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MGRR - Any% - NG+ - R02

What’s new in the chapter?

Probably one of the easiest segments in the entire run, R02 offers an easy way to practice movement sections in the long hallways while still having some small things that can easily turn this segment into a reset city. It is recommend using this segment as a way to practice Lightning Strikes.

Let’s start with the new movement technique that we’ll utilize in the sections with no enemies nearby - Lightning Strikes.

Lightning Strike Cancels (LSC)

Input: Up+Up+Heavy into BM

Have to have Polearm NOT equipped

R-02 Route

Skip the cutscene, then mash Dodge forward. Walk forward until Codec ends.

Secondary Weapon: Pincer Blades - Sai
Grenade: RP Grenade - EM Grenade

Stealth Section #1

Secondary Weapon: Sai - Pincer Blades

Stealth Section #2

Bossfight: G.R.A.D

Secondary Weapon: Pincer Blades - Polearm

* (has to be done before starting the next chapter, but after killing the two guards ahead)

R02 Key Points

Continue to R03 Tutorial

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