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mg_msx_faq [2022/07/06 18:41] – added health and map dummy page hau5testmg_msx_faq [2024/12/19 12:30] (current) – added movement and corner boosting page hau5test
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 =====MG MSX FAQ===== =====MG MSX FAQ=====
 =====Game Mechanics===== =====Game Mechanics=====
-**Q: How many versions of Metal Gear are there?**+**Q: How many versions of Metal Gear are there?** \\ 
 +**A:** Three. For more detailed info check out this page: \\ 
 +[[metal_gear_2:mgx12versions|MGMSX Regions, Versions and Platforms]].
-**A:** Three. For more detailed info check out this page: [[metal_gear_2:mgx12versions|MGMSX Regions, Versions and Platforms]]. +----
-  +
-**Q: What qualifies for a guard spotting/noticing me?**+
 +**Q: What qualifies for a guard spotting/noticing me?** \\
 **A:** Guards will only notice you if they see Snake’s lower body within their range of vision (waist down). **A:** Guards will only notice you if they see Snake’s lower body within their range of vision (waist down).
-**Q: A bomb I placed disappeared after I used the menu, what gives?** 
-**A:** Opening the menu removes any placed items from the current game screen. +----
-  +
-**Q: The floor is opening up under Snake, wtf?!**+
-**A:** At certain parts through the gamethere are several pitfall traps you need to avoid otherwise they will kill you. The detailed guide will tell you how to avoid them. +**QA bomb I placed disappeared after I used the menuwhat gives?** \\ 
-  +**A:** Opening the weapon menu removes any placed items from the current game screen.
-**QWhen do I rank up?**+
 +**Q: The floor is opening up under Snake, wtf?!** \\
 +**A:** At certain parts through the game, there are several pitfall traps \\
 +you need to avoid otherwise they will kill you. \\
 +The detailed guide will tell you how to avoid them.
 +**Q: When do I rank up?** \\
 **A:** Every fifth hostage is one rank. **A:** Every fifth hostage is one rank.
-**Q: What good is hitting an enemy once and stunning it?** 
-**A:** When stunned, enemies can't detect you and you can move through them as if they don't exist.+----
-**Q: What alerts are mandatory?**+**Q: What good is hitting an enemy once and stunning it?** \\ 
 +**A:** When stunned, enemies can't detect you and you can move \\ 
 +through them as if they don't exist.
-**A:** (1) The rocket guards atop building 1, (1) roof of building 2, (3) The screen before building 3, (3) first screen of building 3.  +----
-  +
-**Q: What tells you a wall is breakable, even with explosives?**+
-**A:** When you have Snake punch a wall, if a question mark appears above him the wall is breakable.+**Q: What alerts are mandatory?** \\ 
 +**A:**There are 8/9 total forced alerts in Metal Gear (MSX). 
 +  * (1) The rocket guards atop building 1 (1 extra if playing on Easy difficulty) 
 +  * (1) roof of building 2 
 +  * (3) The screen before building 3 
 +  * (3) first screen of building 3
-**Q: How far away can you place the bombs before they don't work anymore for opening a wall?**+----
 +**Q: What tells you a wall is breakable, even with explosives?** \\
 +**A:** When you have Snake punch a wall, \\
 +if a question mark appears above him the wall is breakable.
 +**Q: How far away can you place the bombs before they don't work anymore for opening a wall?** \\
 **A:**  **A:** 
 +**Q: When does a kill count in Boss Survival and the timer for that boss stops?** \\
 +**A:** A kill on a boss counts as soon as the boss health value is reaching 0. \\
 +That causes the Boss Survival timer to pause and load the next boss.
 +**Q: How does Health and Damage work** \\
 +**A:** See this page for a full explanation: \\
 +[[mg_msx_faq:health_and_damge|Metal Gear (MSX) Health and Damage values]]
 +**Q: How does Metal Gear work with its maps?**  \\
 +**A:** See this page for a full explanation: \\
 +[[mg_msx_faq:map_system|Metal Gear (MSX) Map System]]
 +**Q: What are the Item and Weapon IDs?** \\
 +**A:** See this page for a full explanation: \\
 +[[mg_msx_faq:item_id_system|Metal Gear (MSX) Item ID System]]
 +**Q: What is faster, holding X or spamming inputs?** \\
 +**A:** spamming inputs in most cases does let the dialog boxes disappear \\
 +one frame in the game faster, it can be at least 66ms time difference. \\
 +For the any% category, the total timesave with perfect execution can be 6.5s for example. \\
 +**Q: Why is GOG and PS2 PAL a separate category on** \\
 +**A:** The PC GOG version and PS2 PAL version run at different speeds. \\
 +PS2 PAL executes its updates 11% faster than the NTSC/HDC versions. \\
 +The GOG PC version updates at around 1% faster than the NTSC/HDC versions. \\
 +Because of these differences, both IGT and RTA categories are separated \\
 +to their own subcategories. \\
 +For more infos see [[|this spreadsheet]] about different game versions and speed comparisons.
 +**Q: How does Box Bounce or Corner Boosting work?** \\
 +**A:** Visit the following page for a detailed analysis and explanation: \\
 +[[mg_msx_faq:corner_boosting|MGMSX movement and corner boosting]].
 +**Q: Is there a TAS for Metal Gear?** \\
 +**A:** Yes there is. The actual MSX version of Metal Gear for the MSX 2.0 \\
 +computer has received a TAS by Dunnius a few years ago. \\
 +While we have found some updates to this game versions speedrun tech, \\
 +a new version has not yet been finished. Watch the TAS video right here: \\
-  * Building 1 Underground example clip: 
-  * Building 2 Underground example clip: 
 =====Big Boss/FOX Requirements=====  =====Big Boss/FOX Requirements===== 
 **Q: What are the requirements for Big Boss/FOX rank?** **Q: What are the requirements for Big Boss/FOX rank?**
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 ^ Turtle | 16 Hours IGT to 20 hours IGT| ^ Turtle | 16 Hours IGT to 20 hours IGT|
 ^ Chicken | 20 hours of IGT or more| ^ Chicken | 20 hours of IGT or more|
 =====TX-55 Leg Order=====  =====TX-55 Leg Order===== 
 **Q: How am I supposed to remember that long sequence for the MG fight?** **Q: How am I supposed to remember that long sequence for the MG fight?**
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 ^ Resistance Member Jennifer |- |120.48 (only with 4 stars)| ^ Resistance Member Jennifer |- |120.48 (only with 4 stars)|
-**Q: How does Health and Damage work** +----
-**A:** See this page for a full explanation: [[mg_msx_faq:health_and_damge|Metal Gear (MSX) Health and Damage values]] +
- +
-**Q: How does Metal Gear work with its maps?** +
-**A:** See this page for a full explanation: [[mg_msx_faq:map_system|Metal Gear (MSX) Map System]]+
 [[metal_gear_msx|Return to Metal Gear MSX Overview page]] [[metal_gear_msx|Return to Metal Gear MSX Overview page]]
  • mg_msx_faq.1657132868.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/07/06 18:41
  • by hau5test