Start a DiscussionOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. The character //Raiden (Ninja)// has 26 VR Missions and 15 Alternative Missions (a total of 41 levels). =====Sneaking Mode===== **Sneaking Mode** has a total of 20 levels: * Sneaking (10) * Eliminate All (10) **Goal:** The objective of each level is to get to the goal before the timer runs out. On //Eliminate All// levels, you must also eliminate all the guards in a level. \\ ====Sneaking==== ===Level 01:=== ===Level 02:=== ===Level 03:=== ===Level 04:=== ===Level 05:=== ===Level 06:=== ===Level 07:=== ===Level 08:=== ===Level 09:=== ===Level 10:=== ====Eliminate All==== ===Level 01:=== ===Level 02:=== ===Level 03:=== ===Level 04:=== ===Level 05:=== ===Level 06:=== ===Level 07:=== ===Level 08:=== ===Level 09:=== ===Level 10:=== =====Weapon Mode===== **Weapon Mode** has a total of 5 levels: * HF. Blade (5) **Goal:** The objective of each level is to destroy all the targets and get to the goal before the timer runs out. ====HF.Blade==== ===Level 01:=== ===Level 02:=== ===Level 03:=== ===Level 04:=== ===Level 05:=== =====Variety Mode===== ===Level 01:=== =====Bomb Disposal Mode===== **Bomb Disposal Mode** has a total of 5 levels: **Goal:** The objective of each level is to defuse all the bombs before the timer runs out. ===Level 01:=== ===Level 02:=== ===Level 03:=== ===Level 04:=== ===Level 05:=== This level is seperated into two subcategories: **Glitched** and **Glitchless**. **__Glitched:__** At the start of the level, restart once. Head into the room and circle around the guard that notices Raiden. Head back out through the northern door and once the other guard faces south, diffuse the bomb. Now, head over to the locked door that heads to the AB connecting bridge and perform door glitch. If done correctly, you will now be out of the bounds of the VR level and can explore the rest of Shell 1. If you did NOT restart at the start of the level, the player will be unable to move. The reason we head out of bounds is to loot all of the weapons available in Shell 1 and then head back in bounds of the level to raise our weapon bonus. Keep in mind that while out of bounds, the Sneaking and No-Kills bonuses still apply. The timer still ticks down, but that doesn't matter as it will reset back to 25:00:00 when we head back in bounds. Therefore, play the out of bounds sections as safely as possible and minimize your use of weapons (to not lower your weapon bonus later on). The two weapons that are recommended to use are PSG1 (do not use more than 20 rounds) and the M9 as we'll be heading back in bounds with max ammo anyways. The following are the areas where you can find loot. Note that some weapon ammo is not worth picking up since you'll be maxed out anyways: * Strut F Warehouse: * AK-74u ammo x4 * M4 and ammo x4 * PSG1 and ammo x3 * PSG1-T and ammo x3 * C4 x3 * Claymore x1 * RGB6 and ammo x3 * Grenade x3 * Shell 1 Core B1: * M4 ammo x1 * Strut A Pump Room: * Box 1 * Strut A Roof: * A glitch that changes your current M9 bullet count to 9999. * Strut E Parcel Room: * PSG1-T ammo x1 * M4 ammo x1 Make sure to pick up Box 1 from Strut A Pump Room otherwise you will not be able to get back in bounds without restarting the level. Once you've done looting Shell 1, head back to Strut E Parcel Room and use Box 1 on the conveyor belt to teleport to Strut C Dining Hall. This is within the bounds of the level, so the timer and bomb count will reappear on the screen. If you did Door Glitch in Strut B Transformer Room without exiting to the BC Connecting Bridge, then the timer should be at 25:00:00 (will be a little less since its ticking when you're back in the level). Diffuse the remaining bombs in the level and you should recieve an astronomically high score. **(PLACE VIDEO HERE)** **__Glitchless:__** In this subcategory, the player may NOT head out of bounds. =====Elimination Mode===== **Elimination Mode** has a total of 10 levels: **Goal:** The objective of each level is to eliminate all guards before the timer runs out. ===Level 01:=== ===Level 02:=== ===Level 03:=== ===Level 04:=== ===Level 05:=== ===Level 06:=== ===Level 07:=== ===Level 08:=== ===Level 09:=== ===Level 10:=== ---- [[level_specific_strategies|Return to Level Specific Strategies]] metal_gear_solid_2/raiden_ninja.txt Last modified: 2022/07/01 09:02by PlatonicGuy