**Note:** English is 1 page faster than German for Lethal Meryl
**Note:** English is 1 page faster than German for Lethal Meryl. \\
The following table are the amount of pages to skip for in //Big Shell Evil//:
The following table are the amount of pages to skip for in //Big Shell Evil//:
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**Aft Deck:**
**__Aft Deck:__**
**Deck-A, crew's quarters, port:**
* At the start of the level, make an L-shaped turn to avoid the guard on the left spotting you. After that, head towards the left door into Deck-A.
**Deck-A, crew's lounge, port:**
**__Deck-A, crew's quarters, port:__**
**Deck-B, crew's quarters, starboard:**
* Go left and open the hatch.
**Deck-C, crew's quarters, port:**
**__Deck-A, crew's lounge, port:__**
**Deck-D, crew's quarters:**
* Approach the guards on the staircase and hold them up then leave through the right door. Use stairglides after holding up the guards.
**Deck-E, the bridge:**
**__Deck-B, crew's quarters, starboard:__**
**Deck-D, crew's quarters:**
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> The Any% route uses the M4 later on in Guard Rush 1 and it can be picked up in this room. From the start, head right and up the stairs (use stairglides) to pick up the M4. Now, leave the room the stairs on the western part of this map. Hold up the guards along the way to avoid getting shot. <br></html>
**Deck-C, crew's quarters**
* <html><span style="color:Cyan">Perfect Stats:</span> Since Perfect Stats requires no kills, picking up the M4 here would be useless. As soon as you enter the room, tranq the the closest guard to prevent him from turning. When you approach him, hold him up and tranq him a second time. Unequip and re-equip quickly and hold up the final guard. After that, make your way to Deck-C. This is similar to the Perfect Stats strat we used earlier.<br></html>
**Deck-B, crew's quarters, port:**
**__Deck-C, crew's quarters, port:__**
**Deck-A, crew's lounge:**
* Head towards the stairs here and avoid getting spotted by the camera if you're doing a Perfect Stats run.
**Engine Room, starboard:**
**__Deck-D, crew's quarters:__**
**Deck-2, port:**
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> Approach the door on the left and fire a warning shot. As soon as you turn the corner, fire at the right guard once and head towards Deck-E. You will most likely get shot at least once here. <br></html>
**Deck-2, starboard:**
* <html><span style="color:Cyan">Perfect Stats:</span> Since Perfect Stats requires no alerts, taking the left route is not really viable. Go right instead and shoot the control unit then head towards Deck-E. <br></html>
**Boss Fight: Guard Rush 1:**
**__Deck-E, the bridge:__**
**Boss Fight: Guard Rush 2:**
* After gaining control of Snake, turn around and head down the stairs. There's also a ration to the left of this room but is not necessary.
**Engine Room, port:**
**__Deck-D, crew's quarters:__**
**Engine Room Entrance, starboard:**
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> Approach the door on the left and fire at the camera. As soon as you do that, fire at the nearby guard in third-person as you head towards the northern staircase. Avoid using the railings and instead roll down into the loadzone. <br></html>
**Deck-B, crew's quarters, starboard:**
* <html><span style="color:Cyan">Perfect Stats:</span> Since Perfect Stats requires no alerts, taking the left route is not really viable. Go right instead then head towards the staircase. Use the railings to drop down. <br></html>
**Deck-C, crew's quarters, port:**
**__Deck-C, crew's quarters:__**
**Deck-D, crew's quarters:**
* At the start of the room, take a sharp left to avoid getting spotted by the camera. After that, head towards the stairs.
**__Deck-B, crew's quarters, port:__**
* Head towards the door on the right-hand side of the room.
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> There's additional M4 ammo under the stairs that you spawn in from. These aren't neccessary, but can be useful if you're not comfortable using the M4. <br></html>
**__Deck-A, crew's lounge:__**
* This room can be a bit tricky regardless of what strategy you use, feel free to adjust if need be. The most important thing is avoiding taking an Alert into Engine Room as that makes that room incredibly tricky. Also, use stair glides for the beginning set of stairs.
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> Take the most direct route to the railing on the right-most side of the map. The guards will spot you and try to call an Alert, the second guard will attempt to shoot Snake but if you hang on the railings you'll have invincibility frames. Drop down, roll down the stairs, the run into the loadzone. If done correctly, you'll get a transition Alert but it won't be carried over to the next area. The timing for this very tight however. <br></html>
* <html><span style="color:Cyan">Perfect Stats</span> Roll past the first guard to avoid him spotting you. Go to the railing and hang onto it. The second guard will spot you and try to shoot, then he'll walk to the staircase and try call an alert. Drop down from the railing, turn around and shoot him once with the USP in third-person view. Then leave the room. <br></html>
**__Engine Room, starboard:__**
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> Use the railing on the top floor and drop down onto the guard. The guard will fall down the railing and die. After that, make your way towards the end of the room and use stairglides as much as possible. <br></html>
* <html><span style="color:Cyan">Perfect Stats:</span> The strat to use here is similar to the Any% one, with two minor differences. Firstly, unequip the USP and knock on the railing before hanging to it. When you drop down onto the guard, he'll be facing the other way which prevents him from falling down and dieing. Instead, the guard will just be knocked out. Secondly, when shooting out the control units, stick as close as possible to the lockers to prevent the other guards from hearing the blast from the USP shots. <br></html>
**__Deck-2, port:__**
* Nothing of importance here, take the most direct route towards the starboard.
**__Deck-2, starboard:__**
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> Head south and on the way pickup the M4 ammo. There's also an additional ammo case for the M4 near the next loadzone. <br></html>
* <html><span style="color:Cyan">Perfect Stats:</span> Pick up the M9 ammo in the top right corner of the room. <br></html>
**__Boss Fight: Guard Rush 1:__**
* There are a total of 11 guards in this fight. You'll fight the first 8 consectively and then once those are done the final 3 will spawn together. This fight is similar to the Tanker Guard Rush on the difficulty Hard.
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> Equip the M4 that you picked up earlier in the run and fire away in third-person. For the final 3 guards, its faster to headshot them with the USP. <br></html>
* <html><span style="color:Cyan">Perfect Stats:</span> Since Perfect Stats requires no kills, using the M4 is not an option and you should NOT have picked it up anyways. M9 the first 8 guards and then use the USP to headshot the final 3. Note: Similar to the Tanker Guard Rush, the final 3 headshots need to be done in quick succession otherwise they will be counted as kills. <br></html>
**__Boss Fight: Guard Rush 2:__**
**__Engine Room, port__:**
* Head towards the right door here and drop down the railing. Fire 3 quick shots at the guard using the M9 here and stairglide your way through the rest of the room.
**__Engine Room Entrance, starboard:__**
* Similar to your first visit here, hold up the guards with the M9 and exit through the right door.
**__Deck-B, crew's quarters, starboard:__**
* As soon as you enter the room, tranq the the closest guard to prevent him from turning. When you approach him, hold him up and tranq him a second time. Unequip and re-equip quickly and hold up the final guard. After that, make your way to Deck-C. This is similar to the Perfect Stats strat we used earlier.
**__Deck-C, crew's quarters, port:__**
* Head towards the stairs here and avoid getting spotted by the camera if you're doing a Perfect Stats run.
**__Deck-D, crew's quarters:__**
* <html><span style="color:Red">Any%:</span> Approach the door on the left and fire a warning shot. As soon as you turn the corner, fire at the right guard once (or twice if you have sufficient ammo) and head towards Deck-E. <br></html>
* <html><span style="color:Cyan">Perfect Stats:</span> Since Perfect Stats requires no alerts, taking the left route is not really viable. Go right instead and head towards Deck-E. <br></html>
**Boss Fight: Meryl:**
**Boss Fight: Meryl:**
* The Meryl fight is based on Olga, however there are some important differences:
* It takes at least 6 shots to beat Meryl as opposed to 4 for Olga.
* Snake will start at the center of the map, unlike the Tanker chapter from the main game where he starts on the far right-side.
* Meryl doesn't have a "Conflict and Victory" cutscene, but she will behave as if there was one. This means, that when she gets to position she'll stand there for a second then run away similar to how skipping the cutscene for Olga would be. This also means that if she needs to reload before attempting to 'play' the cutscene, the player can loop her.
* Looping Meryl is the easiest way to do the fight, however its heavily dependent on RNG. Specifically, it depends on whether she fires a lot of rounds at the player soon after the fight begins.
* Non-loop Meryl is significantly faster than the loop and has the benefit of not being as RNG-heavy. However, it does require some precise shooting.
* Lethal and Non-Lethal strategies for this fight are identical, but use different weapons. However, defeating Meryl lethally means the player skips less pages after the fight.
* Meryl can do a lot of damage, equipping a ration can be useful if the fight doesn't go well. There's a ration on the left-side of the map.
* Additional USP ammo can be found in the bottom-left corner of the map.