Table of Contents

Advanced Mode Mine Level 1

Having fun? Good. It's over now (just until we get to the next advance weapon mode). Welcome to Advanced Mines! You have two claymores, one to the left and one to the right. You may want to pick them up because every claymore in your possession is an extra second. Once you pick up a mine or two, head North, and try to place the claymore where, not only will you hit the guard, but it will send you back into the goal. That should save you some time.

Advanced Mode Mine Level 2

From here on out, you will need to ALERT guards for them to chase you. It's easier to kill them with a single claymore this way. Use your diagonal running to avoid guards and strategically place your claymores.

Advanced Mode Mine Level 3

Place a claymore in the middle of the two center guards. Cause an ALERT, have them chase you towards the bottom, place another claymore for the following two guards, and pick up the extra mines south of the goal while you wait for the enemy to die.

Advanced Mode Mine Level 4

Cause an ALERT, and bring the guards to the Norther Eastern Mine. While they're trying to melee you, they'll eventually kill themselves. Once you recover, head towards the goal, which is where you spawned in from.

Advanced Mode Mine Level 5

You want to cause an ALERT from the nearest guard. After some testing, I chose the Southern guard. If I want to buy some time until his friends show up, I will diagonally run up against the wall, back and forth. Once they're grouped all together, place the mine down. Sounds easy, right? Don't worry, I promise Advance Nikita is more fun.