harab Sarap by prioritizing Snake's Turn and using Arsenal Gear/Arsenal Gear+ cards until he is dead. Snake does not need to move from his starting position.
Boss HP Per Difficulty:
Easy: 800
Normal: 1000
Stage 4c | Research Block
Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint | 1 |
199 | Arsenal Gear | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
481 | Arsenal Gear+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Immediately end Snake's turn; only Venus is used for this stage.
Move Venus through the door to the Northeast. Climb up the ladder in the pink room, and exit via the Eastern door. Move North 4 blocks and enter crawl mode. Crawl through the vent, and enter Stand mode. Move to the goal at the Northwest end of the room.
Stage 4d | Research Block (BOSS: Vince)
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br> <br> <b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Arsenal Gear<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Arsenal Gear+<br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [147] Olga G.<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [535] Super Dragon<br> END<br> </html> SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
147 | Olga Gurlukovich | 2 |
535 | Super Dragon | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
The Infinite Deck strategy is utilized for this stage. Defeat Vince by building Snake's cost and then using an M47 Dragon or Super Dragon card on him. Prioritize the Double Action:Cost+ at the start of any turn to maximize your cost accumulation. Refer to the table below.
Boss HP | M47 Dragon | Super Dragon |
Easy: 1000 | ≥100 Cost Needed | ≥67 Cost Needed |
Normal: 1200 | ≥135 Cost Needed | ≥90 Cost Needed |
Stage 4e | Research Block
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br> <br> <b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Olga G.<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Super Dragon<br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [182] Shagohod<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [465] Shagohod+<br> END<br> </html> SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
182 | Shagohod | 2 |
465 | Shagohod+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Immediately end Snake's turn; Only Venus needs to move for the first part of this stage. Move her through the door to the East. Crawl through the vent to the Southeast of the room, enter stand mode, run South 4 blocks, and enter the pink room through the western door.
After the cutscene, Snake will be moved into the room. End Venus's turn and utilize the Infinite Deck Strategy with Snake to defeat the 14 Sukiyaki-Box robots. Move Snake down the ladder, then 2 blocks East, and 2 block South so that he has a Sukiyaki Box adjacent to the East, and a “server block” to the South. Use a Shagohod or Shagohod+ card to defeat all enemies.
Stage 4f | Research Block
This stage is just a cutscene. Skip it.
Stage 6 | Terminal
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br> <br> <b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Briefing<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> x2 Action++<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Double Action:Cost+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Double Action<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Extra Turn<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Shagohod<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Mr. Sigint<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Extra Turn+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Olga+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Shagohod+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Action+Linkage+<br>
<b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [115] Cost -6<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [121] Cost -10<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [157] Running Man<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [168] J. Ingram<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x1 [175] Ocelot Unit<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x1 [291] Jack<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [404] Cost -8<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [410] Cost -12<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x3 [435] Raiden+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [441] Running Man+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [452] J. Ingram+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [459] Ocelot Unit+<br> END<br> </html>
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Run North up the train track until you make it to the last ladder on the left. Reach the goal with both characters.
Stage 7 | Cargo Train
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [494] KODOQUE+<br> PRESS TRIANGLE TO SWITCH TO VENUS<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [494] KODOQUE+<br> END<br> </html> SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 32
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
494 | KODOQUE+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 32
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
494 | KODOQUE+ | 2 |
Snake or Venus need to use a KODOQUE+ to wipe out the guards all at once (if more than one guard is killed in one turn but not all of them, reinforcements with higher HP will appear). If Snake does have KODOQUE+, move two blocks North and use it.
If Snake doesn't have KODOQUE+ in his first hand, mulligan and reduce cost to zero. If Venus has KODOQUE+ in the first or second hand (bear in mind that she has 3 Rest), move her two blocks North and one Block West, facing towards the guards. Then, use the KODOQUE+ card.
If neither character has the KODOQUE+ card in their first turns, use mulligan cards and reduce cost to zero. The guards will move and acquire cost. If the nearest guard moves two blocks South, Snake or Venus may have to punch the guard off the train so that a KODOQUE+ card can be optimally used in that position.
Stage 8a | Residential Area
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL KODOQUE+<br> PRESS TRIANGLE TO SWITCH TO VENUS<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL KODOQUE+<br> END<br> </html> SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
All guards start with 10 cost. Advance Snake and Venus to the goal downstairs in the Northwest side of the room.
Stage 8b | Residential Area
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Don't move Snake on this stage; only Venus needs to get to the secret underground entrance. Move her through the western (left) door. In the hallway, proceed through the next western (left) door. End her turn as soon as she enters the room. The patrol bot will move towards the room dividers. Move Venus to the block in the Northwest corner and enter Crawl mode. Crawl through the vent to the North and enter Stand mode. The secret underground entrance is the block between the two most Eastern aquariums on the Northern wall (OR between the second and third aquarium).
Stage 10a | Secondary Bridge
This stage is just a cutscene. Skip it.
Stage 9a | Metal Gear Prototype Factory
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Considering how large the starting area is, it's really important to keep cost to zero as much as possible on this stage. For Snake's and Venus's first turn, incur cost and reduce it to zero without moving so that every guard in the area will have at least 4 cost.
Proceed to the first guard and use Punch to knock him out, then head down the balcony to the final ladder and climb down. Move through the giant door, into the larger room. Proceed up the ramp on the West side and through the door. In this room, move down the ramp and through the guards to the West of the electrified floor (Raiden and Punch will be useful here). Advance to the subgoal to the North.
In this subarea, Venus needs Stealth+ and Solid Snake(MGS2)+ equipped. If they're not equipped, mulligan at the entrance to the room until you have them both equipped. Only Venus needs to get to the goal. Move her up the ladder. If the shielded unit prevents her from being able to hang off the railing where the orange flooring is, use Punch on him until he is knocked out and/or out of the way. Hang on the railing and drop down. Advance to the ladder on the Southwest side. You will either need to use Raiden or Punch the guard standing in front of the ladder. Do not move to the block where the oil spill is, or Venus will lose her equipped cards.
Once Venus is up the ladder, either use a Raiden card to land on the flamethrower unit, or run up to him and Punch him off the balcony. Proceed to the next ladder and climb it, then run up to the ladder heading back down. Climb down to the bottom floor again, and head towards the goal where the PSG1 is.
Stage 9b | Metal Gear Prototype Factory (BOSS: Golab)
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br> <b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 Action++<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost -6<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost -10<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Running Man<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Jonathan Ingram<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Ocelot Unit<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Jack<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost -8<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost -12<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost Raiden+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Running Man+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Jonathan Ingram+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Ocelot Unit+<br>
<b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [060] Briefing<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x3 [066] Double Action:Cost+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x3 [068] Double Action<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [073] Extra Turn<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [147] Olga G.<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x1 [188] Mr. Sigint<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [364] Extra Turn+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [433] Olga G.+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [526] Action+Linkage+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [535] Super Dragon<br> END<br> </html>
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
147 | Olga Gurlukovich | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint | 1 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
535 | Super Dragon | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Snake will utilize the Infinite Deck strategy for this fight. Maintain his turn and accumulate at least 87 cost before using a Super Dragon to defeat Golab.
Stage 9c | Metal Gear Prototype Factory (BOSS: KODOQUE)
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> <b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Olga G.<br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [254] M47 Dragon<br> PRESS TRIANGLE TO SWITCH TO VENUS<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x4 [008] FIM-92B<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x4 [565] FIM-92A<br> END<br> </html>
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint+ | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
535 | Super Dragon | 2 |
254 | M47 Dragon | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 38
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
008 | FIM-92B | 4 |
565 | FIM-92A | 4 |
Skip Snake's and Venus's first turn. KODOQUE will either expose its missile slots on its “arms” or will prepare for a laser attack. If it is preparing for the laser attack, continue to skip your characters' turns until it arms its missiles. Have Snake use the Infinite Turn strategy with M47 Dragon cards and Super Dragon cards to blow up both of KODOQUE's arms. Since those cards have different damage values, pay attention to how much damage Snake will deal in accordance with his cost before attacking. Snake needs at least 50 cost if using M47 Dragon cards and needs at least 34 cost if using Super Dragon cards. If his cost is too low to destroy either of KODOQUE's arms, just accumulate more cost.
Once Snake has shot both of KODOQUE's arms off, end his turn without using an Extra Turn/Extra Turn+ card. Continually end Venus's turn until KODOQUE gets a turn. It should now bend down and prepare an ultimate attack. Have Venus finish it off by keeping cost to zero and using FIM-92B and FIM-92A cards.
Stage 10b | Secondary Bridge
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> <b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Briefing<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> x2 Action++<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Double Action:Cost+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Double Action<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Extra Turn<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL M47 Dragon<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Extra Turn+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Olga+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Mr. Sigint+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Action+Linkage+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Super Dragon<br> PRESS TRIANGLE TO SWITCH TO VENUS<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL FIM-92B<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL FIM-92A<br> PRESS TRIANGLE TO SWITCH TO SNAKE<br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [115] Cost -6<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [121] Cost -10<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [157] Running Man<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [168] J. Ingram<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x1 [175] Ocelot Unit<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x1 [291] Jack<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [404] Cost -8<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [410] Cost -12<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x3 [435] Raiden+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [441] Running Man+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [452] J. Ingram+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [459] Ocelot Unit+<br> END<br> </html>
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Get both characters across the map to the goal on the other side. Start out by having both Snake and Venus incur cost and then reduce it to zero in the same turn. This will ensure that all the enemies on the stage have at least 4 cost. Use either a Raiden+ card or use Punch to deal with the guard holding a shield that blocks the path just past the first ladder. Once you've dealt with the guard, you can use a Raiden+ card to flip across the gap in order to save the moment, or just run around along the path if you don't have one. Continue North to the goal.
Stage 11a | ??? 1F
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Advance to the goal. There are three Tengu guards on this stage that start out with 0 cost. Make sure to move both characters through the first doorway to avoid being blocked by the first Tengu. You can either bait the second Tengu away from the next doorway, or use Punch to knock him out of the way. Climb down the ladder in the next room, and use Punch to knock the third Tengu into the High Tech Soldier. Climb the next ladder and enter the last room. A short cutscene will play when Snake ends his turn in this room.
Stage 11b | ??? 2F (BOSS: Chaigadiel)
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br> <b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 Action++<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost -6<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost -10<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Running Man<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Jonathan Ingram<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Ocelot Unit<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Jack<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost -8<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost -12<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Cost Raiden+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Running Man+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Jonathan Ingram+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Ocelot Unit+<br>
<b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [060] Briefing<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x3 [066] Double Action:Cost+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x3 [068] Double Action<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [073] Extra Turn<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [147] Olga G.<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x1 [188] Mr. Sigint<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [364] Extra Turn+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [433] Olga G.+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [526] Action+Linkage+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [535] Super Dragon<br> END<br> </html>
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
147 | Olga Gurlukovich | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint | 1 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
535 | Super Dragon | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Move Snake 2 blocks North to bring Chaigadiel within range of an attack. He has 2000 HP, so Snake will need at least 134 cost to defeat him with a single Super Dragon card. Snake will utilize the Infinite Deck strategy. As an alternative, you can reference Snake's ATK value with the Dragon Card before actually firing it to ensure that enough damage is dealt. Prioritize Double Action+Cost at the start of every turn to raise the cost of all cards before using them.
Stage 11c | ??? 3F (BOSS: Vince)
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
147 | Olga Gurlukovich | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
535 | Super Dragon | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Snake will utilize the Infinite Deck to defeat Vince. He does not need to move from the starting position. Snake needs at least 108 cost to defeat him with one Super Dragon card. Again, utilize Double Action+Cost as early in each turn as possible to accumulate cost more rapidly.
Stage 11d | ??? 4F (BOSS: Metal Gear Chaioth Ha Qadesh)
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [254] M47 Dragon<br> END<br> </html> SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 32
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
147 | Olga Gurlukovich | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
535 | Super Dragon | 2 |
254 | M47 Dragon | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Snake will utilize the Infinite Deck to defeat Metal Gear. He does not need to move from his starting position. Snake needs at least 47 cost if using the Super Dragon card on any of the targets throughout the fight, or at least 70 cost if using M47 Dragon cards. A short cutscene will play after you've destroyed the first three targets. Defeat two more to finish the fight.
Stage 11e | ??? 5F (BOSS: Venus)
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Snake only; don't change Venus's deck.<br> <b>In-Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL M47 Dragon<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Super Dragon<br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 FIM-92B<br> END<br> </html> SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
060 | Briefing | 2 |
062 | Action++ | 3 |
066 | Double Action:Cost+ | 3 |
068 | Double Action | 3 |
073 | Extra Turn | 2 |
147 | Olga Gurlukovich | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
188 | Mr. Sigint+ | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
364 | Extra Turn+ | 2 |
433 | Olga Gurlukovich+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
526 | Action+Linkage+ | 2 |
008 | FIM-92B | 2 |
Despite leaving Snake's deck set up for the Infinite Deck strategy, he will NOT use it for this fight. Move Snake to the corner railing on the East side of the stage and face West so that his back is to a railing and his left side is to a railing. Keep cost as low as possible and at least 3 cards in Snake's hand at all times. Venus will continually run up to Snake and use Punch on him. Once Snake has made it to that corner and Venus is adjacent to him from the West, use Punch to knock her off the balcony.
Stage 12a | Escape Route
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br>
<b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Briefing<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> x2 Action++<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Double Action:Cost+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Double Action<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Extra Turn<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Olga<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Mr. Sigint<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Extra Turn+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Olga+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL Action+Linkage+<br> <span style=“color:Red”>REMOVE</span> ALL FIM-92A<br> <b>ID Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [115] Cost -6<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [121] Cost -10<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [157] Running Man<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [168] J. Ingram<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x1 [175] Ocelot Unit<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x1 [291] Jack<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [404] Cost -8<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [410] Cost -12<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x3 [435] Raiden+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [441] Running Man+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [452] J. Ingram+<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x2 [459] Ocelot Unit+<br> END<br> </html>
SNAKE'S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
062 | Action++ | 1 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
291 | Jack | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 30
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
Start the stage off by incurring cost and reducing it to zero on both characters. All of the patrol bots will now have at least 4 cost. Use Raiden+ cards to flip across the gap to either platform (West or North of the corner railing by the start of the stage). Ideally, you'll have each character move to a different platform so that you don't waste time moving a character out of the way for the other character to flip to the same platform. After each character has flipped across the first gap, now have each of them use another Raiden+ to flip to the platform in the Northwest. There is a patrol bot blocking a ladder that must be knocked out of the way using Punch. Raiden+ cannot be used to land on the patrol bot. Climb down the ladder and approach the final two patrol bots guarding the exit from the left. Use Punch on each Patrol Bot so that you knock each of them one block North.
Stage 12b | Escape Route
<html> <span style=“color:White”>DECK CHANGES</span><br> Venus Only; don't change Snake's deck.<br> <b>In Deck Tab:</b><br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x4 [008] FIM-92B<br> <span style=“color:Lime”>ADD</span> x4 [565] FIM-92A<br> END<br> </html>
VENUS’S DECK: Deck Size: 38
Card Number | Name | Number of Cards |
115 | Cost -6 | 2 |
121 | Cost -10 | 2 |
148 | Johnny Sasaki | 2 |
157 | Running Man | 2 |
168 | J. Ingram | 2 |
175 | Ocelot Unit | 1 |
355 | Briefing+ | 2 |
371 | Stealth+ | 1 |
404 | Cost -8 | 2 |
410 | Cost -12 | 2 |
428 | Solid Snake (MGS2)+ | 1 |
434 | Johnny Sasaki+ | 2 |
435 | Raiden+ | 3 |
441 | Running Man+ | 2 |
452 | J. Ingram+ | 2 |
459 | Ocelot Unit+ | 2 |
008 | FIM-92B | 4 |
565 | FIM-92A | 4 |
Venus must destroy all patrol bots to clear the stage. Reinforcements will appear in waves once all the patrol bots on screen are destroyed. There are 7 patrol bots in total. Use the FIM-92B and FIM-92A card and keep cost at zero.
Mash through the cutscenes until a cutscene showing Venus and Dr. Takiyama appears on the screen. This cutscene is unskippable. Once it ends, the ending credits will play. After the credits are over, a skippable cutscene showing Snake in bandages will appear. After you've skipped this cutscene, hold triangle to skip the following dialog. RTA ends at the Clear screen that appears. Press Circle to close this screen, then save your cleared file for IGT.