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acidcards [2019/07/31 20:45] plywoodacidcards [2022/08/26 11:20] (current) – [Route] add return to main page link hau5test
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 |004|Desert Eagle|10|Weapon|Use|1/2 Target's HP|50%|-|MGS1|-| |004|Desert Eagle|10|Weapon|Use|1/2 Target's HP|50%|-|MGS1|-|
 |005|Grenade|7|Weapon|Use|120|100%|-|MGS1|Anti-armor; detonates 8 COST after use or gunshot; AOE 3x3| |005|Grenade|7|Weapon|Use|120|100%|-|MGS1|Anti-armor; detonates 8 COST after use or gunshot; AOE 3x3|
-|006|Stun Grenade|5|Weapon|Use|-|100%|-|MGS1|Adds FAINT; detonates 5 COST after use or gunshot; AOE 3x3| +|006|Stun Grenade|5|Weapon|Use|0|100%|-|MGS1|Adds FAINT; detonates 5 COST after use or gunshot; AOE 3x3| 
-|007|Chaff Grenade|5|Weapon|Use|-|100%|-|MGS1|Jams electronic devices for 30 COST after detonation; detonates 5 COST after use or gunshot|+|007|Chaff Grenade|5|Weapon|Use|0|100%|-|MGS1|Jams electronic devices for 30 COST after detonation; detonates 5 COST after use or gunshot|
 |008|Stinger (MGS1)|10|Weapon|Use|180|100%|-|MGS1|Anti-armor; locks on to machines only| |008|Stinger (MGS1)|10|Weapon|Use|180|100%|-|MGS1|Anti-armor; locks on to machines only|
 |009|USP|6|Weapon|Equip|20x4|80%|30%|MGS2|CAL45; Hit% decreases at 2 blocks; Critical hit destroys EQUIPMENT| |009|USP|6|Weapon|Equip|20x4|80%|30%|MGS2|CAL45; Hit% decreases at 2 blocks; Critical hit destroys EQUIPMENT|
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 |018|Colt S.A.A.|7|Weapon|Equip|30x3|75%|50%|MGS2|CAL45; Hit% decreases at 2 blocks; Critical hit makes target BLEED| |018|Colt S.A.A.|7|Weapon|Equip|30x3|75%|50%|MGS2|CAL45; Hit% decreases at 2 blocks; Critical hit makes target BLEED|
 |019|P90|7|Weapon|Equip|70x2|100%|80%|MGS2|5.7mm; KNCK down; AOE 2x3, excludes positions 1 and 3 in row closest to user| |019|P90|7|Weapon|Equip|70x2|100%|80%|MGS2|5.7mm; KNCK down; AOE 2x3, excludes positions 1 and 3 in row closest to user|
 +|020|SPAS12|6|Weapon|Equip|40x4|100%|20%|MGS2|12GA; Hit% decreases at 4 blocks; KNCK down; AOE 3x3 in front of user|
 +|021|Claymore|5|Weapon|Use|80|100%|-|MGS2|Detonates when target enters the trigger square; can be picked up by crawling|
 +|022|Nikita Missile|8|Weapon|Use|100|100%|-|MGS2|Anti-armor; After firing, user enters missile control mode; can move 5 blocks per turn|
 +|023|MP5|6|Weapon|Equip|50x3|80%|20%|MGS1|9mm; Hit% decreases at 3 blocks; AOE 3x3 in front of user|
 +|024|RC Missile|7|Weapon|Equip|120|100%|-|CHRN|Anti-armor; After firing, user enters missile control mode; can move 5 blocks per turn|
 +|025|Mine|5|Weapon|Use|100|100%|-|CHRN|Detonates when target enters the trigger square; can be picked up by crawling|
 +|026|R-5|7|Weapon|Equip|30x5|80%|20%|CHRN|5.56mm; Hit% decreases at 4 blocks; +10% Hit vs. targets above user; Critical hit adds 1 COST to target; Suppressor|
 +|027|Five-seveN|6|Weapon|Equip|30x4|85%|20%|CHRN|5.7mm: Hit% decreases at 2 blocks; KNCK down|
 +|028|M92F (Laser.S)|9|Weapon|Equip|40x2|80%|20%|CHRN|9mm; Hit% decreases at 2 blocks; Critical hit disables target's INTERFERENCE|
 +|029|M92F|7|Weapon|Equip|40x2|70%|20%|CHRN|9mm; Hit% decreases at 2 blocks; Critical hit disables target's INTERFERENCE|
 +|030|Gun del Sol|6|Weapon|Equip|200|100%|-|CHRN|Any ammo; ready to fire 10 COST after equipping; applies BURN to target|
 +|031|Vz61 Scorpion|7|Weapon|Equip|100x2|90%|30%|MGS3|7.65mm; Hit% decreases at 3 blocks; AOE 2x3, excluding 1st and 3rd in furthest row|
 +|032|AKM|8|Weapon|Equip|60x3|50%|40%|MGS3|7.62mm; Anti-armor; Hit% decreases at 4 blocks; Atk +10% for every card in hand when firing; AOE ?x?|
 +|033|Punch (CQC)|4|Weapon|Equip|-|-|80%|MGS3|Used in combination with CQC card; Must be adjacent to target; Attack vs. forward adjacent block|
 +|034|Kick (CQC)|5|Weapon|Equip|-|-|80%|MGS3|Used in combination with CQC card; Must be adjacent to target; Attack vs. forward adjacent block|  
 +|035|Throw (CQC)|6|Weapon|Equip|-|-|-|MGS3|Used in combination with CQC card; Must be adjacent to target; Attack vs. forward adjacent block|    
 +|036|Rush (CQC)|7|Weapon|Equip|-|-|-|MGS3|Used in combination with CQC card; Must be adjacent to target; Attack vs. forward adjacent block|   
 +|037|Stoner M63|10|Weapon|Equip|40x5|70%|40%|MGS3|5.56mm; Hit% decreases at 4 block; Hit blocks target's counterattack|
 +|038|M37|4|Weapon|Equip|80x3|90%|40%|MGS3|12GA; Hit% decreases at 3 blocks; KNCK down; AOE 3x3 in front of user|
 +|039|SVD Dragunov|10|Weapon|Equip|70x3|70%|0%|MGS3|7.62mm; Free attack; Hit% decreases at 8 blocks; Critical hit causes KNCK down|
 +|040|XM16E|9|Weapon|Equip|40x5|50%|20%|MGS3|5.56mm; Hit% decreases at 4 blocks; Critical hit destroy's target's EQUIPMENT| 
 +|041|Mosin Nagant|8|Weapon|Equip|250x1|60%|0%|MGS3|7.62mm; Anti-armor; Hit% decreases at 9 blocks; Critical hit adds 5 COST to target|
 +|042|C3|6|Weapon|Use|250|100%|-|MGS3|Anti-armor; Triggered by detonator, timer, or gunshot; AOE 3x3|
 +|043|M15 Grenade|8|Weapon|Use|160|100%|-|MGS3|Anti-armor; Detonates 8 COST after use or gunshot; applies BURN; AOE 3x3|
 +|044|RPG7|8|Weapon|Use|170|100%|-|MGS3|Anti-armor; Anti-tank|
 +|045|Quick Draw|6|Action|Attachment|-5|-20%|-|MGS1|Sets COST to 0; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|046|Strand|5|Action|Attachment|-|-|-|MGS1|Adds 1 COST to target for every Hit; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|047|Concentrate|4|Action|Attachment|-|+40%|-|MGS1|Cost +4; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|048|Equipment LV.2|7|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS1|Upgrades EQUIPMENT from LV.1 to LV.2|
 +|049|Action+|6|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS1|Increases number of ACTIONS per turn by 1 (max 4); effect lasts for 10 turns; Snake only|
 +|050|Marines|4|Character|Movement|-|-|-|MGS2|Move 4 blocks|
 +|051|Navy SEALs|4|Character|Movement|-|-|-|MGS2|Move 4 blocks|
 +|052|Aim|4|Action|Attachment|-|+20%|-|MGS2|Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|053|Body Shot|12|Action|Attachment|1/2 Target's HP|-|-|MGS2|Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|054|Critical Shot|8|Action|Attachment|-|-|-|MGS2|Adds 2 COST to target for each HIT; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|055|Double Shot|12|Action|Attachment|-|-|-|MGS2|Doubles the number of shots fired by EQUIPPED WEAPON; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|056|Counter Block|4|Action|Attachment|-|-|0%|MGS2|Blocks REA of EQUIPPED WEAPON; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|057|Spin Kick|7|Action|Attack|60|-|-|MGS2|Must be adjacent to target to use; KNCK down; AOE 1 block adjacent in cardinal directions|
 +|058|H.F. Blade|5|Weapon|Use|100|100%|-|MGS2|Target must be in front of user; ineffective against machines|
 +|059|Dual Blades|6|Weapon|Use|90|100%|-|MGS2|Target must be in front of user; ineffective against machines; Critical hit destroys target's EQUIPMENT and causes BLEED|
 +|060|Briefing|5|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Makes user and ally discard all cards in hand and draw 6 new ones|
 +|061|Equipment LV.3|15|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Upgrades EQUIPMENT from LV.2 to LV.3; cannot be used at EQUIPMENT LV.1|
 +|062|Action ++|15|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Increases ACTION by 2 (max. 4); Effect lasts for 10 COST; Snake only|
 +|063|Add Fall|5|Action|Attachment|-|-|-|MGS2|Adds FALL to critical hits; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|064|Head Shot|8|Action|Attachment|-|-30%|-|MGS2|Adds DEATH to critical hits; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|065|Hold Up|6|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Must be 1 block behind target to use; Reduces EQUIPMENT LV. by 1; Effective against living targets only|
 +|066|Double Action:Cost+|5|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Double user's REST(Actions); also doubles card use COST; Effect lasts until next turn|
 +|067|Funds|4|Action|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|Makes ally draw 1 card.|
 +|068|Double Action|12|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS3|Double current REST(Actions)|
 +|069|Survival Knife|4|Weapon|Use|60|100%|-|MGS2|Must be adjacent to target to use; Critical hit causes BLEED; ineffective against machines|
 +|070|Choke|4|Action|Attack|-|-|-|MGS2|Must be 1 block behind target to use; causes FAINT; ineffective against machines|
 +|071|Attack 1 Enemy|7|Action|Attachment|-|-|-|MGS3|Turns area attacks into single attacks; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|072|Hip Shot|4|Action|Attachment|-|-20%|-|MGS3|Reduces Cost by 5; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|
 +|073|Extra Turn|12|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS3|After current turn ends, immediately becomes user's turn|
 +|074|Scope|5|Item|Equip|-|+30%|-|MGS1|Increases HIT by 30% at ranges of 3 blocks or greater; disappears after 30 COST|
 +|075|Body Armor|5|Item|Equip|-|-|50%|MGS1|Reduces total damage by 50|
 +|076|Card LV.1|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|MGS1|Opens LV. 1 card doors|
 +|077|Box A|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|MGS1||
 +|078|Mine D.|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|MGS1|Displays locations of mines; Disappears after 99 COST; pick up mines by crawling over them|
 +|079|Ration|4|Item|Use|-|-|-|MGS1|User's LIFE +150|
 +|080|Handy Survival Kit|4|Action|Support|-|-|-|MGS3|Ally's LIFE +100|
 +|081|Stealth|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|MGS2|Renders invisible; Disappears after 20 COST or when attacked|
 +|082|Uniform-R|4|Item|Equip|-|-|50%|MGS2|Cannot be used with "Uniform-B" or "Uniform-G;" Damage from front -50; Damage from rear -80|
 +|083|Uniform-B|4|Item|Equip|-|-|50%|MGS2|Cannot be used with "Uniform-R" or "Uniform-G;" Damage from front -80|  
 +|084|Uniform-G|4|Item|Equip|-|-|50%|MGS2|Cannot be used with "Uniform-R" or "Uniform-B;" Damage from rear -100|  
 +|085|Card LV.2|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|MGS1|Opens LV. 2 card doors|
 +|086|Box B|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|MGS2||
 +|087|Bomb Switch|5|Item|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Detonates all planted bombs|
 +|088|Styptic|4|Item|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Stops user's BLEEDING|
 +|089|Handy Medical Kit|6|Item|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|Revives fallen ally with 10 LIFE|
 +|090|Survival Kit|9|Item|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|Ally's LIFE +200|
 +|091|Medical Kit|9|Item|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|Revives fallen ally with full LIFE|
 +|092|Book|5|Item|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Stops movement of enemy|
 +|093|Cool Book|5|Item|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Stops movement of enemy|
 +|094|Phase Down|5|Action|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|Lowers alert phase by 1 level; Cannot be used when the player is within sight of the enemy; cannot be used in LINK BATTLE mode|
 +|095|Timer|4|Item|Use|-|-|-|MGS2|When attached to bomb, causes bomb to detonate after 10 COST|
 +|096|Therm. G.|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|CHRN|In search mode, displays enemies within 3 blocks; detects infrared sensors; Disappears after 40 COST; User incurs +2 COST per turn|
 +|097|Box C|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|CHRN||
 +|098|Ceramic Armor|6|Item|Equip|-|-|CHRN|80%|Reduces total damage by 80|
 +|099|Bomb Blast Suit|8|Item|Equip|-|-|CHRN|100%|Reduces total damage by 100; protects wearer against BURN| 
 +|100|Ration B1 Unit|4|Item|Use|-|-|-|CHRN|User's LIFE+200|
 +|101|Ration B2 Unit|5|Item|Use|-|-|-|CHRN|User's LIFE+250|
 +|102|Ration B3 Unit|6|Item|Use|-|-|-|CHRN|User's LIFE+300|
 +|103|Builder Bed|8|Item|Equip|-|-|-|CHRN|Automatically restores 50 LIFE when out of action|
 +|104|Gijin-san|12|Action|Use|+30|-|-|CHRN|Increase all allies ATK by 30 for the mission; Points are halved on Mission Complete; Cannot be used with "Big Boss;" Does not affect explosives and universal attacks (PPK); Snake Only|
 +|105|Dark Loans|11|Action|Use|-|-|-|CHRN|Sets all damage inflicted to user to 0. After 3 turns, sets user's LIFE to 1|
 +|106|Solar Bank|11|Action|Use|-|-|-|CHRN|Sets all damage inflicted to user to 10; restore's user LIFE to maximum after 3 turns|
 +|107|Box D|4|Item|Equip|-|-|-|MGS3||
 +|108|Bandage|12|Item|Use|-|-|-|MGS3|User's LIFE+400|
 +|109|Styptic+|6|Item|Use|-|-|-|MGS3|Stops BLEEDING; User's LIFE+100|
 +|110|Front Evade LV.1|4|x|Equip|-|-|50%|MGS1|EVADE attacks from the front| 
 +|111|Rear Evade LV.1|4|x|Equip|-|-|50%|MGS1|EVADE attacks from the rear|
 +|112|Evade LV.1|10|x|Equip|-|-|50%|MGS1|EVADE attacks from all directions|     
 +|113|Endure|7|x|Equip|-|-|60%|MGS1|Reduces damage to user from single attacks by 5| 
 +|114|Hang|4|x|Equip|-|-|-|MGS1|Enables HANGING; disappears after 30 COST| 
 +|115|Handy First Aid Kit|4|Item|Support|-|-|-|MGS1|Increases adjacent ally's LIFE by 200| 
 +|116|Cost -4|0|Action|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|MGS1|Cannot be applied to movement|    
 +|117|Ally Cost-4|4|Action|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|MGS1||   
 +|118|Front Evade LV.2|5|x|Equip|-|-|75%|MGS2|EVADE attacks from the front|       
 +|119|Rear Evade LV.2|5|x|Equip|-|-|75%|MGS2|EVADE attacks from the rear|       
 +|120|Evade LV.2|12|x|Equip|-|-|75%|MGS2|EVADE attacks from all directions|
 +|121|Climb|4|Action|Equip|-|-|-|MGS2|Allows user to climb up/down walls of 1 block in height; disappears after 40 COST; only known to work in Lower Mine Field|    
 +|122|Sacrifice|6|Action|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|User's LIFE-50; Ally's LIFE+100; Cannot be used if user's LIFE is less than 50|    
 +|123|Transfuse Blood|8|Action|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|User's LIFE+100; Ally's LIFE-50; Cannot be used if Ally's LIFE is less than 50|    
 +|124|First Aid Kit|6|Action|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|LIFE+300 to adjacent ally|    
 +|125|Cost -8|0|Action|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|MGS2|Cannot be applied to movement; cannot be used in LINK BATTLE mode|    
 +|126|Ally Cost -8|8|Action|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|MGS2|Reduces Ally's current COST usage by 8|    
 +|127|Mute|5|Action|Equip|-|-|-|MGS2|Eliminates all noise; Disappears after 30 COST|    
 +|128|Hand Grip|4|Action|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|Increases COST of remaining HANGING (what amount?)|    
 +|129|Reaction Block|7|Action|Equip|-|-|0%|MGS3|Blocks REA; Disappears after 20 COST|   
 +|130|Front Evade LV.3|6|Action|Equip|-|-|100%|MGS3|EVADE attacks from the front|       
 +|131|Rear Evade LV.3|6|Action|Equip|-|-|100%|MGS3|EVADE attacks from the rear|       
 +|132|Evade LV.3|4|Action|Equip|-|-|100%|MGS3|EVADE attacks from all directions|             
 +|133|Cost -12|0|Action|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|MGS3|Cannot be applied to movement; Cannot be used in LINK BATTLE mode|   
 +|134|Ally Cost -12|4|Action|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|MGS3|Reduces ally's current COST usage by 12|   
 +|135|Genome Soldier|4|Character|Movement|-|-|-|MGS1|Move 4 blocks|   
 +|136|Liquid Snake|4|Character|Equip|+40|+40%|+40%|MGS1|User collapses after 20 COST; Does not affect explosives and universal attacks|   
 +|137|Roy Campbell|5|Character|Attack|150|100%|-|MGS1|Activates 1 COST after use; AOE 5x5 around use point|   
 +|138|Otacon|6|Character|Equip|+10|+10%|-|MGS1|Adds anti-armor effect; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|   
 +|139|Sniper Wolf|4|Character|Equip|-|+50%|-|MGS1|Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used 1 time or until next turn|   
 +|140|Vulcan Raven|8|Character|Equip|-|-|-|MGS1|Turns single attacks into AOE 3x3|   
 +|141|Metal Gear REX|30|Character|Attack|200|100%|-|MGS1|Cannot be applied to movement; AOE 5x5 in front of user|   
 +|142|Cyborg Ninja|6|Character|Attack|50|100%|-|MGS1|Select target regardless of distance|   
 +|143|Psycho Mantis|8|Character|Attack|-|-|-|MGS1|CONFUSES target of choice|              
 +|144|Mei Ling|10|Character|Support|-|-|-|MGS1|Doubles all allies' INTERFERENCE effects; Effect lasts for 30 COST|   
 +|145|Genola|10|Character|Attack|-|-|-|MGS1|Knocks out all enemies (living creatures)|   
 +|146|Solid Snake (MGS1)|6|Character|Support|-|-|-|MGS1|LIFE+500|     
 +|147|Naomi Hunter|5|Character|Support|-|-|-|MGS1|Heals 10 LIFE every 5 COST, up to a maximum of 200|    
 +|148|Meryl Silverburgh|4|Character|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|MGS1|Halves user's COST; Cannot be applied to movement|    
 +|149|Gurlukovich Soldier|4|Character|Movement|-|-|-|MGS2|Move 5 blocks|    
 +|150|Revolver Ocelot|4|Character|Effect|-|-|-|MGS2|Sets COST for all gun attacks by user to 2; While in effect, user cannot execute CQC attacks; Effect lasts for 20 COST|    
 +|151|Emma Emmerich|8|Character|Equip|-|-|100%|MGS2|Evade all attacks; All EQUIPMENT destroyed at time of use; Effect lasts until next turn|    
 +|152|Fortune|10|Character|Equip|-|-|100%|MGS2|Allows user to dodge 20 bullets, then disappears|    
 +|153|Vamp|6|Character|Effect|-|-|-|MGS2|Takes 1/2 of damage dealt and adds it to user's LIFE; Does not affect explosives and universal attacks|    
 +|154|Solid Snake (MGS2)|4|Character|Equip|-|-|-|MGS2|Allows user to hang; Disappears after 90 COST|    
 +|155|Iroquois Plisken|4|Character|Equip|-|-|-|MGS2|Makes infrared sensors visible; While EQUIPPED, LIFE decreases -1 per COST|    
 +|156|Solidus Snake|4|Character|Attack|50x4|-|-|MGS2|Must be facing target to use; Ineffective against machines|
 +|157|Metal Gear RAY|30|Character|Attack|250|100%|-|MGS2|AOE 1x5 in front of user; Cannot be applied to movement|   
 +|158|Jennifer|5|Character|Effect|-|-|-|MGS2|Converts each added COST to user from attacks into 10 damage; Effect lasts until next turn|   
 +|159|Olga Gurlukovich|4|Character|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|User draws 3 new cards|   
 +|160|Johnny Sasaki|5|Character|Support|-|-|-|MGS2|Destroys all cards in hand and draws 6 new ones|   
 +|161|Raiden|4|Character|Movement|-|-|-|MGS2|Moves 3 blocks forward; Pass over any gaps in floor in between; KNCK down all living targets in the way|   
 +|162|Gurlugon|10|Character|Effect|-|-|-|MGS2|COST+15 to all enemies (living creatures) except user|             
 +|163|Gray Fox|5|Character|Equip|+20|+5%|-|CHRN|Applies to CQC only; Effect lasts until end of next turn| 
 +|164|Solid Snake (MG)|6|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|Used WEAPONS return to user's hand; Disappears after 30 COST|      
 +|165|Big Boss|5|Character|Effect|-40|-|-|CHRN|Doubles PTS; Sets all allies' ATK to -40; Does not affect explosives and universal attacks; Snake only; Cannot be used in combination with "Gijin-san"     
 +|166|Machinegun Kid|4|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|Makes all assault rifle and submachine gun bullets usable|      
 +|167|Fire Trooper|6|Character|Attack|100|90%|-|CHRN|AOE 2x3, excludes positions 1 and 3 in row furthest from user; Sets target on BURN|   
 +|168|Metal Gear|20|Character|Weapon|30|100%|-|CHRN|30 to all targets, make target BLEED; Cannot be applied to movement|    
 +|169|Running Man|4|Character|Movement|-|-|-|CHRN|Move 8 blocks|    
 +|170|Solid Snake (MG2)|4|Character|Equip|-|-|-|CHRN|Increases user's maximum LIFE by 100|    
 +|171|Chris Jenner|5|Character|Equip|-|-|-|CHRN|Prevents user from knocking down at a cost of 20 damage|    
 +|172|Marionette Owl|4|Character|Equip|-|-|-|CHRN|Visual rangex2 in search mode; Disappears after 40 COST|    
 +|173|Viper|6|Character|Attachment|-|-|-|CHRN|Hit destroys 1 assault rifle in target's hand; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used once or until next turn|    
 +|174|Pyro Bison|8|Character|Attack|120|70%|-|||    
 +|175|Metal Gear GANDER|30|Character|Attack|120|70%|-|CHRN|AOE 2x3; Sets target on BURN|    
 +|176|IdeaSpy 2.5|7|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|Usage COST of all user's cards is halved for 5 turns after use; After 5 turns, half of the overall COST of the cards used is added to the user|    
 +|177|Gillian Seed|6|Character|Attachment|-|100%|-|CHRN|Firing COST +10; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used once or until next turn|    
 +|178|Mika Slayton|5|Character|Support|-|-|-|CHRN|User discards 2 cards from hand, ally draws 3 cards|    
 +|179|Metal Gear MK-II|4|Character|Support|-|-|-|CHRN|Sorts cards in hand by type; SUPPORT, ACTION, ITEM, CHARACTER, WEAPON|    
 +|180|Jonathan Ingram|0|Character|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|CHRN|Reduces user's current COST usage by 20; Cannot be applied to movement; Cannot be used in LINK BATTLE mode|    
 +|181|Tony Redwood|10|Character|Effect|-|100%|-|CHRN|Sets hit rate of all plays on stage to 100%; lasts 3 turns|    
 +|182|Karen Hojo|5|Character|Support|-|-|-|CHRN|Ally discards 2 cards from hand, user draws 3 cards|    
 +|183|Ed Brown|15|Character|Effect|-|-|0%|CHRN|Blocks REA of all players on stage; last 5 turns|    
 +|184|Jehuty|8|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|Returns all players' EQUIPMENT to its original settings|    
 +|185|ADA|8|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|User's movement COST is set to 1; lasts for 3 turns|    
 +|186|GRU Soldier|4|Character|Movement|-|-|-|MGS3|Move 5 blocks|    
 +|187|Ocelot Unit|4|Character|Movement|-|-|-|MGS3|Move 6 blocks|    
 +|188|Major Zero|15|Character|Effect|-|-|-|MGS3|In search mode, makes all enemies appear on display; Effect lasts for 1 turn|    
 +|189|E.B. Volgin|7|Character|Attachment|-|-|-|MGS3|Critical hit destroys 1 handgun in target's EQUIPMENT; Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used once or until next turn|    
 +|190|N.S. Sokolov|7|Character|Attachment|+10 vs. Armor|-|-|MGS3|Effect lasts until EQUIPPED WEAPON is used once or until next turn|    
 +|191|Naked Snake|13|Character|Attack|-|-|-|MGS3|Attack vs. forward adjacent block, executes random technique; Used in combination with EQUIPPED CQC card|      
 +|192|The Boss|18|Character|Attack|-|-|-|MGS3|Attack vs. forward adjacent block, executes random technique; Used in combination with EQUIPPED CQC card|    
 +|193|The Fury|9|Character|Attack|140|80%|-|MGS3|AOE 3x3, Excludes positions 1 and 3 in row furthest from user; Sets target on BURN|    
 +|194|Shagohod|20|Character|Attack|120|100%|-|MGS3|AOE 9x9; Cannot be applied to movement|    
 +|195|Ocelot|8|Character|Effect|-|-|-|MGS3|Prevents target of choice from firing; Effect lasts for 30 COST|    
 +|196|EVA|6|Character|Effect|-|-|-|MGS3|Keeps living creatures within 3 blocks at bay for 30 COST|    
 +|197|A.L. Granin|0|Character|Cost Reduction|-|-|-|MGS3|Sets user's current COST to 15; Cannot be applied to movement|    
 +|198|Sneaking Suit|8|Item|Equip|-|-|!00%|MGS1|Reduces single-attack damage by 5; Snake Only|    
 +|199|XM8|8|Weapon|Equip|50x6|60%|70%|MGS3|5.56mm; Hit % decreases at 4 blocks; Can move 6 blocks with MOVE; Hit causes random status effect - BLEEDING, FALL, BURN, or SLEEP|    
 +|200|Yuka Kosaka|10|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|Causes user to BLEED|    
 +|201|Asaki Yoshida|10|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|Causes user to BLEED|    
 +|202|Yuu Saito|10|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|Causes user to BLEED|    
 +|203|Eri Shibuya|10|Character|Effect|-|-|-|CHRN|Causes user to BLEED|
 +|204|Stinger (MGS2)|10|Weapon|Use|180|100%|-|MGS2|Locks on to machines only|  
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  • acidcards.1564605943.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/07/31 20:45
  • by plywood