Start a DiscussionOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. =====MGS3 Glitches===== ====Food Zip==== A very instable glitch causing Snake to go all over the place. For more info see the detailed page. [[mgs3_glitches:ladder_zip|MGS3 Ladder zip]] ==== Master Collection Only ==== Tabbing out Cutscene Glitch * originally a MGS2 finding, it works also in MGS3 MC PC: * early backpack retrieval softlock first seen from DelfinoPlazaGuy: * Zaozyorje East Don't Drop Down situation first seen by Jaguar King: * Improved Alt-Tab by Apel: ====PS2 Only==== * Death Glitch *Burn Glitch *Ocelot Unit Skip {{youtube>Hq37e3g9ljE?medium}} {{youtube>rY7DGR-CluI?medium}} *Granin/Fear Skip found by Apel Extra test by PlatonicGuy {{youtube>B1KHTNCM4dE?medium}} *Eva Mountaintop skip found by Adnan Kasuar(?) === MGS3 PS2 60FPS Tikhogornyj Roll Setup by Apel === {{youtube>iFYLTfdGyrQ?medium}} === MGS3 PS2 Railing Teleport by FingernaegelHannes === {{youtube>d-EyjxuOYeU?medium}} === Fury Skip by Apel === {{youtube>aTdQK_IGP9k?medium}} Green face paint lets you skip The Fury. This is slow as fuck. SE exclusive probably. *Animation Glitch (Pop out with gun, then menu, could potentially write code) === FPV to OOB glitch === {{youtube>xKBU9KkGZ0k?medium}} {{youtube>4-HEuyCHxsI?medium}} ====3DS Only==== * Granin/Fear Skip found by マユズミ =====All Versions===== === Pain Skip (all versions) found by Apel === Intro Death Pill Movement found by {{youtube>1HVDwJBGxSk?medium}} {{youtube>UVi_nR72sRE?medium}} Pain Skip {{youtube>dut9Qoz6zz8?medium}} === “Bunny Hop” Ledge Glitch found by Exisidis2 === === Bagpack Glitch found by APel === {{youtube>2aL84lNnpQ8?medium}} === Grenade Fury Damage found by Eternunique === {{youtube>-yiHtFy3PyA?medium}} === Warehouse Railing Glitch by Apel === "This doesn't work if Snake doesn't jump. Mash triangle to grab the edge. Works in every version." {{youtube>kNXuhBFkHJQ?medium}} 2nd example for going to Svyatogornyj South - done on EuEX, Pal Subsistence {{youtube>OIGFA4cQMXE?medium}} === Warehouse Shoot through walls by Apel === "Snake can shoot through walls if you don't go into first person view. Most of the time the bullet will hit a wall out of bounds, but in this case the wall only has collision if you go to the central room." {{youtube>cKSfeFWOs9g?medium}} === MGS3 Wall Slide Glitch === "Snake starts sliding if you lean on a wall, go into first person view and the wall ceases to exist." {{youtube>4K7Wk26VLK?medium}} === Munchies - Guard Manipulation === "Also works in other places, as long as the guard can't reach the food item. The guard feel asleep because the item was a spatsa." {{youtube>xzGGX4Tgq9c?medium}} === Superjump "Rocket Glitch" found by magnum66 === {{youtube>zwP-63KIWlc?medium}} {{youtube>TTaphJLPgN0?medium}} === New Metal Gear Solid 3 Hop/Wall Clip Glitch by magnum66 === This glitch is crazy, still not 100% what causes it. Have replicated but insanely precise. Can simply walk through almost all walls/objects. Will check other areas shortly. Seems you need to jump off a high area precisely beside a ledge/platform to cause the infinite hope to activate, allowing you to walk through walls. {{youtube>ajJIyeCNNnc?medium}} 2nd Example by Jess Aether {{youtube>zZciF5cVjeE?medium}} === Tree teleportation by XxDragon345 === {{youtube>92m6zPLQ_Hc?medium}} === Locker Regular View Glitch by Magnum66 === {{youtube>lVYc4rKTCbc?medium}} === Vent Glitch by ThrillUK === {{youtube>YA_ejf-aOcA?medium}} "Vent Glitch" by Magnum66 {{youtube>w-k0zjy_5hA?medium}} Granini Gorki Lab Vent Glitch usage {{youtube>eb2BPtL_fHU?medium}} Granini Gorki Lab Entrance Vent Glitch {{youtube>1cBPTSi4yGE?medium}} === Menu Glitch by Magnum66 === {{youtube>k73j8rVrFSw?medium}} === Locker Fixed Camera Glitch by Magnum66 === {{youtube>jQkhMfLARww?medium}} === Popout shot glitch by Magnum66 === {{youtube>e3MUe85azkA?medium}} === Turett Hitbox Glitch === {{youtube>IKct2F5ISdY?medium}} {{youtube>1HVDwJBGxSk?medium}} === OOB drop to Ponizoevje South by Deva Pein === {{youtube>iEx3U1LJC5g?medium}} === Flying Guard manipulation Larozevo South by Hikari === {{youtube>DtziW4JkMKI?medium}} === Box Glide Glitch (Done in Runs now) by Apel === {{youtube>ojUodHzwJiw?medium}} ---- Bonus Glitch YouTube Playlist by Apel [[]] ---- [[metal_gear_solid_3:|Return to Metal Gear Solid 3]] mgs3_glitches.txt Last modified: 2024/09/29 12:41by hau5test