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mgs3_info_dump [2019/10/01 23:38] plywoodmgs3_info_dump [2022/02/14 01:18] (current) Edboi
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 **This page will contain chunks of information not yet designated a home in the MGS3 wiki. Mainly used to store useful information, it will eventually transfer to a permanent home somewhere.** **This page will contain chunks of information not yet designated a home in the MGS3 wiki. Mainly used to store useful information, it will eventually transfer to a permanent home somewhere.**
-Enemy AI has stages of priority. If they get fired upon and go to call for backup they’ll ignore most sounds around them and become tunnel visioned.  
 Due to HDC’s increase from 30fps to 60fps, the AI breaks around the cardboard box.  Due to HDC’s increase from 30fps to 60fps, the AI breaks around the cardboard box. 
 Hornets will chase enemies totally off the map.  Hornets will chase enemies totally off the map. 
-3 knocks will make an enemy run towards Snake. One or two knocks will make them walk slowly.  
-If a guard sees someone go down (asleep or otherwise) they’ll enter a caution state. Also, if they are walking towards a downed soldier they’ll ignore snake in the cardboard box.  
-Scientists will tell if you’re not one of them if they get too much of a look at your face. However; bumping into them resets their AI and gives you time to run away.  
-Scientists will not react negatively to the cardboard box. They’ll just stare confused until it’s out of their line of sight.  
 All status effects (poison etc) and injuries are cured at the torture scene.  All status effects (poison etc) and injuries are cured at the torture scene. 
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 If you throw food back to Johnny 3 times, he will give you the cigar gas spray if you’ve picked it up in the Lab.  If you throw food back to Johnny 3 times, he will give you the cigar gas spray if you’ve picked it up in the Lab. 
-If you don’t remove the transmitter in the cell, when you wake up from The Sorrow boss, the area will be full of Ocelot Unit guards. You can activate the scene with Eva, even in evasion.+Ocelot & Volgin do not count as kills if you beat them lethally. Volgin fight on top of Shagohod **will** count as a kill
-When a guard is in Caution or evasionthere is no grace period between //perceiving// Snake & going into Alert+Beating bosses non lethally awards you with their camouflage with the exception of The Endwho you need to hold up to get itThe camouflages and their effects are listed (here)
-It doesn’t matter if the enemy radios for backupunlike MGS2 an alert is recorded on sight. +EZ gun is faster for OcelotMK22 is faster for Pain
-Ocelot & Volgin do not count as kills if you beat them lethally. Volgin fight on top of Shagohod **will** count as a kill. +Snake Eater credits sequence duration (from 1st frame of credits to 1st frame of the scorescreen fading in): 9:25
-Beating bosses non lethally awards you with their camouflage with the exception of The End, who you need to hold up to get it. The camouflages and their effects are listed (here)+Subsistence credits sequence duration (from 1st frame of credits to 1st frame of the scorescreen fading in): 10:31 
-you dont want to just mash btw for swimmingit makes you go sloweryou need to mash slightly slower in a rhythm almost...240bpm +[[|GameFAQs Yoshi location guide]] //Confirmation needed//
- +
-EZ gun is faster for Ocelot, MK22 is faster for Pain+
-When you walk over corpses you are slower but not if you are firing the patriot whilst you walk over corpses you will not be slowed at all 
-You wanna roll up hills if you can clear the hill in one rollIf you can'you wanna use a boxEquipping the box loses 0.5 sec, rolling loses 0.33./+**Healing Radios:**\\ 
 +(Added by PlatonicGuy, MGS3 Runners please double check this and move to an appropriate page)\\ 
 +Very Easy/Easy\\ 
 +147.08 - Surfing Guitar / 66 Boys\\ 
 +140.52 - Rock Me Baby / 66 Boys\\ 
 +142.94 - Pillow Talk / Starry K.\\ 
 +144.06 - Jumpin' Johnny / Chunk Raspberry\\ 
 +147.59 - Sailor / Starry K.\\ 
 +140.01 - Salty Catfish / 66 Boys\\ 
 +141.24 - Sea Breeze / Sergei Mantis\\ 
 +149.53 - Don'Be Afraid / Rika Muranaka\\ 
 +148.39 - Surfing Guitar / 66 Boys\\ 
 +146.65 - Rock Me Baby / 66 Boys\\ 
 +148.96 - Pillow Talk / Starry K.\\ 
 +144.86 - Jumpin' Johnny / Chunk Raspberry\\ 
 +143.32 - Sailor / Starry K.\\ 
 +145.83 - Salty Catfish / 66 Boys\\ 
 +142.09 - Sea Breeze / Sergei Mantis\\ 
 +141.85 - Don't Be Afraid / Rika Muranaka\\ 
 +141.59 - Surfing Guitar / 66 Boys\\ 
 +143.83 - Rock Me Baby / 66 Boys\\ 
 +144.25 - Pillow Talk / Starry K.\\ 
 +147.96 - Jumpin' J\\ 
 +143.97 - Sailor / Starry K.\\ 
 +146.07 - Salty Catfish / 66 Boys\\ 
 +145.72 - Sea Breeze / Sergei Mantis\\ 
 +144.63 - Don't Be Afraid / Rika Muranaka\\ 
 +Extreme/European Extreme\\ 
 +146.45 - Surfing Guitar / 66 Boys\\ 
 +148.66 - Rock Me Baby / 66 Boys\\ 
 +140.16 - Pillow Talk / Starry K.\\ 
 +148.78 - Jumpin' Johnny / Chunk Raspberry\\ 
 +142.42 - Sailor / Starry K.\\ 
 +141.42 - Salty Catfish / 66 Boys\\ 
 +145.18 - Sea Breeze / Sergei Mantis\\ 
 +149.39 - Don't Be Afraid Rika Muranaka\\
 +[[metal_gear_solid_3:|Return to Metal Gear Solid 3]]
  • mgs3_info_dump.1569973111.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/10/01 23:38
  • by plywood