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metal_gear_ghost_babel:gbvr_advanced_mode_nikita [2019/02/07 00:07] badhumansmetal_gear_ghost_babel:gbvr_advanced_mode_nikita [2019/02/07 18:24] (current) badhumans
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 +====== Advanced Mode Nikita Level 1 ======
 +This one is self explanatory. You're going to shoot left instead of right, cause the guard is closest to the left entrance. 
 +There's no reason to wait for the missile to hit the guard. When the missile is close enough, you can set the missile off manually by pressing the SHOOT button again. 
 ====== Advanced Mode Nikita Level 2 ====== ====== Advanced Mode Nikita Level 2 ======
 {{:metal_gear_ghost_babel:ghostbabel008_2_.jpg?200|}} {{:metal_gear_ghost_babel:ghostbabel008_2_.jpg?200|}}
-How big is the blast radius of the Nikita? Big enough to kill guards through walls. Cause an ALERT by shooting your NIKITA but make sure you're at a good distance form the blast.  The guard right above you should be close enough to your Northern wall, that if you shoot the wall, the blast radius should dispose of him quickly.  Now approach the guard to the left and right the same way. Shoot the NIKITA in their respective directions, and hit their Southern walls.  +How big is the blast radius of the Nikita? Big enough to kill guards through walls. Cause an ALERT by shooting your NIKITA but make sure you're at a good distance form the blast.  The guard right above you should be close enough to your Northern wall, that if you shoot the wall, the blast radius should dispose of him quickly.  Now approach the guards to the left and right the same way. Shoot the NIKITA in their respective directions, and hit their Southern walls.  
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 {{youtube>tJQVqJoala4?small}} {{youtube>tJQVqJoala4?small}}
 +====== Advanced Mode Nikita Level 4 ======
 +Hey! Look, it's the old KONAMI emblem! We're going to use the same trick from Advance Mode Nikita Level 2 for the two guards on the norther island. First you'll want to kill the guard on the same island as you with the Nikita. This will cause an ALERT, and..well...kill a guard. One down, two to go. Instead of navigating your Nikita missile from one urban island to the another, you will aim at the thinnest point between the two islands. I've marked it down as point **A** on the lower figure. The first guard should be at this point almost immediately. The second guard will eventually arrive at that same destination.  
 +To save time, you might want to wait for the two northern guards to cluster together at point **A**. This will also save you a missile.
  • metal_gear_ghost_babel/gbvr_advanced_mode_nikita.1549498049.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/02/07 00:07
  • by badhumans