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Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ======MGS1 Glitches====== =====All Versions Glitches===== ==== Box + Electric Floor Animation Glitch ==== Initially found by iLL_Pazzo:\\ {{youtube>zVmx7JNw9Dw?}} Recreations by Jaguar King:\\ General Setup working for all versions of MGS (MC, Classic Console, Classic PC) by iLL_Pazzo\\ {{youtube>8zJYQg3_HvE?}} Simple Setup using leans and angles by Hau5test:\\ {{youtube>j4oziknCddY?}} Coverage how this trick came together by Hau5test:\\ {{youtube>Zmxq2_AHzVA?}} ==== OoB by Texture Slip ==== [[| Originally found by Magnum66 on Master Collection]] Recreations were done on: * [[|PSX - NTSC-U Copy]] * [[|PSX - OG JP Copy]] * [[|PSX - PAL UK copy]] * [[|PSX - NTSC-J Integral copy]] * [[|PC 2000 (Reddit patch)]] * [[|Duckstation Emulator - NTSC-U Demo Disc]] Explanation video how to recreate this trick {{youtube>hEfBe82imjY?}} With this method you can also slip OoB in the snowfield map\\ [[|Snowfield OoB performs by BigBossSnake]] ==== Out Of Bounds Kick Back ==== === Recreation === * Crawl backwards against a special step. * Stand up (while also leaning into the step other snake will refuse to stand up) * Go prone. * On step 3 snake does a kick back into the steps. This kickback was removed in Intergral so he just lays forward. So far it only works on Nuke Bldg 1, Tower A/B roof, and Blast steps. **!! To actually go OOB in Nuke and Blast, the stand up animation has to be "cut in half" !!** * Snake needs to stand up but before being fully upright, go prone. * The PSG1 makes this simple. Box is needed for Nuke bldg because Campbell said so === Version Limitations === Further testing done by BigBossSnake assumed to be working on the following releases:\\ * PAL * NTSC-U * NTSC-J (OG JP) Reason why the following slips won't work is because the step animation was changed for the Integral release as sort of bug fix (presumed). not working for:\\ * NTSC-J Integral === Video Examples === [[| Texture Slip in Blast Furnace as found by BigBossSnake]]\\ "Stairs glitch in blast furnace. Makes use of the little kick back snake does on NTSC." - BigBossSnake 08/27/2024 [[| Texture slip in Nuke Building 1F as found by BigBossSnake]]\\ "It uses the same kick back trick as last one showed in Blast Furnace. However this time cannot use PSG1 to cancel standing up animation." - BigBossSnake 09/10/2024 [[|Heliport OoB Glitch by BigBossSnake]]\\ "It's very precise on these steps as the kickback only happens when going prone on the very edge of the last step."- BigBossSnake 09/12/2024 Similar, this is how the Tower A Out of Bounds was done in the NTSC-U version of MGS by Magnum66 prior to the Docks finding.\\ [[| Texture Slip on Tower A Roof as found by magnum66]] ==== Tower A/Tower B/Hind-D Out of Bounds ==== [[|Old Hind Skip by magnum66]] [[|HD recreation of Magnum66's old Hind out of bounds video by Hau5test]] [[|New Comm Tower A OoB Glitch by magnum66]] [[|Hind-D Fight going out of bounds by slipping between two textures found by Tilt]] [[|Recreated on PC 2000 Integral version top right corner stinger setup by Hau5test]] [[|Recreated on UK PAL PS One Console with Grenade Setup by Hau5test]] [[|Recreated on NTSC-J PSX Console with Stinger Setup by Hau5test]] [[|Recreated on UK PAL PS One Console with Stinger top right corner by Hau5test]] [[|No Weapon Setup by BigBossSnake]] Finding summarized by Hau5test:\\ {{youtube>6kmTchTcf-s?}} ===== Console Specific Glitches ===== [[|Texture Glitch via Cameras + C4 found by BigBossSnake]] [[|Cave OOB by ThrillUK]] [[|Cave OOB by magnum66]] [[|Old Hind Skip by magnum66]] [[|Canyon Save Corruption by Coppertank]] [[| Warehouse OoB Glitch (Post Raven Fight) by magnum66]] [[|Warehouse Post Raven OoB tutorial by BigBossSnake]] [[| Original Tower B Hind Skip by magnum66]] [[| Pause the game after credits, use items / weapons by magnum66]] [[| Glitch into Pipe Tower A Rappel Sequence by magnum66]] [[| Blast Furnace OoB Glitch by Koji123456 recreated by magnum66]] Scope Glitch - Console GME variant - unknown first finder\\ by interrupting the iframes of the animation that plays while crawling out of the vent,\\ granting you GME on console - useful just on canyon vs the tank though ===== PC Specific Glitches ===== [[ |Instant grenade explosion by Tromboncino]] [[|Solid Spistiddo]] [[|Blank Save Glitch]] [[|Otacon U.Base3 Codec Call Skip]] [[|Box Glitch by Repeatzzz]] Headless Snake Scope Glitch by Tromboncino\\ performed by equipping scopes, then switching weapon with a hotkey and doubletapping fpv\\ use: to kill guards to a higher point than yours with Socom/Famas \\ Also applies to Rex2 Wrong Warp found by iLL_Pazzo on MGS PC Integral\\ [[mgs1_area_reload_wrong_warps|See wrong warp page]] Hind-D skip level up sequence for an IGT time save (banned under current ruleset)\\ found by iLL_Pazzo applicable for all difficulties:\\ * Take the Stinger ammo box before the Hind ladder * Take the ladder and start the Hind fight * Kill the Hind WITHOUT (very important) using GME * When the Hind reached 0 health, just suicide * Take the ladder again and leave the roof * Go down the stairs and go to Wolf2 using GME2 * Congratulation, you just saved 25 to 30 seconds (depending on how fast you suicide) on every category without even using GME or area reload 🙂 {{youtube>r0O4LKp3YpQ?}} ---- [[metal_gear_solid:|Return to Metal Gear Solid]] mgs1_glitches.txt Last modified: 2025/02/04 14:45by hau5test