Start a DiscussionOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. =====Any% Hard Disc 2===== ====Blast Furnace==== {{youtube>kweoJJnrxCU?medium}} *Throw the Stun at the orange shadow before the door *Run across the catwalk along the bottom when approaching the sidle point *Nikita is the simplest to use to destroy the crane, line yourself up near the sidle point, fire up. Tactical Reload to destroy precisely ---- {{youtube>RED9nn4FeQ0?medium}} ====Cargo Elevator==== {{youtube>478kMkIugpI?medium}} =====Warehouse (Raven)===== {{youtube>-E7dIGL-eyo?medium}} [[mgs1_bosses#vulcan_raven|Vulcan Raven Boss Subpage]] {{ :mgs1:ravenhd.png?direct&200 |}} ====Warehouse North==== ====Underground Base (Rex's Lair)==== {{youtube>TD1SoX-Xfc4?medium}} ===Underground Base 2=== ====Underground Base 3==== =====Drainage Ditch PAL Key (10+ Alerts)===== {{youtube>zrohYO-J6m8?medium}} *There are 7 spots the PAL Key (and Bomb) can spawn *This only happens if you have 10 or more Alerts before entering the room {{:mgs1:map.png?400|}} ====Rat and Room Temperature (Yellow)==== {{youtube>32lCQ1Yw8mI?medium}} *The rat can hear you shoot regardless of distance, so unequip with R1 to avoid this. For example, the rat is by the turret and you shoot by the stairs. *Jumping into the ditch will spook the rat, regardless of distance. *[[mgs1_faq#game_mechanics|Rat/PAL Card Info]] ====Command Room (Computer Room)==== {{youtube>KbUJHwkakOM?medium}} ---- {{youtube>wCfL5t3K44o?medium}} ====Low Temperature (Blue)==== ====High Temperature (Red)==== =====MG-REX===== {{youtube>1uoG8_XW88o?medium}} [[mgs1_bosses#mg-rex|MG-REX Boss Subpage]] =====Liquid Snake===== {{youtube>IJJBip-3mV4?medium}} [[mgs1_bosses#liquid|Liquid Snake Boss Subpage]] *During Phase 2, Liquid will counterattack even if you finish with a kick on Hard and Extreme {{ :mgs1:12hp.png?direct&200 |}} *You can PPK to finish Liquid off at 12 HP *You cannot throw Liquid to finish the fight if you knock him down with 0 HP on Normal, Hard and Extreme. Instead, PPK Various 2, 1 and 0 throw setups {{youtube>uLkSwS392Sg?}} another bottom left side no throw setup by Tromboncino {{youtube>jZcmN9rY3fM?}} =====Escape Route===== {{youtube>Q1jzVuCFgbk?medium}} *Only pick up the ration in the parking lot! *Guards deal 80 damage (10%) in the parking lot on EZ, and 42 damage during the driving sequence *19 shots while driving will Kill Snake *There are two bottlenecks in the Parking Lot sequence. Your ally will not say "Snake, hold on!" until 9:34.60 on the timer. Therefore, your time can be no faster than 9:31.66. [[|Video example here!]] *Aim at the corner of the metal for Checkpoint 1 {{ :mgs1:cp1.png?300 }} *Aim at the corner of the door to the left after Checkpoint 2 to aim for the left guard {{ :mgs1:cp2positions.png?300 }} *Guards take 6 shots each on HD ===Liquid Jeep=== *Liquid Jeep - 26 *//Phase 1 (Swerve 1)// - 5 *//Phase 2 (Tunnel Bumper)// - (2 transition) 4 *//Phase 3 (Swerve 2)// - 4 *//Phase 4 (Columns)// - (2 transition) 5 *//Phase 5 (Side by Side)// - 4 [11 total for phase 4 and 5] ah2.txt Last modified: 2024/10/03 16:07by hau5test