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metal_gear_solid_2:techniques [2020/11/10 09:11] PlatonicGuymetal_gear_solid_2:techniques [2020/12/30 13:22] (current) PlatonicGuy
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 +=====Coolant Rise=====
 +**Used For:**\\
 +  * Bomb Disposal
 +  * Raiden Hold Up 05
 +**Tutorial Video:**\\
 +  * If the player is laid on the floor, equipping the coolant and rising with it and then unequipping it shortly after skips the rising animation.
 =====Damage Cancel===== =====Damage Cancel=====
-By holding L2 or R2 at the exact set of frames before receiving damage, you can negate all damage received. Very precise technique.+  * By holding L2 or R2 at the exact set of frames before receiving damage, you can negate all damage received. Very precise technique
 +=====Dav Drop===== 
 +**Used For:**\\ 
 +  * Snake (MGS1) Sneaking 09 
 +  * Snake Variety 01 
 +**Tutorial Video:**\\ 
 +  * A //Dav Drop// or //davWILDSTAR// is a fall animation cancelling glitch found by an older VR2 runner called terminatortbm (also known as davWILDSTARtbm). It allows the player to cancel the animation of Raiden/Snake falling down a ledge by having no weapons equipped and pressing square on the correct frame. Saves approximately three-quarters of a second.
 =====Fast Bomb Diffuse===== =====Fast Bomb Diffuse=====
 **Used For:**\\ **Used For:**\\
-  *Bomb Disposal for All Characters+  *Bomb Disposal 
 +**Tutorial Video:**\\ 
 +  * By spraying the bombs at certain positions, you can diffuse it entirely by about 1.25 seconds faster.
 =====Fast HF Blade Unequip===== =====Fast HF Blade Unequip=====
 **Used For:**\\ **Used For:**\\
   *Raiden (Ninja) Sneaking 01   *Raiden (Ninja) Sneaking 01
 +=====FPV Mode=====
 +**Used For:**\\
 +   * ?
 +**Tutorial Video:**\\
 +  * Coolant-Rising very early while exiting a vent allows the player a glitched state where they're stuck in FPV mode. The player can move around during this state.
 =====Pause Buffering===== =====Pause Buffering=====
 **Used For:**\\ **Used For:**\\
   *Any level for All Characters   *Any level for All Characters
 =====Holding Up Guards===== =====Holding Up Guards=====
Line 19: Line 48:
   *Snake (MGS1) Hold Up 1-10   *Snake (MGS1) Hold Up 1-10
-A basic mechanic of the game is to hold a guard with a weapon. Stand relatively close enough to them (without the guards spotting you) and hold down square to lift your weapon. This can also be done by equipping weapons which instantly take you into FPV such as the PSG1, PSG1-T, and Stinger.+**Tutorial Video:**\\
-Doing this with weapons such as the AK-74u or M4 would mean you would eventually shoot the guard. The game wants you to lightly hold the square on a controller with pressure sensitive controls such as the DualShock 2 or DualShock 3. On platforms that don't support this, it might be possible to hold down L3 while holding the Square button to replicate this game mechanic. On PC, this is one option, another option is to go into the V's Fix settings and change your controller type to "V's Type." This basically replaces the L3 mechanic mentioned earlier for R1.+  * A basic mechanic of the game is to hold a guard with a weapon. Stand relatively close enough to them (without the guards spotting you) and hold down square to lift your weapon. This can also be done by equipping weapons which instantly take you into FPV such as the PSG1, PSG1-T, and Stinger. 
 +  * Doing this with weapons such as the AK-74u or M4 would mean you would eventually shoot the guard. The game wants you to lightly hold the square on a controller with pressure sensitive controls such as the DualShock 2 or DualShock 3. On platforms that don't support this, it might be possible to hold down L3 while holding the Square button to replicate this game mechanic. On PC, this is one option, another option is to go into the V's Fix settings and change your controller type to "V's Type." This basically replaces the L3 mechanic mentioned earlier for R1.
 =====Quick KO===== =====Quick KO=====
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   * A useful way to quickly to eliminate guards in a non-lethal way. Saves a bullet and the guards fall onto the floor really fast, allowing for the bodies to disappear faster than a tranq-headshot.   * A useful way to quickly to eliminate guards in a non-lethal way. Saves a bullet and the guards fall onto the floor really fast, allowing for the bodies to disappear faster than a tranq-headshot.
   * This can be done with almost any weapon in the game such as: M9, USP, Socom, Grenades, Stun Grenades, Chaff Grenades, Magazines, Claymores, C4, M4, AK-74u, and the RGB6.   * This can be done with almost any weapon in the game such as: M9, USP, Socom, Grenades, Stun Grenades, Chaff Grenades, Magazines, Claymores, C4, M4, AK-74u, and the RGB6.
 =====Quick Shot===== =====Quick Shot=====
 +**Used For:**\\
 +  * Eliminate All
 +  * Elimination
 +**Tutorial Video:** {{youtube>y7uqdJ1CZ74?large}}
 +  * Very useful technique for eliminating guards in a non-lethal way. The video above is a detailed explanation into the mechanics behind it.
 +=====Quick Stand-Up=====
 +**Used For:**\\
 +  * Raiden Variety 01
 +  * Snake Variety 01
 +**Tutorial Video:** {{youtube>XX8GBcsERMs?large}}
 +  * Usually, when crawling out of a vent, the game will force Raiden/Snake to move entirely out of it before allowing the player to rise. Using this technique, the player can skip that and instantly rise up.
 +  * Right before exiting the vent, press R1 to go into FPV to allow this glitch to work.
 +  * Found by MarlonH8.
 =====Silent Shot===== =====Silent Shot=====
Line 48: Line 96:
 =====Warning Shot===== =====Warning Shot=====
 +[[metal_gear_solid_2:vr_missions:|Return to Metal Gear Solid 2: VR Missions]]
  • metal_gear_solid_2/techniques.1604999462.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/10 09:11
  • by PlatonicGuy