Disc 1 Extreme
"The game tracks kills and alerts on a checkpoint basis - during a multi segment speedrun you can save and quit upon discovery or accidental kill if you don’t enter a new area first. You cannot save & quit a continue screen.
Achieving “Big Boss” rank requires you do not kill anyone - however there are instances where a “kill” does not count towards your score. Such as Ocelot - because he is not killed during your encounter lethal means are allowed during a Big Boss run. Knocking guards over the railings in the Underground Base do not count. They do count in Nuke Building 1F.
Soldiers killed by exploding barrels do not count towards your end score, required to successfully clear the Escape Route.
...It is indeed a requirement that you play with Game over if Discovered condition turned “on”.
General Info
It is faster to roll upstairs then run up them
1). This is situationally true when going downstairs. However, if you roll too early Snake will faceplant.
Tank Hangar
Holding Cells
Guard Encounter
Armory South
Revolver Ocelot
After quick changing to M9, go into FPV. From here, you can either shift your weight to the left with Left Trigger, or stand still. Standing still requires you to aim the first shot through the gap in the column.
After the cutscenes finish in Armory South
As you enter the Armory
Armory Continued
Tank Hangar Lasers
After skipping the Cargo Door cutscene and the door beep, exit the elevator. Between the first two lines in the floor in the laser hallway, roll forward. Stand up. If you rolled too early, you will need to crawl a bit to avoid the 2nd laser. Swap to SOCOM. SOCOM the remaining sensors from farthest to closest. Roll towards the door. Recommended for novice players.
During the Meryl codec, hold ~ 2:30 - 2:45 on the Analog stick. Skip the Cargo Door cutscene. After getting off the elevator panel, hold down right and hug the wall. Turn the corner immediately and run forward. Roll at the line shown in the screenshot. You can roll earlier, but not by much. If you roll too early or late, you will get caught. Mash right trigger to crawl faster. Enter the door while in a crawl. Recommended for advanced players.
Hold right to pick up the Chaff grenades. Move up and roll at the position shown in the screen shot to save frames. If you haven't swapped to SOCOM, now is the time to do it. M9 equipped, R ◄ or ► 1 for Socom
M1 Tank
Nuke Building 1F
Nuke Building B1
Nuke Building B2
Attack | Damage |
No Weapon Punch | 3 |
No Weapon Kick | 6? |
Socom Punch | 6 |
Socom Kick | 6 |
Nikita Kick/Roll/Smack | 18 |
After the Ninja jumps away, hold A and B to run and gun. Approach the ninja, shoot the SOCOM, and do one of two things after he deflects the bullet.
Punch Punch with the SOCOM out (SPP, SOCOM PUNCH PUNCH)
Punch, then roll into the ninja, making sure to swap to Nikita before making contact with the Ninja (SPNR, SOCOM PUNCH NIKITA ROLL)
Lab Exit
Rolling back to the gas hallway can save up to 11 frames. If you roll too early, you will lose over a second. If you roll any later in the 10 frame window, you will lose frames. Roll once Snake is at the door frame.
Nuke Building B1
Commander's Room
Psycho Mantis
Attack | Damage |
Head/Right Leg Shot (Critical) | 12 |
Body Shot/Nikita Smach | 4 |
Roll | 3 |
Punch (with or without gun) | 2 |
Phase One
Meryl Possessions
Meryl can be possessed, hold left trigger, right trigger, Z, and A during the cutscene. Drag your aim to Mantis's head.
After she gets possessed a second time, hold left trigger, right trigger, Z, and A during the cutscene. A quick tap up will connect the headshot with Mantis.
Final Phase
Below is a nonlethal method, which is easier, a little bit slower, and doesn't skip the Meryl possession
Old Lethal Mantis
Hold upright on the dpad
2), then upleft towards the overhang. Roll into the overhang.
Meryl Dialog Skip
If you roll too late, Meryl can slap you down, forcing you to hear “What are you thinking?” Try to get up as soon as possible if she slaps you, as you may be able to get to through the door before her dog dialog.
Underground Passage
Press downright on dpad to turn to the wall. Go left when Snake crosses the weapon's box in the
GUI. You can roll into the Caves to save ~8 to 11 frames.
PSG1-T Backtrack
Wolf 1
Medical Room (Torture Cell)
Easy Prison Skip
Hard Prison Skip
Returning to Underground Passage
Repeat the movements for the rooms up to the Underground Passage.
Disc Swap