Start a DiscussionOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ======Patch History====== =====v1.0.1/v1.01===== **30th September 2021** General * If you are a founder, own UnEpic, or Ghost 1.0, a title for each will appear in the main menu * The game over screen now takes 1/3rd of your time, so you can get back to escaping faster * Fixed a bug where sometimes guards would see you coming from behind, preventing sleep * Fixed a bug where bullets could warp time and space, teleporting inside you unfairly * Fixed an issue when the game was paused and controller inputs could still be detected. Chapter 2 * Fixed a bug where "COLD AS ICE" could not be achieved on Normal or Hard difficulties. * Fixed a rare soft-lock that involved a radio despawning * Shredders speed reduced by 20% in Easy difficulty Chapter 4 * Added a coin to a guard Chapter 5 * Added a reminder in a barrack that a player can use a potty when far from a WC Items * Founder Artifact implemented (For early purchasers) * Ghost's drone duration reduced from 15 to 10 in hard difficulty * The founder's GOD MODE ARTIFACT now is less limited in its invulnerability * Increased Mine Detector range in Normal difficulty * Significantly increased Mine Detector range in Easy difficulty Grenade Guy * No changes, but he smiles at you =====v1.0.2/v1.02===== **2nd October 2021** General * You can now cancel reloading the gun by rolling. * You can now cancel holding a slingshot by rolling * Entering a code now clears the entry dialog in the options every time * Mission descriptions in English have been reviewed and raise less eyebrows when read. * Some achievements had misbehaving descriptions, we hope they have learned their lesson Chapter 2 * Fixed an issue where a second radio could be obtained after a doggo. Chapter 3 * Added a handkerchief on one of the guards that wake you up from a dream. Chapter 4 * The forest is now a portion smaller and takes less time to navigate * Mike has learned how to swear properly, and isn't confused about his final line. Chapter 6 * You can now pick up torpedos from the top crate from above Chapter 9 * A tip has been added about the many uses of string * Clips that would normally hide behind a water tower now bounce freely in the open to the side Items * When using the Mine Detector, you can rotate without moving until you release the button * Jesse is now less greedy and can apply Med Kits intended for others more easily as long as he's not bleeding Grenade Guy * No changes, but he was last seen fishing with grenades. =====v1.0.3/v1.03===== **4th October 2021** General * Reduced difficulty spikes in medium difficulty (Details below) * Reduced difficulty spikes in easy difficulty significantly (Details below) * Those who seek secrets will secretly hear a secret song in their head * Jesse no longer is bothered by optional missions that he did not commi-... um, complete. Languages * Reviewed German Scripts * Reviewed Russian Scripts * Credits fixed in the German, Italian, French, Korean, and Russian languages Items * EMP grenades duration on medium difficulty increased from 3 to 5 seconds on robotic spiders specifically * EMP grenades duration on easy difficulty increased from 3 to 5 seconds * Fixed a bug where chloroform could teleport you back in time Chapter 3 * Heat sensors now have a way to observe them on all difficulties * Anti-thermal suit is cooler on EASY difficulty. Other difficulties are jealous. * On EASY difficulty, 3rd floor guards assigned to blockade duty are allergic to 3rd floor and have been moved to the medbay * On non-EASY difficulties, 3rd floor guards assigned to blockade are no longer sometimes allergic to medical attention * Guards on 3rd floor are now allergic to standing next to boxes, allowing room for medical attention... when needed Chapter 4 * Birds no longer dismantle the universe when fed a molotov cocktail Chapter 9 * A new flaw in the programming of exterminator guards now allows them to be affected by EMP grenades * Japanese Mercenaries lost the ability to create alerts in mere nanoseconds * In easy difficulty, Japanese Mercs now need a full second to raise an alarm * In medium difficulty, Japanese Mercs now need half a second to raise an alarm * Just left of the elevator, a Japanese Merc is no longer in the room on EASY difficulty * Just left of the elevator, the other Japanese Merc has new orders to patrol in less frustrating patterns on all difficulties Chapter 10 * Colonel Harris is no longer able to be dropped in the black void of open doorways. He'll get over it though. Grenade Guy * Grenade guy has decided to add a little RNG to his diet and eat a randomly generated lunch. =====v1.0.4/v1.04===== **6th October 2021** General * Added an option to enable an in-game timer that's been tuned by and for UnMetal speedrunners. * Added more depleted uranium balls in all chapters of the game, because it's fun. * Reduced difficulty spikes in 3 chapters in EASY/MEDIUM difficulties. * Removed 'continue' option before a portable potty has been used in IRONMAN difficulty * New checkpoints added in game * Fixed bugs Creator Pack (Free DLC for PC only) * Todojingles (Spanish) has been added to the creator pack Languages * Reviewed some French scripts Items * Depleted Uranium Balls are now placed in many empty crates throughout the game. * Depleted Uranium Ball drops are increased by 1 on MEDIUM difficulty * Depleted Uranium Ball drops are increased by 2 on EASY difficulty Chapter 2 * Flamethrower disperses heat 50% faster on EASY difficulty, because it's cool to use. Chapter 4 * Mines are much less abundant in EASY difficulty * Mines are less abundant in MEDIUM difficulty * Mines still hate you in HARD difficulty * Minefields are now less randomly random Chapter 6 * Buzzsaws are immobilized when they go haywire on EASY difficulty * Buzzsaws move more slowly when they go haywire on MEDIUM difficulty * Buzzsaws still hate you on HARD difficulty Chapter 7 * Sub Missile damage reduced from infinity to 21 on EASY difficulty * Sub Missile damage reduced from infinity to 33 on MEDIUM difficulty * Sub Missile damage is still ridiculous in HARD difficulty Chapter 8 * Added checkpoint after leaving electromagnetic grenade room Chapter 9 * Fixed a soft lock where a certain Lord ate your map * Fixed a soft lock where a certain Mike removed a map after he gave it to you. * Red room mechanical spiders installed an upgrade to have less annoying patrols. Grenade Guy * Gave a skeleton a high five, no changes. =====v1.0.5/v1.05===== **7th October 2021** General * Now UnMetal allows resolutions up to 3840x2160 on full screen and windowed. * Added new test for controllers (type "test controller" on ENTER CODE) Grenade Guy: * Now you can see his grenades coming in 4K! =====v1.0.6/v1.06===== **8th October 2021** General * On EASY difficulty, you now start chapters at full HP. * Fixed an issue where you could be stuck holding a slingshot indefinately * Fixed an issue where alerts held doors open when they shouldn't have. * Fixed an issue where a guard could be carried and standing nearby at the same time * Fixed an issue where two guards could be carried at the same time Languages * Reviewed English Scripts * Reviewed French Scripts Chapter 1 * Fixed an issue where the boss could sometimes not spawn. Chapter 3 * An end of chapter dialogue no longer pauses enemy activities Chapter 6 * Added an additional grenade near the start of the chapter * On EASY difficulty, damage taken by the submarine is reduced by 50% Chapter 7 * Black Thunder boss now spawns sooner so you can get right back in the action * Fixed an issue where guards could spawn in the river during a boss fight Chapter 8 * Added tip in the final room to suggest a way to avoid repetition after failing multiple times. Chapter 9 * By request, increased the duration of a cutscene at the beginning of the chapter by 1 second * Fixed an issue where Japanese Mercs no longer gain 2 max hp when woken up * Added a tip in the Labyrinth if you have challenges getting past the first ghost. * Added red triangles in a secret room to predict where guards are when you are exiting * For EASY difficulty, reduced ghost damage per second from 10 to 4 Grenade Guy * He’s back from a bathroom break. His TP was 1-ply on EASY, and 3-ply on MEDIUM/HARD =====v1.0.7/v1.07===== **26th October 2021** General * Holding a direction in a menu can now move more than 1 option slot * You may now press the right stick of a controller (RS/R3) for a 5th item shortcut * For people with multiple monitors, you may now select your fullscreen monitor 1, 2 or 3 * Save slots BRAVO and CHARLIE now properly create chapter saves as intended * Added an option in SOUND to require a keypress to proceed with dialogue at your own pace. * A new checkpoint has been added to the beginning of every chapter after the introduction is finished * Guards should no longer just get stuck when hearing a noise that makes them stare off into space forever Creator Pack (Free DLC for PC only) * Baxayaun (Spanish) has been added to the creator pack Skills * The Die Hard skill now applies to your total hit points including stamina upgrades, as originally intended. Chapter 1 * Jesse no longer has a mission to encrypt a radio after he encrypts a radio Chapter 2 * New mission added: To help confusion, we've added a mission to fix the flamethrower. * Pipes no longer block the vision of the overheat meter of a flamethrower Chapter 4 * The Medal for the chapter challenge is moved and is now harder to miss Chapter 7 * On EASY difficulty, Nuclear Submarines HP is reduced from 150 to 120 Chapter 8 * On EASY difficulty, added the ability to see the vision cones of cameras automatically * On NORMAL difficulty, added an opportunity to see the vision cones of cameras * On HARD difficulty, added nothing. Cameras are still very inconsiderate and give no vision cones Chapter 9 * Strings now can remain in your use slot with 0 items remaining (Like medkits & coins) * On EASY difficulty, fixed an issue that prevented you from achieving a PERFECT result on this chapter * On EASY difficulty, added the ability to see the vision cones of cameras automatically * On NORMAL difficulty, added an opportunity to see the vision cones of cameras * On HARD difficulty, added nothing. Cameras are still very inconsiderate and give no vision cones * Fixed an issue where cutting wires near the beginning would not apply a checkpoint correctly * Fixed an issue where cutting wires near the end could crash the universe * Fixed an issue where a uranium ball could prevent another box from sliding Chapter 10 * Adjusted a passage near an elevator to potentially prevent walking into an unfair engagement without warning * Fixed an issue where an amazing artbook disappeared when it shouldn't have Grenade Guy * Secretly maintains a small garden with a lot of pride =====v1.0.8/v1.08===== **29th October 2021** Holidays * Temporarily, boxes are festive and have been replaced by pumpkin jack'o'laterns General * Gameplay Options Menu now has ability to disable Gameplay & Tutorial Tips * Keyboard shortcuts now allow for symbol and numpad keys to be used. * There is now an option to reset a currently selected save slot * When speedrun timers are enabled, your best times are saved for future comparison and bragging rights * Entering codes which start or end with spaces will now work properly despite the poor grammar mistake * Test code added: "skip pressed on" / "skip pressed off" to try out buffering keypresses to skip a cutscene instantaneously * Jesse is human, so EMP grenades will no longer kill him UnPerfect * If you complete a list of hidden objectives specific to each chapter, you can now get UnPerfect results instead of Perfect. * Medals have been added to the bottom left of the menu screens to signify Perfect and UnPerfect progress Chapter 1 * Crafting an encrypted radio and slingshot at the same time no longer bombards you with words Chapter 2 * Removed unintended skip delay on the chapter's final dialogue Chapter 3 * Fixed an issue where a 2:00 minute timer could be paused into infinity Chapter 4 * People who don't wear a suit will be more consistently questioned * The final 3 step walk to the truck is now skippable (This was a popular request!) Chapter 5 * Patrol guards should no longer stare at coins forever, confused by their tempting shine. * Some sandbags have gone on a diet and will now let Jesse move between them Chapter 6 * The submarine and water now always stay where they belong * Leonard #4 no longer has the ability to turn invisible * Hugeel now properly devours every single missile that enters his mouth * A terrifying, floating defeated eel will no longer float across the top of the water anymore Chapter 8 * Guards will now only look at their designated walls and no longer have wandering eyes. Chapter 9 * Unwelcome ghosts will now always be exorcised properly by edge of screens Chapter 10 * Removed unintended skip delay on one of the final dialogues of the game Grenade Guy * Is going to celebrate Halloween by dressing up as rocketman * Just harvested some pumpkins from his garden =====v1.0.9/v1.09===== **4th November 2021** General * Ultrawide screen monitor resolutions should now properly display the gameplay and subtitles Creator Pack DLC (PC only) * Activation audio from entering a creator pack code are now interrupted when entering a new creator pack code Chapter 8 * Cameras no longer alerts while Mike is in the process of being put to sleep anywhere on the screen Grenade Guy * Enjoys how the leaves of the trees are randomly changing color, with a slightly lop-sided smile =====v1.0.10/v1.10===== **17th November 2021** General * Skip speeds now have more variations to better customize your skip speed preference * If skip speed is set to maximum, holding the button as you approach them skips immediately * Added an option to display PlayStation controller icons instead of XBOX icons * Fixed an issue where the Collateral Damage achievement was sometimes not awarded * Fixed an issue in Ironman difficulty where some unintended checkpoints could exist Languages * Fixed some incorrect dialogs for multiple languages Chapter 3 * Fixed a gameplay issue where you could reset the chapter unintentionally * Fixed an issue where a final guard could set an alarm on Chapter 4 (again!) * Fixed an unintended issue where elevators would sometimes become invisible Chapter 4 * Fixed an unintended issue where turrets would sometimes become invisible Chapter 9 * Fixed an unintended issue where elevators would sometimes become invisible Grenade Guy * Is seen quietly, happily carving a small wooden statue in a rocking chair during the day =====v1.0.11/v1.11===== **15th December 2021** Ironman Changes * Ironman difficulty is removed * Ironman modifier added, allowing players to play any difficulty with ironman rules * When starting a game with the ironman checkbox enabled, provides a warning that describes what it does * Completing an Ironman game will now show a menu title of IRONMAN with the difficulty level on which it was completed General * Now supports 4 monitor setups * Fixed an issue where subtitles would have black backgrounds instead of a black transparent background as intended * Fixed an issue when speedrun timers are activated and font sizes were shrunk after pausing and unpausing the screen Chapter 8 * Fixed an issue that always provided an UnPerfect result when completed Chapter 9 * Fixed an issue preventing a spider-related achievement from being acquired on EASY difficulties * Fixed an issue that prevented Perfect results due to an experience not being accounted for Chapter 10 * Fixed an issue that always provided an UnPerfect result when completed Grenade Guy * Opens a holiday present from Mike that includes a small "Iron man" made from the Omega building =====v1.0.12===== **25th April 2022** This patch is only available on the Steam version of the game. Whilst no official patch notes were released at the time, the major feature included in this patch was an option to remove adult content, censoring swear words in dialogue, and removing some images such as Jessie hanging from the noose at the start of the game. Applying this option makes no difference to a speedrun. Unofficially, but confirmed by a developer, a fix was also made to the UnPerfect requirements in Chapter 3. [[unmetal:|Return to UnMetal]] unmetal_patch_history.txt Last modified: 2023/06/29 11:29by nickrpgreen