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MGRR - Any% - NG+ - R04

What's new in R-04?

Rather hard chapter of the run, due to how easy it is for the things to go south really quickly. Most of the zones here are an autoscrollers, and you won’t believe how easy it is to screw these up. At the end, there are three bossfights, two being Body Double Mistral and Monsoon, both can sometimes do weird things, along with Sundowner being probably the easiest boss of the game. Aight, let’s get started.

R-04 Route

Secondary Weapon: Pincer Blades - Polearm
Grenades: EM Grenade - RP Grenade

Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 3

Office Segment

If you want to go for timesaves

If you don’t want to risk a timeloss

Japanese Gardens

Elevator Fights

The section consists of five consecutive fights, one of which can be skipped.

Fight #1

Fight #2

Fight #3

Fight #4

Secondary Weapon: Polearm - Pincer Blades

Fight #5

Bossfight: Body Double Mistral

Grenades: RP Grenade - EM Grenade

Bossfight: Body Double Monsoon

Grenades: RP Grenade (available only if you’ve collected it on Garden, or if you haven’t used the grenade in the office) / Cardboard Box

Bossfight: Sundowner

R04 Key Points

Continue to R05 Tutorial

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