===== 100% ===== Complete the game as fast as possible while grabbing all items, acquire all weapons, save all POWs including Ellen and then Dr. Madnar. This page has been developed down for the easy difficulty on PS2 PAL/PS2 NTSC and HDC versions of the game. ====== Route ====== === 100% PS2/HDC Video Tutorial === Check out the full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL {{youtube>6fLnlOjiDZ4?medium}} =====Building 1===== ==== Building 1 - Ground Floor - 1st Visit ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmCKsNtq1Nc&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=2 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-01-gf.png?200 |}} * Walk up and go to the three truck room * begin with the center truck to get the level 1 door card first * then leave to the right and enter the right truck to get the binoculars * then leave the truck to the left and enter the left truck * grab up 6 rations, this category can be run also with up to 4 rations only initially * once all 3 items have been acquired, walk south and follow the line * on your way, tap R2 twice to equip the level 1 door card * enter the mask room and grab the gas mask * leave back to the left side floor and follow the line up * turn right and enter the left first truck to grab the gun * you can either walk out of the truck and circle left towards the elevator * or follow the line on the map and circle right side around the trucks towards the elevator * in testing the timings were about the same ==== Building 1 - Second Floor ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrWmz2_5FrI&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=3 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-02-2f.png?750 |}} === Beginning === * walk south and have the cameras see you for the floor wide alert * on entering the left room grab up to 3 boxes of ammunition, 2 boxes can be enough as well * save first POW on your way to the gas room * ideally open the door, then menu as follows * **R2 - L2 - Up 2x - L2** * that way you have the pistol equipped and also use the gas mask without needing to use a ration * leave the gas room with the level 1 door card again * **L2 - Down 2x - L2** * walk left in the next room and save the POW in the bottom left room * continue on into the death barrel room * grab plastic explosives in death barrel room * leave the death barrel room to the right * once out, try to kill the guard as quickly as possible to end the floor wide alert * alternatively you can continue walking with the pistol equipped and shoot all guards on your way to end the floor wide alert * walk all the way to the right to enter the room and grab level 2 door card * leave the room, equip the rations * **L2 - Down 2x - L2** * walk up past the electric floor room * go up and right and save another POW behind the level 1 door * **L2 - Up 2x - L2** * mind on entering the POW room, there are 2 boxes in your way * hold up first and circle around the boxes to save the POW * on return go up again and circle left to leave the room * head up north and leave to the left to return to the left side beginning of the floor * for that you need to equip the level 2 door card * **L2 - Up - Right - L2** * enter the four horsemen room It is not worth resetting the death pin {{youtube>rHg5xMaQbxU?}} ---- === Four Horsemen === Order of guards to be killed ideally * bottom left * bottom right * top right * top left As a reward for killing all 4 guards you'll receive the suppressor. ---- === Ending === * grab the grenade launcher right of the Four Horsemen room * **L2 - Down - Left - L2** * after grabbing the grenade launcher, leave the room again * leave the four horsemen room and follow left * **L2 - Up - Right - L2** * go south and save the fourth POW * once that's done return back again to the top right side of the floor * follow the map to enter the level 2 door room and grab cardboard box * leave the floor with the top right elevator and take it down 2 floors ==== Building 1 - Ground Floor - 2nd Visit ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w32NfAVLQYY&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=4 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-03-gf.png?120 |}} * turn left on entering the floor and circle around the tanks going down * optional: if not enough health is left, punch the left guard on passing to not risking death * continue south and save fifth POW to rank up to level 2 * leave the room to the right and walk south, triggering the floor wide alert * tip: use the pistol to shoot guards and preserve health * enter the right door to grab the submachine gun * leave the room and enter the left room to grab the 6th POW behind the level 1 door * **L2 - Down - Left - L2** * walk south and exit to the bottom left room to get captured ---- ==== Building 1 - Underground ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgG0gfS2gMQ&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=5 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-bb-04-ug-01-v2.png?450 |}} * escape from cell * get items back * remove tracking device * **L2 - Right - Down - Circle (or B) - Up 2x - L2** * leave the room and traverse out into the shotmaker room * enter the left door now with your level 2 door card equipped * inside the room: * grab door card level 3 * grab 5 ammonition boxes * go left, then up, turn right to kill Shotmaker with submachine gun * leave to the maze ---- === Maze === * follow the line on the map * grab blast suit * grab enemy uniform * leave to first floor Save time by placing bombs early: {{youtube>r2Tzgep8voc?}} ==== Building 1 - First Floor ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auFNKgEaNgM&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=6 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-05-1f.png?600 |}} * turn left and hide in the cardboard box to not get spotted by the camera * additionally, equip the submachine gun for the latter fight against MGK * **R2 - Right - L2 - Up - L2** * in testing it was found that keeping more health and not getting a floor wide alert is beneficial * however feel free to try the entire floor with a floor wide alert, it might be worth it timewise (further testing TBD) * once the camera has passed you return back to the level 3 door card * **L2 - Down - L2** * follow the path on the map to the left * save 7th POW and follow south * on entering the bottom left floor, the guard will notice you and turn on the electric floor * do not bother shooting the guard and turning off the electric floor * just walk into the room to grab the infrared goggles * on leaving the room, the guard will have despawned and won't turn on the electric floor again * return back to the beginning of the floor but take the south side path * follow down until you're at the south-east side corner room and save the 8th POW ---- === Machine Gun Kid === * Turn north and start shooting with the submachine gun until MGK is dead * take the parachute from the north room with the level 1 door card * **L2 - Up - Left - L2** * return back outside to the right ---- * follow up going out of the MGK room * enter the level 1 door to save the 9th POW * leave the floor towards the roof, before leaving, put on the blast suit * **L2 - Down - Right - Down - L2** (or different order of the same inputs) ==== Building 1 - Roof ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMy72Rez4Ms&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=7 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-06-roof.png?460 |}} * start by going south * after the first room, equip the level 3 door card * **L2 - Up - L2** * grab the remote missile in the level 3 door room * follow the map back north * put on the level 2 door card * **L2 - Up 2x - L2** * go to the left bottom POW behind the level 2 door as shown on the map * return back to the north and cross the bridge to get to the south half of the floor * ideally equip the level 3 door card here on the bridge * **L2 - Down 2x - L2** * after the bridge, a mandatory alert will start, move to the most south west corner * as soon as the south west room has been reached, a guard will turn on the electric floor * ignore the damage taken and enter the level 3 room to grab the mine detector * once you leave the room, the alert is over and the electric floor is turned off again * equip the parachute and the grenade launcher * **L2 - Up - Right - R2 - Up - R2** * leave to the bottom side and walk right until in the Hind-D room ---- === Hind-D === * stand in the top left corner or in the between the two boxes to not get damaged * shoot 20 grenades on the Hind-D * you can hold right and touch the Hind-D after the last shot has been sent off without taking damage * after the Hind-D fight, continue right and up to take the fall down to the ground floor for the third time ==== Building 1 - Ground Floor - Third Visit ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI3ossNL8m8&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=8 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-07-gf.png?180 |}} * go straight south and enter the truck to grab door card level 4 * avoid triggering the mine on entering the truck going south * walk left out of the truck, take the mine damage and leave north or learn the mine pattern and walk through them without taking damage * go to the left side room with level 4 door and save the 11th POW * **L2 - Down 2x - L2** * leave to the north * enter the most right truck and take 3 mines * leave to the east and take the elevator down 1 floor ==== Building 1 - Underground - Second Visit ==== **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-08-ug-gf.png?250 |}} * walk to the right side and follow the path south * you do not need to shoot the guard dogs * you can try to avoid the guard dogs by walking the lines on the map * dogs can not change their set "axis" either horizonal lane or vertical lane * so avoiding them is faster and still without taking damage rather than shooting them * enter the room with the level 4 door to grab the body armor * leave back north again to go back to the ground floor * do not change the weapon away from the grenade launcher until having left the building ---- === Building 1 - Ground Floor - Final Visit === * Leave building 1 through the door one room to the left of the elevator ===== Building 1 to Building 2 ===== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9coWm-4wVk&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=9 {{:mg1:mgx-100-09-desert-1.png?130 |}} * grab one set of explosives from the left truck * equip the body armor if needed and the mines * **L2 - Down - R2 - Left - R2** If you need extra rations: * exit to the left of the truck and wrap around to the right side of the screen * go north on the vertical axis which aligns with the 1st digit of your ammonition amount * enter the truck if needed for extra rations * follow the path north until you meet the tank If you don't need extra rations: * exit to the right of the truck and follow the direct path north * make sure to move right at the vertical center height of the trucks * turn north once your vertical axis meets the right side of the door * follow the path north until you meet the tank ---- === Tank === * the goal is to get hit by the LMG of the tank and get damage boosted * with the damage boost you can walk into the tank without immediately dying * place as many mines as neede to destroy the tank * continue up north ---- === Enter Building 2 === * after leaving the tank room, move north and hold right * walk north on the vertical axis that meets your 2nd digit of the ammo count * equip the enemy uniform ideally before entering the next screen * **L2 - Left - L2** * skip the enemy dialog * call Schneider and Diana * before entering the door, equip level 4 door card and grenade launcher * **L2 - Up - Right - R2 - Right - R2** The list of codec frequencies to call * call 120.79 for Schneider * call 120.33 for Diana ===== Building 2 ===== ==== Building 2 - Ground Floor - First Visit ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya-yzGuCVN0&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=10 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-10-b2-gf.png?220 |}} * enter the water and go to the left * enter the middle door to start the bulldozer fight ---- === Bulldozer Fight === * step forward until your grenade launcher rectangle meets the bottom of the bulldozer * send 4 grenades * walk down to the bottom of the room, but DON'T open the door * tap up * send 4 more grenades * leave to the north of the room * take the elevator to hell roof ==== Building 2 - Roof ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XTKARsfn4A&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=11 Welcome to Hell Roof Click the image for a full resolution view {{:mg1:b2-10-roof-v2.png?290 |}} * Walk south and rescue the 12th POW behind the level 2 door * **L2 - Left - Down 2x - L2** * leaving the room walk right and equip the level 4 door card * **L2 - Right - Up 2x - L2** * follow the path south to get to the room holding the level 5 door card * the PINK line is protecting snake from some bullets * the RED line is more risky, but also more direct and saving frames * enter the room to grab the level 5 card * menu to the level 5 door card * **L2 - Right - Down x2 - L2** * leave the floor and take the elevator **ALL THE WAY DOWN** ==== Building 2 - Underground ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK0LrsixEds&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=12 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:b2-11-b1-v2.png?270 |}} * exit the elevator going down * adjust only as much left as you need to get into the door * once outside the elevator access room turn left and go to the top left door * save the 13th POW * on leaving the POW room, turn south and open the left side door * ideally before entering, equip the plastic explosives and the gas mask * **R2 - Left - Down - L2 - Right 2x - Up - L2** * save the 14th POW behind the level 1 door * **L2 - Down 2x - L2** * after saving the POW and getting the rank 4 rank up, leave to the left and enter the room with the level 5 door card * **L2 - Left 2x - Up - L2** * ignore the fake Doctor Madnar * grab the door card level 6 and equip it along with the submachine gun * **L2 - Down - R2 - Right - R2** * leave to the left to fight the Firetrooper ---- === Firetrooper === * turn north against the wall to not get hit by the firetrooper * wait for the 2nd swing of his fire to go left * approach firetrooper from the right and shoot your submachine gun * this should kill the firetrooper with minimal damage taken * alternative: run up and shoot him (depending on remaining health and difficulty) ==== Building 2 - Ground Floor - Second Visit ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNq8rmIDngo&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=13 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-13-b2-gf-2.png?500 |}} === POW === * leave the elevator and turn right * before passing the laser trap, punch 3 times to avoid the floor wide alert * follow the path on the map to get to the POW room with the level 5 door * **L2 - Up - L2** * return back to the central room and follow the east path to get to the antenna room ---- === Antenna === * equip the level 2 door card and enter the antenna room * **L2 - Left 2x - L2** * on entering the antenna room, walk up around the boxes * take the same way back again above the boxes for the fast way out * leave the following room to the south for the flashlight ---- === Flashlight === * turn left and go to the flashlight room behind the level 6 door * **L2 - Right 2x - Down - L2** * after grabbing the flashlight, leave the room to the right * walk to the east elevator * use the level 5 card again to leave to the elevator * **L2 - Up - L2** * take the elevator one floor down, the only way it can go ==== Building 2 - Underground - Second Visit ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGgegA7bjNQ&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=14 Let's save Dr. Madnar's daughter ---- === Reach the Underground Tunnel === **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-14-b2-ug-2.png?240 |}} * once out of the elevator, follow out to the left * use the level 5 card you already have equipped * then change to the gas mask and the plastic explosives * **L2 - Right 2x - Up - R2 - Left - R2** * follow the map to go to the bottom left corner of the map * explode the wall and stick to the bottom side * if you're too high, the pit will open early and you can't pass it anymore * if that happens leave out to the right again and come back, the pit will have closed again * follow the path to the door * use your level 6 door card to open the underground connection to building 1 * **L2 - Left 2x - Down 2x - L2** ---- === Underground Tunnel Going South === **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-15-b2-ug-3.png?50 |}} * you have to use the flashlight in this underground connecting path * **L2 - Down 2x - L2** * follow south and left in the first room * then stay high and turn right, leave the room close to the bottom left row of boxes * stay on the vertical line and follow south, once the center pit has been passed * turn left to not fall into the right pit * on the next screen, circle around the boxes again to the right * follow south again ideally without opening the center pit * in the final room, circle around the boxes turning left * leave the connection tunnel with the level 1 door card * **L2 - Right 2x - Up 2x - L2** ---- === Save Ellen === **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-16-b1-cell.png?230 |}} * once you enter the underground of building 1 * walk south between the first and second column of boxes * follow the path south and enter the right door * use the level 6 card * **L2 - Left 2x - L2** * in the next empty room, Ellen will call out for help * walk right and stick to the wall to not fall into the pit * use the plastic explosive to open the wall to the right * save Ellen and return back to the underground tunnel connecting the building 1 and 2 * **L2 - Right 2x - L2** * on entering the level 1 door, make sure to stay as left as possible, or explained differently, enter the door as early as possible * the tunnel door will put you into the next room on the horizontal axis where you entered the door previously ---- === Underground Tunnel Going North === **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-17-b2-ug-4.png?50 |}} * it is key to be as left as possible on entering the tunnel again * equip the flashlight again and keep walking up * **L2 - Left 2x - Down 2x - L2** * the left pit will open first, once you reached the box * circle around the box to the right and avoid falling into the right pit * leave the first screen as seen on the map aligned with the left half of the most right box * follow up and circle around the right side of the boxes to avoid falling into the pit * keep going up and turn slight right once the right side pit has opened and you passed it * on the next screen circle around the boxes staying as left as possible * leave the underground tunnel with the level 6 card at the end * **L2 - Up 2x - L2** ---- === Leaving Underground === **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-18-b2-ug-5.png?400|}} * time to leave the underground for the final time and take the elevator out past the fake Dr. Madnar room * Use the level 5 card to enter the fake Dr. Madnar's room * **L2 - Up - L2** * and put on the level 6 card again to leave out of the underground * **L2 - Down - L2** ==== Building 2 - First Floor - First Visit ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saBbYD6lWMc&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=15 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-19-b2-1f.png?690 |}} > the following menus have been noted down with the assumption of having still one ration left in your inventory from the initial grab === Grab Antidote (Red Line) === * go to the top right and grab the Antidote * use your pistol to get rid of guards and preserve health * use the level 6 door card to enter the antidote room * there will be 2 guards in that room attacking you ---- === Save the real Dr. Madnar (Purple Line) === * return back to the center of the floor following the map * use the level 1 door card to enter the Brads room * **L2 - Right 2x - L2** * use the level 1 door card to leave the Brads room * follow the path left and follow north * use the level 6 door card to enter Dr. Madnar's room * **L2 - Left 2x - L2** ---- === Get the Rocket Launcher (Blue & Green Line) === * return back to the brads room with level 1 door card * **L2 - Left 2x - L2** * and leave to the east with the level 5 door card equipped * **L2 - Up - L2** * once entered, switch to the level 3 door card * ** L2 - Left 2x - Down 2x - L2** * go up and save the next POW * leave the room * once out call frequency 120.48 to reach Jennifer, the rocket launcher then will have spawned * grab the level 6 door card and enter the rocket launcher room * **Select - call 120.48 - L2 - Right 2x - Up - L2** * once the rocket launcher has been grabbed, switch to the level 5 door card and equip the rocket launcher * **R2 - Left - L2 - Up - L2** ---- > ideally you want to get rid of your rations here at last if you still have some left > the following menus have been noted down for the case of having 0 rations left in your inventory === Final POW and Elevator Exit (Yellow and Orange Line) === * enter the brads room and leave the bottom right door * save the POW at the bottom left corner * then leave to the right to get to the elevator * hope that Johnny doesn't fall asleep to not delay you * don't fall into the pit in the death barrel room by going too far to the right too early * enter the elevator ---- === Death Abuse === With the PS2 port comes a handy new trick which is giving you all weapons, full ammo and full rations in your inventory and that mechanic is: > dying 5 times in a checkpoint! So after entering the elevator we repeat the cycle five times to step right into the death barrel room again and hold left until we die. after the fifth time a ring soung will confirm the mechanic to be activated and you will have automatically full ammo for your weapons. You will find you have also now 24 rations in your inventory again but placed behind the antidote in the inventory. If you still had rations in your inventory before doing the death abuse trick, your menus will change drastically and are not accounted for here in this wiki anymore. Once you are done, leave the barrel room to the south again and continue Building 2 - First Floor - Second Visit ==== Building 2 - First Floor - Second Visit ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGcpFivYGTY&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=16 **Click for full resolution** {{:mg1:b2-13-f1-02.png?400 |}} * Exit to your left * exit to the north into the Brads room ---- === Brads === * on entering the room hold immediately left and shoot 4 rockets * the alignment of the Brad is too low if you take one step north so do not walk up, just turn left * after the first Brad is dead, walk to the upper right corner, turn left and shoot 4 more rockets * the 2nd Brad dies and drops the door card level 7 * equip the level 2 door card and continue into the top right door * **L2 - Left 2x - L2** ---- === Compass === * follow the Brad exit to the north east * take a right turn * in the next room call Jennifer, she will open the door for you * go and grab the compass * leave back to the brad room * equip the level 5 door card again * **L2 - Right 2x - L2** * return back to the elevator and go down 1 level ==== Building 2 - Ground Floor ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mcimOYhZuY&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=17 Let's split this floor into two parts === Scuba Skip === **Click the image for a full resolution view** {{:mg1:b2-14-gf-02-v2.png?100 |}} * follow the path to the large aqueduct, avoiding damage if possible to avoid an extra ration use * before you enter the aqueduct, make sure to heal yourself so you have the full health bar available * **L2 - Right - Circle (B) - L2** * swim up; if snake was not at full hp, he will die during this swim * exit the water and follow the shown path * do not switch to the door level 7 card until your ration has healed you * before you head into the coward duck room, menu to the door level 7 card * **L2 - Down - Right - L2** === Coward Duck === * enter the room, skip the dialog and time your shots * the best method is to hold skip and fire at the same time * 2 shots from the rocket launcher and CD is dead * grab the level 8 card while the 2nd rocket is still flying * save the 3 POWs * do not fall into the pit in the middle of the room * then leave down again ---- Click the image for a full resolution view {{:b2-15-gf-03.jpg?150 |}} === Ending Building 2 === * leave to the south again the same way you came up, make sure to be fully healed before starting the swim * **L2 - Up - Left - Circle (B) - L2** * when reaching the south end heal up and equip the level 7 card * **L2 - Circle - Down - Right - L2** * exit the building to the left === Building 2 to Building 3 === Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUyPj7l6Ux8&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=18 * once in the desert hold left until you're left of the door you just exited * the gap between the life bar and the door is the spot where later the door to building 3 will be positioned * hold up and enter the next screen and equip the compass (optional on first screen) * **L2 - Down - L2** * hold up until you are on the empty screen three screens later * menu to the explosives and door card level 7 again * **L2 - Up - R2 - Right - Up - R2** * keep going up until you enter building 3 ===== Building 3 ===== ==== Building 3 - Ground Floor ==== {{:mg1:mgx-bb-13-b3-gf-01.png?175 |}} * enter the room and go top, walk right to blow up the wall * Blue line: you can keep walking north and sticking close to the north side boxes going to the elevator * Red line: you have to leave the room on the left hand side and walk up, left at the top of the boxes and then go into the elevator * once the elevator starts moving down heal up and go to door card level 8 * **L2 - Up - Circle - Up x2 - L2** * follow the elevator all the way down === Different line comparison video === {{youtube>RSbb6VD3Mpg?medium}} ==== Building 3 - Underground ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFeJgK1sKZw&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=19 ** click image for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-100-125-b3-ug.png?130 |}} * on going down the elevator, make sure to heal up and use the antidote for an easier time later * **L2 - Left - Up - Circle (B) - Up - Circle (B) - Up - Right - L2** * leave the elevator to the right and save the final POW * follow the path until you reach the level 8 door, open it and then switch to the gas mask * place the explosive, continue to the next room * walk up and hug the right side wall to not fall into the pit * then equip card 1 * **L2 - Right - Up - L2** * pass through the next room * walk on the electric floor and equip the rations for the final item menu of the speedrun * **L2 - Left 2x - Up 2x - L2** * enter the Metal Gear TX-55 boss room ==== Building 3 - TX-55 ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey8B622QkiA&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=20 {{ :mg1:tx-55-2.png?200 |}} The order of legs to place the explosives in front of: RRL, RLL, RLL, RRL, RLR, R ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 |Right| Right | Left | ^ 2 |Right| Left| Left | ^ 3 |Right | Left | Left | ^ 4 |Right | Right | Left | ^ 5 |Right | Left | Right | ^ 6 |Right | * Do NOT menu to the rocket launcher before the last explosive has gone off or the explosive will despawn. * Menu for rocket launcher is: * **L2 - Left - L2** ==== Building 3 - Big Boss & Escape ==== Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqEORBulAnc&list=PLp02-dI93qVRx_RjupKoR81Whz50z3FBL&index=21 === Big Boss Speech D-Pad spin vs Holding X === A semi-reliable way to skip Big Boss's speech even faster {{youtube>lcxMa1xQTDE?}} **click image for full resolution** {{:mg1:mgx-bb-18-b3-ug-03.png?110 |}} * walk up and turn left * shoot the first rocket on your way to the 2nd box * shoot 3 more rockets at that bottom left corner of the box * on shooting the 4th rocket, begin to walk out of the room * Big Boss is dead * move out of the room * walk up the most left ladder ---- [[metal_gear_msx|Return to Metal Gear (MSX) overview page]]