=====Downloading Old Versions of MGSV:TPP===== **THIS IS NOT PIRACY! YOU NEED TO OWN METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN ON STEAM TO BE ABLE TO DOWNLOAD IT!** ====Downloading the Necessary Tools==== You will need: * [[https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download | .NET SDK 6.0]] * [[https://github.com/SteamRE/DepotDownloader/releases | DepotDownloader]] Get DepotDownloader and place it in a directory with enough space for the game (roughly ~29 GiB) cause it'll be downloaded there. Then, unzip the contents of depotdownloader-x.x.x.zip and follow the next step. ====Downloading the Depot==== First things first you'll need TPP's game ID (**287700**) and a Depot ID. There's two depots, one for the English version and one for the Japanese version. The depots matter because we'll need different manifest IDs for each version. For speedruns, it comes down to preference as no one version has any documented advantage over the other.\\ * You can find all the game versions on SteamDB here: https://steamdb.info/app/287700/depots/ | Depot ID | Depot Name | | 287701 | MGS V: THE PHANTOM PAIN [ENG] | | 287702 | MGS V: THE PHANTOM PAIN [JPN] | Then we have the game versions. We've selected four specific game versions that are used in speedruns, 1.01 and 1.02. Pay close attention to what version you want to download because there are specific manifest IDs for both the English and Japanese versions of the game. | Manifest ID | Version | | 1169535579591939527 | [ENG] Version 1.01 | | 4417492996718580012 | [JPN] Version 1.01 | | 4095171774592044207 | [ENG] Version 1.02 | | 4847445065221007922 | [JPN] Version 1.02 | With the game ID, depot ID and Manifest ID we can finally download the game trough DepotDownloader. Open PowerShell on DepotDownloaders' folder and type the following (replace the "[ ]" with the corresponding information): dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app [game id] -depot [depot id] -manifest [manifest id] -username [your username] After that it will ask for your Steam user password and then download the depot. Example (this will download the English v1.01 version of the game. Remember to replace "[your username]" with your actual username): dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 287700 -depot 287701 -manifest 1169535579591939527 -username [your username] ====Save Files==== **MAKE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR SAVE FILES!** MGS V: TPP Save files location: ...\Steam\userdata\[your user id]\ Copy both, **311340** //and// **287700** folders and place then somewhere safe (these are your current save files). Delete the saves from your userdata folder and start the **unpatched** version of the game. After the warning screen close the game. Download the [[https://www.speedrun.com/mgsvtpp/resources | community save files]] to setup your runs. Replace TPP_GAME_DATA, with the one you downloaded from the resources page, in: ...\Steam\userdata\[your user id]\311340\remote Now you have a fresh save for your New Game runs. You can also switch to any 1.01 save file you have by replacing TPP_GAME_DATA. ====Notes==== Remember to replace, or //preferably// delete, your save files after a run. If residual files from previous runs such as ''TPP_GAME_DATA0'' //and// ''TPP_GAME_DATA1'', both present in ''...\287700\local'', aren't properly replaced emblem parts will remain unlocked, even if ''TPP_GAME_DATA'' from ''...\311340\remote'' is replaced or deleted. ---- [[metal_gear_solid_v:the_phantom_pain| Return to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain]]