====== MGS3 Speedrun FAQ's ====== **Is the use of the EZ gun allowed?** Yes. Given it as item that does not require certain completion stats (beyond VE) use of the EZ gun is permitted. **Is killing The End early faster?** Testing indicates it is not. Due to the fact you must travel out of the way menu and there's a longer trip out of Sokrovenno. You also do not get a Moison Nagant which slows down The Fury. **Why are so many runs on European Extreme?** Historically Metal Gear was primarily ran on the hardest difficulty. MGS3 being no exception. Only recently has work began to route and optimise lower difficulties, largely Spearheaded by MiniOmegaKing & RaichuMGS. **Can't you just save and skip The End that way?** Only on a multisegment run. And again you will not obtain the Moison Nagant, while not a big deal on MS since you can save and load The Fury enabling you to try more risky strats on a single segment saving and loading is prohibited.