Table of Contents

Stage 2: Something Stinks Really Bad

Reach Sg. Rosco

BOSS: Sg. Rosco

Find Intel File 1

Give Robert the Radio

Get Past the Sewer Channel

Ambushed By Rodents

Find the Broken Flamethrower

Reach Sewerjunk

BOSS: Sewerjunk

Did some testing on easy, this is the least amount of damage Sewerjunk can have remaining before the flamethrower explodes. If you notice, there's a brick line underneath it, if his health hits that line, explode time.

It is therefore possible to reliably get the flamethrower skip. Each flamethrower hit does 3 ticks of damage unless of course, you hit him as he descends, you might only do one or two. But just as he's fully descended you can do one tick, which can help you to line it up.

Escape the Sewer

Return to UnMetal