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metal_gear_solid_4:mgs4_ngp_bbh [2023/06/28 14:11] – [Church Courtyard] hau5testmetal_gear_solid_4:mgs4_ngp_bbh [2023/06/28 14:14] (current) – [Research Lab Facility] hau5test
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 ==== Vista Mansion ==== ==== Vista Mansion ====
 ==== Research Lab Facility ==== ==== Research Lab Facility ====
 +You can make an hour long video explaining this fight. The main points are her damage caps, damage thresholds, phases, and positioning. If going for Big Boss Emblem, be careful not to kill the unconscious Frogs.
 ==== Mountain Trail ==== ==== Mountain Trail ====
 ==== Mountain Trail Riverside ==== ==== Mountain Trail Riverside ====
  • metal_gear_solid_4/mgs4_ngp_bbh.1687961485.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/06/28 14:11
  • by hau5test