**Full video guide** {{youtube>Rfg1xmYfOMM?medium}} **DOCKS** - //left// > stick to wall - //up// > stick to pipe - //crawl// > //up// > spam //crawl// to get up - //up// > stick to wall - wait for audio cue - //right// > stick to box - //down// > stick to fence - //right// > stick to wall - wait for audio cue - //up// > stick to wall - wait for audio cue - //up+right// > trigger elevator **HELIPAD** - //right// until snow footsteps - __6__ steps //up// - __6__ steps //up+left// - //left// > stick to wall - __3__ //full punches// - __3__ steps //up+left// - //left// > stick to truck - face //down// - __8__ //half punches// - __1__ step //left// - __1__ step //up// > climb truck - //up// > stick to wall - //left// > get __SOCOM__ - equip __SOCOM__ - //right// > stick to wall - //down// > leave truck - //up+left// until cutscene plays - //left// > stick to box - //up// > stick to wall - //crawl// - //up// > leave room **TANK HANGAR** - __6__ steps //up// - turn //right// for __1__ second - //up// until codec call - //up// until out of water - first rat audio cue - __13__ steps //up// - turn //left// for __1__ second - //up// until rat spots __3__ times - turn //left// for __1__ second - spawn //crawl// to get up - //up+left// > stick to wall - face //down// - __8__ //full punches// - __1,5__ step //left// - //up// + spam //action// to call elevator - //up+left// until elevator panel opens - __1__ //down// to select B1 > //action// **CELL** - //down// > stick to wall - //right// > stick to wall - face //up// - __7__ //half punches// (codec call) - //right// > stick to wall - //crawl// > face //left// - __13__ steps //right// - vent glitch - //down+right// > stick to wall - __0,5__ step //left// - __0,5__ step __down__ - //right// > trigger zone (This page is a WIP)