In Metal Gear, you can only move in one of the 4 cardinal directions (Up, Right, Down, Left) - no in between movements are possible.
However there is one exception, on corners of boxes, walls etc you can be boosted to the side - allowing you to keep moving forward but on the same frame also additionally be pushed to the side. If well applied, this allows for saving single frames per successful execution. For this there are some requirements to be met depending on which axis you're moving and which side of Snake needs to be boosted.
Rule 1: on a vertical axis it's easier
to be pushed to the right going up or
going down a vertical line
Rule 2: on a vertical axis it's harder
to be pushed to the left going up or
goign down a vertical line
Rule 3: our center of body can align
with the vertical axis for right pushes
for left pushes, we have to be one step
(2 pixels) further left
Rule 4: for entering trucks our head needs to
touch the tarp of the truck, else we can't enter
If Snake visually is centered on the vertical pixel line with a box or wall to his left, he will successfully be boosted to the right going up.
Successful example
If Snake visually is with his head left of a box/wall and his right shoulder is on the box/wall, he will be boosted to the left going up.
Going left or right the same behaviour applies
If the leading shoe (in this example Snake's left shoe) is over the box, you can box boost.
Successful example