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Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. =====All Dog Tags Normal===== {{ :mgs2:dogtagp112.png?nolink&200 |}} ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |000|Michael P Janes|Heliport|Sleeping Vent| |001|Paul Rogozinski|Heliport|Truck| |002|Rich Barnes|Heliport|2nd Floor| |003|Kalle Seponpoika Viitanen|Tank Hangar|Left| |004|Dan Amadio|Tank Hangar|Middle| |005|Kate Dyson|Tank Hangar|Suppressor Guard| |006|Kaleb T Heil|Armory|Left| |007|Kevin Gordon|Armory|Middle Right| |008|Carlos A Ortega|Armory|Guards PSG-1| |009|Edward A Holmberg|Canyon|Upper| |010|Suneel C Buggal|Canyon|Tank| |011|Ken Alguire|Canyon|Lower| |012|David Miner|Nuke Building B1|Urinal| |013|Steven Tieu|Nuke Building B1|Office| |014|Souta Asaka|Blast Furnace|Middle Catwalk| |015|Paul Caporicci|Blast Furnace|Opposite Side| |016|Akitaka Tosaka|Warehouse|Left| |017|Carey Murray|Warehouse|Middle Left| |018|Brian L Hansen|Warehouse|Middle Right| |019|Eric Dechaux|Warehouse N|Lower| |020|Essam Khlil L Obaidi|Warehouse N|Upper| |021|Vong Chan Phuc|Underground Base|Top| |022|Patrick Ingoldsby|Underground Base|1st Guard| |023|Johnny Sasaki|Nuke Building B1|Meryl in Disguise| |024|Meryl SilverBurgh|Various|Best in Caves| |025|Psycho Mantis|Commander's Room| |026|Sniper Wolf|Snowfield|Must be grabbed by legs| |027|Vulcan Raven|Warehouse| |028|Liquid Snake|Supply Route|Must be knocked off Rex| {{youtube>P91rPhPw0Rs?large}} =====Disc 1 Normal===== **17 out of 29** ====Helipad==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |000|Michael P Janes|Heliport|Sleeping Vent| |001|Paul Rogozinski|Heliport|Truck| |002|Rich Barnes|Heliport|2nd Floor| {{youtube>ZpTGzkfUQ2E?medium}} * You do not need to tranq Rich if he is facing directly South. Wall Knock Strat {{youtube>YHeyohr4Tho?}} *Can be slightly faster, and uses crotch punches due to not having M9 ammo from the Dock Prozac Skip ====Tank Hangar==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |003|Kalle Seponpoika Viitanen|Tank Hangar|Left| |004|Dan Amadio|Tank Hangar|Middle| |005|Kate Dyson|Tank Hangar|LATER| ====Armory==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |006|Kaleb T Heil|Armory|Left| |007|Kevin Gordon|Armory|Middle Right| |008|Carlos A Ortega|Armory|LATER| ===Nuke Building B1=== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |012|David Miner|Nuke Building B1|LATER| |013|Steven Tieu|Nuke Building B1|LATER| *It's faster to pick up these guards on a later trip ====Nuke Building B1 Return==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |023|Johnny Sasaki|Nuke Building B1|Meryl in Disguise| ====Commander's Room==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |025|Psycho Mantis|Commander's Room| *Don't forget! Return to Mantis's remains to pick up his tag! ====Caves==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |024|Meryl SilverBurgh|Various| *Tranq headshot Meryl at the door, and grab her tag. ====Nuke Building B1 PSG1-T==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |012|David Miner|Nuke Building B1|OPTIONAL| |013|Steven Tieu|Nuke Building B1|Office| *Now is the time to hold up the guard (Steven) in the office, it is faster than holding him up when grabbing Nikita *You can go for David, but if you aren't fast enough, he will be leaving the urinal for the sink {{youtube>bHJB7XYwwi8?medium}} * If you are intending on pickup up both Iori and James' tag here this is the fastest strategy. ====Armory Revisited==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |008|Carlos A Ortega|Armory|Guards PSG-1| *If you want to be safe, you can knock on the top of the PSG-1 room, and wait for Carlos to walk up to investigate it {{youtube>7xzlNorw2m0?medium}} ====Tank Hangar Revisited==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |005|Kate Dyson|Tank Hangar|Suppressor Guard| ====Canyon==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |009|Edward A Holmberg|Canyon|Upper| |010|Suneel C Buggal|Canyon|Tank| |011|Ken Alguire|Canyon|Lower| ====Nuke Building B1 After Torture==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |012|David Miner|Nuke Building B1|Urinal| *Grabbing David's tag now forces an additional menu, but that's better than getting caught during the PSG1-T sequence ====Disc 2 Normal===== 12 out of 29 ====Sniper Wolf 2==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |026|Sniper Wolf|Snowfield|Must be grabbed by legs| *Don't forget! Return to Wolf's remains to pick up her tag! *After you drop her body, roll into her tag and menu to the M9 or Socom to prepare for the Blast Furnace ====Blast Furnace==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |014|Souta Asaka|Blast Furnace|Middle Catwalk| |015|Paul Caporicci|Blast Furnace|Opposite Side| ====Vulcan Raven==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |027|Vulcan Raven|Warehouse| *Don't forget! Return to Raven's remains to pick up his tag! ====Warehouse North==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |019|Eric Dechaux|Warehouse N|Lower| |020|Essam Khlil L Obaidi|Warehouse N|Upper| ====Underground Base (Rex's Lair)==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |021|Vong Chan Phuc|Underground Base|Upper Left| |022|Patrick Ingoldsby|Underground Base|Lower Right| *Return to Warehouse after picking up the PAL card ====Warehouse Return==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |016|Akitaka Tosaka|Warehouse|Left| |017|Carey Murray|Warehouse|Middle Left| |018|Brian L Hansen|Warehouse|Middle Right| ====Liquid Snake==== ^ID^Name^Location^Info^ |028|Liquid Snake|Supply Route| *Don't forget! Knock off Liquid to pick up his tag! *When finished, save your game, load the game from the Dog Tag Viewer in Special, and check your percentage (%) [[metal_gear_solid:the_twin_snakes|Return to Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes]] metal_gear_solid/tts_adt_normal.txt Last modified: 2023/12/29 19:18by suavebeardson