Table of Contents


Hello, and welcome to my tutorial for running MGS2 on the Normal difficulty! This guide will outline much of the route and tricks that will get you started with your early runs and assist with transitioning into top times. I've separated the game into six distinct segments, and each segment is its own video/notes section for easy digestion and practice. At the end of the guide is a miscellaneous information section with a few boss strategy timing comparisons and other useful tidbits. With all that said, I hope you find the information helpful as you start learning!

[1] Tanker

2-Spot Photos

Thanks to RaichuMGS for providing the still images for the above demonstration!

[2] Bomb Disposal

Clockwise Bombs

Insert video here

[3] Midgame (Fatman-Harrier)

[4] Shell 2 Core

[5] Escort

[6] Endgame

[7] Miscellaneous Information

Patched vs. Unpatched (HDC)


Loading Trick

Live Q+A

This video was made in preparation for the Winter 2017 tournament and provides some no-reset strategies and a Q+A session for best practices for use when beginning to learn the run. Featuring commentary from RaichuMGS, Tyler2022, Plywood, Schnapples, and ScoutPwnage.

Boss Strategies and Timing Comparisons


7/30/2017: Update 1.01.0 (Version/Console clarification added)

10/1/2017: Update 1.02.0 (Loading Trick explanation added to addendum)

11/30/2017: Update 1.02.1 (Loading Trick explanation revised)

12/15/2017: Update 2.00.0 (Live Q+A Tutorial stream added)

12/18/2017: Update 2.01.0 (Misc. Info addendum section added)

3/22/2018: Update 2.01.1 (Misc. Info updated)

7/23/2018: Update 3.00.0 (MGSR Wiki Update)

8/20/2018: Update 3.00.1 (Patch/Unpatched section added)

11/4/2018: Update 3.01.0 (Boss strat explanation videos added)

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