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acid2ngcards [2020/04/16 02:26] – card correction plywoodacid2ngcards [2022/03/30 08:26] (current) – copy paste error plywood
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 ====MGS3==== ====MGS3====
 ^ID^Name^Upgrade Cost^Sell Price^Sell?^Upgrade?^Notes^ ^ID^Name^Upgrade Cost^Sell Price^Sell?^Upgrade?^Notes^
-|031| Vz61|1000|200|Later|No|Upgrade only provides 10 extra dmg/accuracy, useful gun early on|+|031| Vz61|1000|200|Later|Maybe|Upgrade provides 10 extra dmg/accuracy and silenced, useful gun early on|
 |032| AKM|500|100|No|Later|Upgrade is useful for Qadesh| |032| AKM|500|100|No|Later|Upgrade is useful for Qadesh|
-|042| C3|500|100|Yes|No|Traps are a waste of time|+|042| C3|500|100|Maybe|No|More damage than early guns, requires planning to shoot|
 |043| M15 Grenade|1000|200|Later|No|Useful for Sukiyaki Boxes, sell afterwards| |043| M15 Grenade|1000|200|Later|No|Useful for Sukiyaki Boxes, sell afterwards|
 |069| Survival Knife|1500|300|Later|Yes|Required upgrade for manipulation, 30% dmg increase, can be sold in late game| |069| Survival Knife|1500|300|Later|Yes|Required upgrade for manipulation, 30% dmg increase, can be sold in late game|
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 |111| Rear Evade|1000|100|Yes|No|rations and body armor are better| |111| Rear Evade|1000|100|Yes|No|rations and body armor are better|
 |119| Reaction Block|100|1000|Yes|No|SELL THIS CARD FOR 1000 PTS!|  |119| Reaction Block|100|1000|Yes|No|SELL THIS CARD FOR 1000 PTS!| 
-|153| Big Boss|||-|+|153| Big Boss||500|No|-|Bonus points are good!|
 |174| GRU Soldier|500|100|No|Yes|Upgrade is less cost effective| |174| GRU Soldier|500|100|No|Yes|Upgrade is less cost effective|
 |176| Major Zero|500|100|Yes|No|Useless effect, sell it| |176| Major Zero|500|100|Yes|No|Useless effect, sell it|
 |177| V.B. Volgin|500|100|Yes|No|Useless effect, sell it| |177| V.B. Volgin|500|100|Yes|No|Useless effect, sell it|
 |178| N.S. Sokolov|500|200|No|Yes|Upgrade is useful for Qadesh| |178| N.S. Sokolov|500|200|No|Yes|Upgrade is useful for Qadesh|
-|179| Naked Snake|||-|+|179| Naked Snake||500|No|Yes|Upgrades to Big Boss|
 |180| The Boss|2500|500|Yes|No|CQC cards locked behind NG+| |180| The Boss|2500|500|Yes|No|CQC cards locked behind NG+|
 |181| The Fury|1000|300|Later|Yes|Required for Manipulation, decent damage| |181| The Fury|1000|300|Later|Yes|Required for Manipulation, decent damage|
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 ====MGS2==== ====MGS2====
 ^ID^Name^Upgrade Cost^Sell Price^Sell?^Upgrade?^Notes^ ^ID^Name^Upgrade Cost^Sell Price^Sell?^Upgrade?^Notes^
-|009| USP| 500 |100| +|009| USP| 500 |100|No|Yes|P8 is fantastic, but 1 extra cost
-|010| Makarov|500|100|+|010| Makarov|500|100|No|Yes|used to feed ammo to USP/P8, but upgrade just in case you need to use PMM|
 |011| AKS74u|500|100| |011| AKS74u|500|100|
-|012| M4|1000|200|+|012| M4|1000|200|Maybe|No||
 |013| PSG1|1500|300| |013| PSG1|1500|300|
 |014| M9|500|100| |014| M9|500|100|
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 |021| Claymore|500|100| |021| Claymore|500|100|
 |022| Nikita Missile|1500|300| |022| Nikita Missile|1500|300|
-|050| Marines|500|100| +|050| Marines|500|100|No|Yes|5 movement at 4 cost is efficient
-|051| Navy SEALs|500|100| +|051| Navy SEALs|500|100|No|Yes|5 movement at 4 cost is efficient
-|052| Aim|2000|100|+|052| Aim|2000|100|No|No|Upgrade is too expensive to justify, useful for equips|
 |053| Body Shot|2000|400| |053| Body Shot|2000|400|
-|054| Critical Shot|+|054| Critical Shot||200|
 |056| Counter Block|500|100| |056| Counter Block|500|100|
 |057| Spin Kick|1500|300| |057| Spin Kick|1500|300|
 |058| H.F. Blade|2000|400| |058| H.F. Blade|2000|400|
-|060| Briefing|500|100|+|060| Briefing|500|100|No|Yes|Mulligans are useful|
 |065| Hold Up|500|100|-| |065| Hold Up|500|100|-|
-|066| Double Action: Cost+|2000|400|-+|066| Double Action: Cost+|2000|400|No|Yes|Upgrade removes the Cost+, making it more viable
-|067| Funds|500|100|-|+|067| Funds|500|100|Later|Yes|Upgrade to gain 500 points when sold|
 |068| Double Action||400|-| |068| Double Action||400|-|
-|081| Box B|500|100|-|+|081| Box B|500|100|Yes|Neutral|All upgraded Boxes are point neutral, typically a filler card|
 |082| Bomb Switch|500|100|-| |082| Bomb Switch|500|100|-|
 |083| Styptic|500|100|-| |083| Styptic|500|100|-|
-|084| Handy Medical Kit|1000|||+|084| Handy Medical Kit|1000|200||
 |085| Survival Kit|1000|200|-| |085| Survival Kit|1000|200|-|
 |086| Medical Kit|500|100|-| |086| Medical Kit|500|100|-|
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 |088| Cool Book|1500|300|-| |088| Cool Book|1500|300|-|
 |089| Phase Down|1500|300|-| |089| Phase Down|1500|300|-|
-|090| Timer|500|100|-+|090| Timer|500|100|Yes|Maybe|Requires upgrade to be useful
-|107| Hang|1000|100|-|+|107| Hang|1000|100|No|No|Hang cards are great on certain stages|
 |108| Handy 1st Aid Kit|500|200|-| |108| Handy 1st Aid Kit|500|200|-|
-|112| Sacrifice|100|100|-+|112| Sacrifice|100|100|Yes|Maybe|Rations should cover you, more useful in Normal
-|113| Transfuse Blood|100|100|-|+|113| Transfuse Blood|100|100|Yes|Maybe|Rations should cover you, more useful in Normal|
 |115| Cost -6|1500|300|No|Yes|Cost reduction is a must| |115| Cost -6|1500|300|No|Yes|Cost reduction is a must|
 |116| Ally Cost -6|1000|300|Yes|No|Only cost neutral if upgraded| |116| Ally Cost -6|1000|300|Yes|No|Only cost neutral if upgraded|
-|117| Silenced|1000|200|-+|117| Silenced|1000|200|No|Maybe|If you have no silenced attacks, great alternative
-|118| Hand Grip|500|100|-+|118| Hand Grip|500|100|Yes|No|Use your Hang cards at the right time instead
-|137| Gurlukovich Sld.|500|100|-+|137| Gurlukovich Sld.|500|100|No|Yes|5 movement for 4 cost, excellent
-|139| Emma Emmerich|500|200|-+|139| Emma Emmerich|500|200|Yes|No|Good if you have no equipment, but only lasts one turn
-|141| Vamp|500|200|-+|141| Vamp|500|200|Yes|No|Rations are better
-|142| Solid Snake (MGS2)|1000|200|-+|142| Solid Snake (MGS2)|1000|200|No|Maybe|Hang cards are great, upgrade makes cost reasonable
-|143| Iroqois Pliskin|100|100|-+|143| Iroqois Pliskin|100|100|Yes|No|Who cares about IR sensors
-|144| Solidus Snake|2000|400|-|+|144| Solidus Snake|2000|400|Maybe|Maybe|Great single target damage against humans|
 |146| Jennifer|100|100| |146| Jennifer|100|100|
-|147| Olga Gurlukovich|1000|200|-|  +|147| Olga Gurlukovich|1000|200|No|Yes|A bad card unless upgraded, Card Draw is great|  
-|148| Johnny Sasaki|1000|200|-+|148| Johnny Sasaki|1000|200|No|Yes|Mulligans are always welcomed
-|149| Raiden|1500|300|-|  +|149| Raiden|1500|300|No|Yes|Knockdown property and gap clearing is useful|  
-|196| Fatman|1000|300|-+|196| Fatman|1000|300|Yes|No|For multiplayer, not standard play
-|197| Sea Harrier|1000|400|-+|197| Sea Harrier|1000|400|Maybe|Yes|Only use if upgraded, as it takes too long to activate otherwise
-|198| Rosemary|1000|300|-+|198| Rosemary|1000|300|Maybe|Maybe|Useful if you want to stack turns for a decked out/lagging behind ally
-|199| Arsenal Gear|2500|500|-+|199| Arsenal Gear|2500|500|Maybe|No|Fantastic AOE damage at a high cost
-|200| Funamushi|500|100|-|+|200| Funamushi|500|100|Yes|No|Aggressively useless in standard play|
 |242| Defense Linkage|1000|200|| |242| Defense Linkage|1000|200||
 |243| Draw 3 Linkage|1000|300|| |243| Draw 3 Linkage|1000|300||
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 |269| HIT Backup|2000|200|-| |269| HIT Backup|2000|200|-|
 |270| Evade Backup|2000|200|-| |270| Evade Backup|2000|200|-|
-|271| Serum|1000|100|-+|271| Serum|1000|100|No|Yes|Useful for Chaigadiel if hypnotized, upgrade to reduce cost
-|282| Uniform-R|500|100|-+|282| Uniform-R|500|100|Yes|No|Worse than standard Body Armor
-|283| Uniform-B|500|100|-+|283| Uniform-B|500|100|No|No|Most cost efficient armor in the game
-|284| Uniform-G|500|100|-+|284| Uniform-G|500|100|No|No|Most cost efficient armor in the game
-|299| Redeye-II|500|||+|299| Redeye-II|500|100|No|Yes|Essential card for Qadesh when upgraded|
 ====CHRN==== ====CHRN====
 ^ID^Name^Upgrade Cost^Sell Price^Sell?^Upgrade?^Notes^ ^ID^Name^Upgrade Cost^Sell Price^Sell?^Upgrade?^Notes^
 |024| RC Missile|1500|300| |024| RC Missile|1500|300|
-|025| Mine| 1000|200| +|025| Mine|1000|200| 
-|026| Galil Sar| 1000|200| +|026| Galil Sar|1000|200|No|Yes|R5 is an excellent gun
-|027| Five-seveN Standard|1000|200| +|027| Five-seveN Standard|1000|200|Maybe|Maybe|needs P90s or copies to be useful
-|028| M92F (Laser S.)| 1500|300| +|028| M92F (Laser S.)| 1500|300|No|Maybe|M92FS (Laser S.) has 100% accuracy, wow
-|029| M92F|1500|300| +|029| M92F|1500|300|No|Yes|M92FS is a fantastic gun, and doesn't have the baggage of (Laser S.) inability to hit high targets
-|091| Thermal Goggles|500|100|-+|091| Thermal Goggles|500|100|Yes|No|You will never need these
-|092| Box C|500|100|-| +|092| Box C|500|100|Yes|Neutral|All upgraded Boxes are point neutral, typically a filler card|-| 
-|093| Ceramic Armor|1000|200|-|+|093| Ceramic Armor|1000|200||
 |094| Bomb Blast Suit|1500|300|-| |094| Bomb Blast Suit|1500|300|-|
-|095| C Ration B1 Unit|500|100|-+|095| C Ration B1 Unit|500|100|Maybe|No|Good as an additional heal for Qadesh, upgrade is questionable
-|096| C Ration B2 Unit|1000|200|-|+|096| C Ration B2 Unit|1000|200|Maybe|No|Good as an additional heal for Qadesh, upgrade is questionable|
 |099| Gijin-san|2000|400|-| |099| Gijin-san|2000|400|-|
-|130| Cyborg Ninja|-|400|-| +|130| Cyborg Ninja|-|400|No|-|Useful throughout the run
-|152| Solid Snake (MG)|1500|300|-|+|152| Solid Snake (MG)|1500|300|No|Yes|One of the best cards in the game, a definite upgrade|
 |154| Machinegun Kid|500|100|-| |154| Machinegun Kid|500|100|-|
 |155| Fire Trooper|1000|200|-| |155| Fire Trooper|1000|200|-|
-|156| Metal Gear|||-|+|156| Metal Gear||500|-|
 |158| Solid Snake (MG2)|1500|300|-| |158| Solid Snake (MG2)|1500|300|-|
 |159| Chris Jenner|500|100|-| |159| Chris Jenner|500|100|-|
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 |165| Gillian Seed|1500|300|-| |165| Gillian Seed|1500|300|-|
 |166| Mika Slayton|500|100|-| |166| Mika Slayton|500|100|-|
-|167| Metal Gear Mk-II|-|500|-|+|167| Metal Gear Mk-II|-|500|Yes|-|Useless, sell it|
 |169| Tony Redwood|1000|400|-| |169| Tony Redwood|1000|400|-|
 |170| Karen Hojo|500|100|-| |170| Karen Hojo|500|100|-|
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 |173| ADA|500|200|-| |173| ADA|500|200|-|
 |206| Teliko Freedman|1000|200|-| |206| Teliko Freedman|1000|200|-|
-|207| Leone|1000|||+|207| Leone|1000|400||
 |208| La Clown|1000|200|-| |208| La Clown|1000|200|-|
 |209| Gary Murray|1000|200|-| |209| Gary Murray|1000|200|-|
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 |220| Dr. Kio Marv|500|100|-| |220| Dr. Kio Marv|500|100|-|
 |250| RGB6|1000|200|-| |250| RGB6|1000|200|-|
-|251| Handgun|500||9mm+|251| Handgun|500|100|-
-|252| M79 (antipersonnel)|1500||| +|252| M79 (antipersonnel)|1500|300|| 
-|253| SMG|1000||| +|253| SMG|1000|200|| 
-|254| M47 Dragon||||+|254| M47 Dragon||400||
 |255| Ingram M11|500|100|| |255| Ingram M11|500|100||
 |267| PTRS-1941|3000|300|-| |267| PTRS-1941|3000|300|-|
 ====MGS1==== ====MGS1====
 ^ID^Name^Upgrade Cost^Sell Price^Sell?^Upgrade?^Notes^ ^ID^Name^Upgrade Cost^Sell Price^Sell?^Upgrade?^Notes^
-|001|SOCOM| +|001|SOCOM||300
-|002|FAMAS/G1| +|002|FAMAS/G1||400
-|003|C4| +|003|C4|500|100|Maybe|Yes|More damage than early guns, requires planning to shoot
-|004|Desert Eagle| +|004|Desert Eagle||400
 |006| Stun Grenade|500|100| |006| Stun Grenade|500|100|
 |008| FIM-92B|1000|200| |008| FIM-92B|1000|200|
-|045| Quick Draw| +|045| Quick Draw||100
-|046| Strand| +|046| Strand||100
-|047| Concentrate| +|047| Concentrate||100
-|048| Eq. Lv. 2| +|048| Eq. Lv. 2||200
-|049| Action+| +|049| Action+||200
-|061| Eq. Lv. 3||||+|061| Eq. Lv. 3||200||
 |062| Action++||200|| |062| Action++||200||
-|063| Add KDWN||||+|063| Add KDWN||200||
 |064| Head Shot|1500|300|| |064| Head Shot|1500|300||
-|074| Scope|500||-| +|074| Scope|500|100|-| 
-|075| Body Armor|500||-| +|075| Body Armor|500|100|-| 
-|076| Box A|500||-+|076| Box A|500|100|Yes|Neutral|All upgraded Boxes are point neutral, typically a filler card
-|077| Mine Detector|||-| +|077| Mine Detector||100|-| 
-|078| Ration|500||-+|078| Ration|500|100|No|Maybe|Best healing item in terms of cost
-|079| Handy Survival Kit|||-| +|079| Handy Survival Kit||200|-| 
-|106| Endure|||-| +|106| Endure||300|-| 
-|114| 1st Aid Kit|||| +|114| 1st Aid Kit||200|| 
-|120| Evade|||Yes|No|rations and body armor are better|+|120| Evade||300|Yes|No|rations and body armor are better|
 |121| Cost -10|3000|300|No|No|Upgrade is very expensive for an extra -2| |121| Cost -10|3000|300|No|No|Upgrade is very expensive for an extra -2|
-|122| Ally Cost -10|||Yes|No|Only cost neutral if upgraded| +|122| Ally Cost -10||300|Yes|No|Only cost neutral if upgraded| 
-|123| Genome Soldier|||-| +|123| Genome Soldier||100|-| 
-|125| Roy Campbell|||-| +|125| Roy Campbell||400|-| 
-|126| Otacon||||  +|126| Otacon||300||  
-|127| Sniper Wolf|||-| +|127| Sniper Wolf||300|-| 
-|128| Vulcan Raven|||-| +|128| Vulcan Raven||200|-| 
-|132| Mei Ling|||-| +|132| Mei Ling||200|-| 
-|134| Solid Snake (MGS1)||||-| +|134| Solid Snake (MGS1)||500||-| 
-|135| Naomi Hunter||||-|  +|135| Naomi Hunter||100||-|  
-|136| Meryl Silverburgh||||-| +|136| Meryl Silverburgh||200||-| 
-|203| Decoy Octopus|||| +|203| Decoy Octopus||600|| 
-|204| M1 Abrams||||  +|204| M1 Abrams||300||  
-|205| Donald Anderson||100||  +|205| Donald Anderson||100|Yes|No|Useless, sell it|  
-|217| Wolf Dog||||-| +|217| Wolf Dog||100||-| 
-|238| Ammo Linkage||||  +|238| Ammo Linkage||400||  
-|240| Dstry Equip. Linkage||||+|240| Dstry Equip. Linkage||200||
 |245| Action+ Linkage|5000|500||| |245| Action+ Linkage|5000|500|||
-|272| Remove Trap|||| +|272| Remove Trap||300|| 
-|273| Near Def. Support|||| +|273| Near Def. Support||200|| 
-|274| Near Atk. Support|||| +|274| Near Atk. Support||200|| 
-|275| Projectile Soak||||  +|275| Projectile Soak||300||  
-|276| Close-Range Soak|||| +|276| Close-Range Soak||300|| 
-|277| Projectile Counter|||| +|277| Projectile Counter||300|| 
-|278| Close-Rng Counter|||| +|278| Close-Rng Counter||300|| 
-|279| Cost Counter|||| +|279| Cost Counter||200|| 
-|280| Card Seal|||| +|280| Card Seal||100|| 
 ====Full Table==== ====Full Table====
 ^ID^Name^Cost^Type^Subtype^ATK^Hit(%)^REA(%)^Pack^Upgrade Cost^Sell Cost^Ammo Type^Notes^Upgrades to^ ^ID^Name^Cost^Type^Subtype^ATK^Hit(%)^REA(%)^Pack^Upgrade Cost^Sell Cost^Ammo Type^Notes^Upgrades to^
-|001|SOCOM|4|pistol|equip|100x2|95|20|MGS1|||45 Cal| Adds KDWN; Silenced|300 SOCOM+| +|001|SOCOM|4|pistol|equip|100x2|95|20|MGS1||300|45 Cal| Adds KDWN; Silenced|300 SOCOM+| 
-|002|FAMAS/G1|8|rifle|use|60x5|70|10|MGS1|||5.56mm|adds 1 cost/hit|301 FAMAS/F2| +|002|FAMAS/G1|8|rifle|use|60x5|70|10|MGS1||400|5.56mm|adds 1 cost/hit|301 FAMAS/F2| 
-|003|C4|5|explosive|use|200|100|0|MGS1||||anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; set off with timer,remote, or when shot;                                         add KDWN|302 TNT| +|003|C4|5|explosive|use|200|100|0|MGS1|500|100|-|anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; set off with timer,remote, or when shot;                                         add KDWN|302 TNT| 
-|004|Desert Eagle|10|pistol|use|400x1|40|0|MGS1||||anti-armor|303 Desert Eagle+| +|004|Desert Eagle|10|pistol|use|400x1|40|0|MGS1||400|-|anti-armor|303 Desert Eagle+| 
-|005|Grenade|7|explosive|use|150|100|0|MGS1||||anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; detonates after 8 cost|304 Grenade+| +|005|Grenade|7|explosive|use|150|100|0|MGS1||200|-|anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; detonates after 8 cost|304 Grenade+| 
-|006| Stun Grenade| 6| explosive| use| 0| 100| 0| MGS1|500||| adds FAINT; 3x3 aoe; detonates after 5 cost|305 Stun Grenade+| +|006| Stun Grenade| 6| explosive| use| 0| 100| 0| MGS1|500|100|-| adds FAINT; 3x3 aoe; detonates after 5 cost|305 Stun Grenade+| 
-|007| Chaff Grenade| 6| explosive| use| 0| 100| 0| MGS2|500|100||disables on-screen machines for 20 cost; detonates after 5 cost|306 Chaff Grenade+| +|007| Chaff Grenade| 6| explosive| use| 0| 100| 0| MGS2|500|100|-|disables on-screen machines for 20 cost; detonates after 5 cost|306 Chaff Grenade+| 
-|008| FIM-92B| 7| stinger| use| 240| 100| 0| MGS1|1000|200||only targets machines; unlimited range, HIT does not decrease with distance; anti-armor|307 FIM-92C|+|008| FIM-92B| 7| stinger| use| 240| 100| 0| MGS1|1000|200|-|only targets machines; unlimited range, HIT does not decrease with distance; anti-armor|307 FIM-92C|
 |009| USP| 4| pistol| equip| 40x3| 90| 50| MGS2|500|100|9mm||308 P8| |009| USP| 4| pistol| equip| 40x3| 90| 50| MGS2|500|100|9mm||308 P8|
 |010| Makarov| 4| pistol| equip| 30x4| 90| 20| MGS2|500|100|9mm||309 PMM| |010| Makarov| 4| pistol| equip| 30x4| 90| 20| MGS2|500|100|9mm||309 PMM|
-|011| AKS74u| 6| rifle| equip| 30x5| 70| 50| MGS2|500|100|5.45mm||310 AKS74un|+|011| AKS74u| 6| rifle| equip| 30x5| 70| 50| MGS2|500|100|5.45mm|Silenced|310 AKS74un|
 |012| M4| 8| rifle| equip| 10x8| 70| 10| MGS2|1000|200|5.56mm||311 M4A1| |012| M4| 8| rifle| equip| 10x8| 70| 10| MGS2|1000|200|5.56mm||311 M4A1|
 |013| PSG1| 8| sniper| equip| 70x2| 75| 0| MGS2|1500|300|7.62mm|312 PSG1-T| |013| PSG1| 8| sniper| equip| 70x2| 75| 0| MGS2|1500|300|7.62mm|312 PSG1-T|
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 |019| P90| 7| SMG| equip| 120x2| 80| 0| MGS2|1000|200|5.7mm| 3x4 aoe in front of user|318 P90+| |019| P90| 7| SMG| equip| 120x2| 80| 0| MGS2|1000|200|5.7mm| 3x4 aoe in front of user|318 P90+|
 |020| SPAS12| 6| shotgun| equip| 60x3| 85| 0| MGS2|1500|300|12 gauge|adds KDWN; (3x3)+2 aoe in front of user|319 SPAS12+| |020| SPAS12| 6| shotgun| equip| 60x3| 85| 0| MGS2|1500|300|12 gauge|adds KDWN; (3x3)+2 aoe in front of user|319 SPAS12+|
-|021| Claymore| 6| explosive| use| 100| 100| 0| MGS2|500|100||2x1 aoa; Set off by movement; crawl over to disarm|320 Claymore+| +|021| Claymore| 6| explosive| use| 100| 100| 0| MGS2|500|100|-|2x1 aoa; Set off by movement; crawl over to disarm|320 Claymore+| 
-|022| Nikita Missile| 7| missile| use| 150| 100| 0| MGS2|1500|300||add BURN; anti-armor; move 5 squares/turn; 3x3 aoe|321 Nikita Missile+| +|022| Nikita Missile| 7| missile| use| 150| 100| 0| MGS2|1500|300|-|add BURN; anti-armor; move 5 squares/turn; 3x3 aoe|321 Nikita Missile+| 
-|024| RC Missile| 7| missile| use| 200| 100| 0| CHRN|1500|300||add BLEED; anti-armor; move 5 squares/turn; 3x3 aoe|323 RC Missile+| +|024| RC Missile| 7| missile| use| 200| 100| 0| CHRN|1500|300|-|add BLEED; anti-armor; move 5 squares/turn; 3x3 aoe|323 RC Missile+| 
-|025| Mine| 6| explosive| use| 120| 100| 0| CHRN|1000|200||set off by standing/moving over block; crawl to disarm|324 Mine+|+|025| Mine| 6| explosive| use| 120| 100| 0| CHRN|1000|200|-|set off by standing/moving over block; crawl to disarm|324 Mine+|
 |026| Galil Sar| 8| rifle| equip| 40x5| 80| 30| CHRN|1000|200|5.56mm||325 R5| |026| Galil Sar| 8| rifle| equip| 40x5| 80| 30| CHRN|1000|200|5.56mm||325 R5|
 |027| Five-seveN Standard| 4| pistol| equip| 70x3| 90| 90| CHRN|1000|200|5.7mm||326 Five-seveN Tactical| |027| Five-seveN Standard| 4| pistol| equip| 70x3| 90| 90| CHRN|1000|200|5.7mm||326 Five-seveN Tactical|
 |028| M92F (Laser S.)| 5| pistol| equip| 60x3| 95| 30| CHRN|1500|300|9mm| Free Attack; Silenced|327 M92FS (Laser S.)| |028| M92F (Laser S.)| 5| pistol| equip| 60x3| 95| 30| CHRN|1500|300|9mm| Free Attack; Silenced|327 M92FS (Laser S.)|
 |029| M92F| 4| pistol| equip| 60x3| 90| 30| CHRN|1500|300|9mm||328 M92FS| |029| M92F| 4| pistol| equip| 60x3| 90| 30| CHRN|1500|300|9mm||328 M92FS|
-|031| Vz61| 8| SMG| use| 60x3| 70| 0| MGS3|1000|200||silenced; (3x3)+1+1 aoe|330 Vz61+| +|031| Vz61| 8| SMG| use| 60x3| 70| 0| MGS3|1000|200|-|(3x3)+1+1 aoe|330 Vz61+| 
-|032| AKM| 6| rifle| use| 10x8| 70| 0| MGS3|500|100||anti-armor|331 AKMN| +|032| AKM| 6| rifle| use| 10x8| 70| 0| MGS3|500|100|-|anti-armor|331 AKMN| 
-|042| C3| 4| explosive| use| 150| 100| 0| MGS3|500|100||anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; set off with timer, remote, or when shot; add KDWN|341 C3+| +|042| C3| 4| explosive| use| 150| 100| 0| MGS3|500|100|-|anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; set off with timer, remote, or when shot; add KDWN|341 C3+| 
-|043| M15 Grenade| 7| explosive| use| 50| 100| 0| MGS3|1000|200||adds BURN; anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; detonates after 8 cost|342 M15 Grenade+| +|043| M15 Grenade| 7| explosive| use| 50| 100| 0| MGS3|1000|200|-|adds BURN; anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; detonates after 8 cost|342 M15 Grenade+| 
-|045| Quick Draw| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||||ATK -5, HIT -20; Usage Cost is 0; lasts 1 weapon use|344 Quick Draw+| +|045| Quick Draw| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||100|-|ATK -5, HIT -20; Usage Cost is 0; lasts 1 weapon use|344 Quick Draw+| 
-|046| Strand| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||||add 1 cost/hit with weapon; lasts 3 weapon uses|| +|046| Strand| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||100|-|add 1 cost/hit with weapon; lasts 3 weapon uses|| 
-|047| Concentrate| 0| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||||HIT +30%; use cost for weapon +3; lasts 2 weapon uses; cannot be used for movement|345 Concentrate+| +|047| Concentrate| 0| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||100|-|HIT +30%; use cost for weapon +3; lasts 2 weapon uses; cannot be used for movement|345 Concentrate+| 
-|048| Eq. Lv. 2| 4| action| special| -| -| -| MGS1||||4 equip slots available||061 Eq. Lv. 3| +|048| Eq. Lv. 2| 4| action| special| -| -| -| MGS1||200|-|4 equip slots available||061 Eq. Lv. 3| 
-|049| Action+| 5| action| special| -| -| -| MGS1||||adds 1 REST per turn; Snake only; lasts 10 turns|062 Action++| +|049| Action+| 5| action| special| -| -| -| MGS1||200|-|adds 1 REST per turn; Snake only; lasts 10 turns|062 Action++| 
-|050| Marines| 4| character| move| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100||move 4 blocks|346 Marines+| +|050| Marines| 4| character| move| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-|move 4 blocks|346 Marines+| 
-|051| Navy SEALs| 4| character| move| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|| move 4 blocks|347 Navy SEALs+| +|051| Navy SEALs| 4| character| move| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| move 4 blocks|347 Navy SEALs+| 
-|052| Aim| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS2|2000|100|| +20% for weapon; lasts 3 weapon uses|348 Aim+ +|052| Aim| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS2|2000|100|-| +20% for weapon; lasts 3 weapon uses|348 Aim+ 
-|053| Body Shot| 8| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS2|2000|400|| halves target's HP; one shot only; lasts 1 weapon use|349 Body Shot+| +|053| Body Shot| 8| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS2|2000|400|-| halves target's HP; one shot only; lasts 1 weapon use|349 Body Shot+| 
-|054| Critical Shot| 5| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS2|||| add 2 cost/hit with weapon; lasts 1 weapon use| +|054| Critical Shot| 5| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS2||200|-| add 2 cost/hit with weapon; lasts 1 weapon use| 
-|056| Counter Block| 5| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|| prevents REA trigger for equipped weapon; lasts 10 weapon uses|351 Counter Block+| +|056| Counter Block| 5| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| prevents REA trigger for equipped weapon; lasts 10 weapon uses|351 Counter Block+| 
-|057| Spin Kick| 6| CQC| use| 100| 100| 0| MGS2|1500|300||add KDWN; Destroy Equip; 1 block radius from user aoe|352 Spin Kick+| +|057| Spin Kick| 6| CQC| use| 100| 100| 0| MGS2|1500|300|-|add KDWN; Destroy Equip; 1 block radius from user aoe|352 Spin Kick+| 
-|058| H.F. Blade| 6| CQC| use| 70x2| 100| 0| MGS2|2000|400|| add BLEED; Destroy Equip.; ineffective vs. machines|353 H.F. Blade+| +|058| H.F. Blade| 6| CQC| use| 70x2| 100| 0| MGS2|2000|400|-| add BLEED; Destroy Equip.; ineffective vs. machines|353 H.F. Blade+| 
-|060| Briefing| 6| action| draw| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|| User and ally discard hands & draw 6 new cards|355 Briefing+| +|060| Briefing| 6| action| draw| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| User and ally discard hands & draw 6 new cards|355 Briefing+| 
-|061| Eq. Lv. 3| 8| action| special| -| -| -| MGS1|||| 9 equip slots available; must be done from Eq. Lv. 2|| +|061| Eq. Lv. 3| 8| action| special| -| -| -| MGS1||200|-| 9 equip slots available; must be done from Eq. Lv. 2|| 
-|062| Action++| 8| action| special| -| -| -| MGS1||200|| adds 2 REST per turn; Snake only; lasts 10 turns|| +|062| Action++| 8| action| special| -| -| -| MGS1||200|-| adds 2 REST per turn; Snake only; lasts 10 turns|| 
-|063| Add KDWN| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1|||| adds KDWN to weapon; lasts 1 weapon use|356 Add KDWN+| +|063| Add KDWN| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||200|-| adds KDWN to weapon; lasts 1 weapon use|356 Add KDWN+| 
-|064| Head Shot| 12| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1|1500|300|| add QUICK DEATH; HIT -30; only 1 shot; lasts 1 weapon  use|357 Head Shot+|+|064| Head Shot| 12| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS1|1500|300|-| add QUICK DEATH; HIT -30; only 1 shot; lasts 1 weapon  use|357 Head Shot+|
 |065| Hold Up| 7| action| special| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| reduce target's Equip Lv. by 1; must be behind target|358 Hold Up+| |065| Hold Up| 7| action| special| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| reduce target's Equip Lv. by 1; must be behind target|358 Hold Up+|
-|066| Double Action: Cost+| 8| action| special| -| -| -| MGS2|2000|400|-| doubles current REST and card cost for 1 turn||+|066| Double Action: Cost+| 8| action| special| -| -| -| MGS2|2000|400|-| doubles current REST and card cost for 1 turn|068 Double Action|
 |067| Funds| 4| action| draw| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| ally draws 1 card|359 Funds+| |067| Funds| 4| action| draw| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| ally draws 1 card|359 Funds+|
 |068| Double Action| 8| action| special| -| -| -| MGS2||400|-| Doubles current REST for 1 turn|| |068| Double Action| 8| action| special| -| -| -| MGS2||400|-| Doubles current REST for 1 turn||
Line 298: Line 298:
 |071| Attack 1 Enemy| 8| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS3|1000|200|-| turns equipped aoe weapon to single enemy attack type;lasts 1 weapon use; cannot be used with Vulcan Raven card|362 Attack 1 Enemy+| |071| Attack 1 Enemy| 8| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS3|1000|200|-| turns equipped aoe weapon to single enemy attack type;lasts 1 weapon use; cannot be used with Vulcan Raven card|362 Attack 1 Enemy+|
 |072| Hip Shot| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS3|500|100|-| user's cost -5/hit; HIT -20; lasts 1 weapon use|363 Hip Shot+| |072| Hip Shot| 4| action| attach| -| -| -| MGS3|500|100|-| user's cost -5/hit; HIT -20; lasts 1 weapon use|363 Hip Shot+|
-|074| Scope| 4| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS1|500||-| attacks 3+ blocks away get HIT +20; lasts 30 cost|365 Scope+| +|074| Scope| 4| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS1|500|100|-| attacks 3+ blocks away get HIT +20; lasts 30 cost|365 Scope+| 
-|075| Body Armor| 5| item| equip| -| -| 50| MGS1|500||-| reduces damage by 80; lasts 1 time|366 Body Armor+| +|075| Body Armor| 5| item| equip| -| -| 50| MGS1|500|100|-| reduces damage by 80; lasts 1 time|366 Body Armor+| 
-|076| Box A| 5| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS1|500||-| can hide from sentries; does not always work; lasts until weapon is used, or user is attacked|367 Box A+| +|076| Box A| 5| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS1|500|100|-| can hide from sentries; does not always work; lasts until weapon is used, or user is attacked|367 Box A+| 
-|077| Mine Detector| 6| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS1|||-| shows mines; lasts 50 cost|368 Mine Detector+| +|077| Mine Detector| 6| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS1||100|-| shows mines; lasts 50 cost|368 Mine Detector+| 
-|078| Ration| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS1|500||-| restores 350 of user's HP|369 Ration+| +|078| Ration| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS1|500|100|-| restores 350 of user's HP|369 Ration+| 
-|079| Handy Survival Kit| 6| item| use| -| -| -| MGS1|||-| restores 100 of ally's HP|370 Handy Survival Kit+|+|079| Handy Survival Kit| 6| item| use| -| -| -| MGS1||200|-| restores 100 of ally's HP|370 Handy Survival Kit+|
 |081| Box B| 5| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| can hide from sentries; does not always work; lasts until weapon is used, or user is attacked|372 Box B+| |081| Box B| 5| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| can hide from sentries; does not always work; lasts until weapon is used, or user is attacked|372 Box B+|
 |082| Bomb Switch| 6| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| detonates all placed C3, C4, and TNT in the area|373 Detonator+| |082| Bomb Switch| 6| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| detonates all placed C3, C4, and TNT in the area|373 Detonator+|
 |083| Styptic| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| heals user's BLEEDing|104 Styptic+| |083| Styptic| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| heals user's BLEEDing|104 Styptic+|
-|084| Handy Medical Kit| 8| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|1000||| revives OOA ally with 10 HP|374 Handy Medical Kit+|+|084| Handy Medical Kit| 8| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|1000|200|-| revives OOA ally with 10 HP|374 Handy Medical Kit+|
 |085| Survival Kit| 6| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|1000|200|-| restores 200 of ally's HP|375 Survival Kit+| |085| Survival Kit| 6| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|1000|200|-| restores 200 of ally's HP|375 Survival Kit+|
 |086| Medical Kit| 12| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| revives OOA ally with full HP|376 Medical Kit+| |086| Medical Kit| 12| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| revives OOA ally with full HP|376 Medical Kit+|
Line 324: Line 324:
 |102| Box D| 5| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS3|500|100|-| can hide from sentries; does not always work; lasts until weapon is used, or user is attacked|392 Box D+| |102| Box D| 5| item| equip| -| -| -| MGS3|500|100|-| can hide from sentries; does not always work; lasts until weapon is used, or user is attacked|392 Box D+|
 |103| Bandage| 10| item| use| -| -| -| MGS3|2000|100|-| restores user's HP by 400|393 Bandage+| |103| Bandage| 10| item| use| -| -| -| MGS3|2000|100|-| restores user's HP by 400|393 Bandage+|
-|104| Styptic+| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|-||-| restores user's HP by 200; heals BLEEDing|+|104| Styptic+| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|-|100|-| restores user's HP by 200; heals BLEEDing|
 |105| Front Evade| 5| support| equip| -| -| 75| MGS3|1000|200|-| Completely evades frontal & sometimes side attacks; 1 use|394 Front Evade+| |105| Front Evade| 5| support| equip| -| -| 75| MGS3|1000|200|-| Completely evades frontal & sometimes side attacks; 1 use|394 Front Evade+|
-|106| Endure| 5| support| equip| -| -| 50| MGS1|||-| reduces damage from 1 attack by 10; 1 use|395 Endure+|+|106| Endure| 5| support| equip| -| -| 50| MGS1||300|-| reduces damage from 1 attack by 10; 1 use|395 Endure+|
 |107| Hang| 4| support| equip| -| -| -| MGS2|1000|100|-| allows user to hang off of ledges; lasts 30 cost|396 Hang+| |107| Hang| 4| support| equip| -| -| -| MGS2|1000|100|-| allows user to hang off of ledges; lasts 30 cost|396 Hang+|
 |108| Handy 1st Aid Kit| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|200|-| restores adjacent ally's HP by 200|397 Handy 1st Aid Kit+| |108| Handy 1st Aid Kit| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|200|-| restores adjacent ally's HP by 200|397 Handy 1st Aid Kit+|
Line 334: Line 334:
 |112| Sacrifice| 4| support| use| -| -| -| MGS2|100|100|-| user's life -100, ally's HP +300|401 Sacrifice+| |112| Sacrifice| 4| support| use| -| -| -| MGS2|100|100|-| user's life -100, ally's HP +300|401 Sacrifice+|
 |113| Transfuse Blood| 4| support| use| -| -| -| MGS2|100|100|-| user's life +300, ally's HP -100|402 Transfuse Blood+| |113| Transfuse Blood| 4| support| use| -| -| -| MGS2|100|100|-| user's life +300, ally's HP -100|402 Transfuse Blood+|
-|114| 1st Aid Kit| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS1|||| adjacent ally's HP +400|403 1st Aid Kit+|+|114| 1st Aid Kit| 4| item| use| -| -| -| MGS1||200|-| adjacent ally's HP +400|403 1st Aid Kit+|
 |115| Cost -6| 0| support| cost reducer| -| -| -| MGS2|1500|300|-| reduces user's cost by 6; cannot be used for movement|404 Cost -8| |115| Cost -6| 0| support| cost reducer| -| -| -| MGS2|1500|300|-| reduces user's cost by 6; cannot be used for movement|404 Cost -8|
 |116| Ally Cost -6| 8| support| cost reducer| -| -| -| MGS2|1000|300|-| reduces ally's cost by 6|405 Ally Cost -8| |116| Ally Cost -6| 8| support| cost reducer| -| -| -| MGS2|1000|300|-| reduces ally's cost by 6|405 Ally Cost -8|
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 |118| Hand Grip| 7| support| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| increases duration of Hang cards|407 Hand Grip+| |118| Hand Grip| 7| support| use| -| -| -| MGS2|500|100|-| increases duration of Hang cards|407 Hand Grip+|
 |119| Reaction Block| 8| support| equip| -| -| -| MGS3|100|1000|-| prevents enemy REA; lasts 20 cost|408 Reaction Block+| |119| Reaction Block| 8| support| equip| -| -| -| MGS3|100|1000|-| prevents enemy REA; lasts 20 cost|408 Reaction Block+|
-|120| Evade| 7| support| equip| -| -| 75| MGS1|||-| Completely evades attack from any angle; 1 use|409 Evade+|+|120| Evade| 7| support| equip| -| -| 75| MGS1||300|-| Completely evades attack from any angle; 1 use|409 Evade+|
 |121| Cost -10| 0| support| cost reducer| -| -| -| MGS1|3000|300|-| reduces user's cost by 10; cannot be used for movement|410 Cost -12| |121| Cost -10| 0| support| cost reducer| -| -| -| MGS1|3000|300|-| reduces user's cost by 10; cannot be used for movement|410 Cost -12|
-|122| Ally Cost -10| 12| support| cost reducer| -| -| -| MGS1|||-| reduces ally's cost by 10|411 Ally Cost -12| +|122| Ally Cost -10| 12| support| cost reducer| -| -| -| MGS1||300|-| reduces ally's cost by 10|411 Ally Cost -12| 
-|123| Genome Soldier| 4| character| move| -| -| -| MGS1|||-| can move 5 blocks|412 Genome Soldier+| +|123| Genome Soldier| 4| character| move| -| -| -| MGS1||100|-| can move 5 blocks|412 Genome Soldier+| 
-|125| Roy Campbell| 10| character| use| 200| 100| -| MGS1|||-| 5x5 aoe; add BURN; activates after 10 cost; after use, it is removed from deck for remainder of current mission|413 Roy Campbell+|+|125| Roy Campbell| 10| character| use| 200| 100| -| MGS1||400|-| 5x5 aoe; add BURN; activates after 10 cost; after use, it is removed from deck for remainder of current mission|413 Roy Campbell+|
 |126| Otacon| 7| character| attach| -| -| -| MGS1|||| adds anti-armor, ATK, HIT +10; lasts 2 weapon uses|414 Otacon+| |126| Otacon| 7| character| attach| -| -| -| MGS1|||| adds anti-armor, ATK, HIT +10; lasts 2 weapon uses|414 Otacon+|
-|127| Sniper Wolf| 6| character| attach| -| -| -| MGS1|||-| HIT +40; lasts 1 weapon use|415 Sniper Wolf+| +|127| Sniper Wolf| 6| character| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||300|-| HIT +40; lasts 1 weapon use|415 Sniper Wolf+| 
-|128| Vulcan Raven| 7| character| attach| -| -| -| MGS1|||-| turns single-attack weapon into 3x3 aoe weapon; lasts 1 weapon use; cannot be used with attack 1 enemy card|416 Vulcan Raven+|+|128| Vulcan Raven| 7| character| attach| -| -| -| MGS1||200|-| turns single-attack weapon into 3x3 aoe weapon; lasts 1 weapon use; cannot be used with attack 1 enemy card|416 Vulcan Raven+|
 |130| Cyborg Ninja| 6| character| use| 15x5| 100| -| CHRN|-|400|-| hits targetted enemy|| |130| Cyborg Ninja| 6| character| use| 15x5| 100| -| CHRN|-|400|-| hits targetted enemy||
 |132| Mei Ling| 8| character| use| -| -| -| MGS1|||-| doubles all allies' interference effects; lasts 20 cost|419 Mei Ling+| |132| Mei Ling| 8| character| use| -| -| -| MGS1|||-| doubles all allies' interference effects; lasts 20 cost|419 Mei Ling+|
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 |300| SOCOM+| 5| pistol| use| 100x2| 90| 0| MGS1|-|| 45 Cal| Adds KDWN; Silenced|| |300| SOCOM+| 5| pistol| use| 100x2| 90| 0| MGS1|-|| 45 Cal| Adds KDWN; Silenced||
 |301| FAMAS/F2| 7| rifle| use| 60x4| 75| 0| MGS1|-|| 5.56mm| adds 1 cost/hit|| |301| FAMAS/F2| 7| rifle| use| 60x4| 75| 0| MGS1|-|| 5.56mm| adds 1 cost/hit||
-|302| TNT| 5| explosive| use| 250| 100| 0| MGS1|-||-| anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; set off with timer, remote, or when shot; add KDWN|+|302| TNT| 5| explosive| use| 250| 100| 0| MGS1|-|100|-| anti-armor; 3x3 aoe; set off with timer, remote, or when shot; add KDWN|
 |303| Desert Eagle+| 12| pistol| use| 500x1| 35| 0| MGS1|-||-| anti-armor| |303| Desert Eagle+| 12| pistol| use| 500x1| 35| 0| MGS1|-||-| anti-armor|
 |304| Grenade+| 6| explosive| use| 200| 100| 0| MGS1|||| anti-armor; 5x5 aoe; detonates after 8 cost; add KDWN| |304| Grenade+| 6| explosive| use| 200| 100| 0| MGS1|||| anti-armor; 5x5 aoe; detonates after 8 cost; add KDWN|
Line 697: Line 697:
-Revised table from A. Aurelio Miro's [[|Deckbuilding/Card List Guide]]. Fixed card 002 "FAMAS/G1" mislabelled as an equip card. Fixed card 540 "AMD-63 Carbine" mislabelled as a use card. Fixed card 085 and 375 "Survival Kit" mislabelled as MGS1. Fixed card 086 and 376 "Medical Kit" mislabelled as MGS1. Fixed card 094 and 384 "Bomb Blast Suit" mislabelled as MGS2. Fixed card 098 and 388 "Builder Bed" mislabelled as CHRN. Fixed card 121 "Cost -10" mislabelled as MGS2. Fixed card 196 and 478 "Fatman" mislabelled as MGS3. Fixed card 168 "Jonathan Ingram" mislabelled as CHRN. Fixed card 172 and 456 "Jehuty" mislabelled as CHRN. Fixed card 88 typo "Cook Book." Fixed card 209 typo "Gray Murray." Fixed card 243 typo "Draw Linkage." Fixed card 378 typo "Super Cook Book." Fixed card 143 and 429 typo "Iriqois Pliskin." Fixed shortening of "M15 Grenade." Fixed numbering mistake for cards 490 and 491. Removed extra "be" in cards 231, 232, 512, and 513. Added +s to cards 562, 563, and 564. Fixed missile typos.+Revised table from A. Aurelio Miro's [[|Deckbuilding/Card List Guide]]. Fixed card 002 "FAMAS/G1" mislabelled as an equip card. Fixed card 011 "AKS74u" lack of Silenced.  
 +Fixed Card 031 "Vz61" being silenced when it is not. Fixed card 540 "AMD-63 Carbine" mislabelled as a use card. Fixed card 085 and 375 "Survival Kit" mislabelled as MGS1. Fixed card 086 and 376 "Medical Kit" mislabelled as MGS1. Fixed card 094 and 384 "Bomb Blast Suit" mislabelled as MGS2. Fixed card 098 and 388 "Builder Bed" mislabelled as CHRN. Fixed card 121 "Cost -10" mislabelled as MGS2. Fixed card 196 and 478 "Fatman" mislabelled as MGS3. Fixed card 168 "Jonathan Ingram" mislabelled as CHRN. Fixed card 172 and 456 "Jehuty" mislabelled as CHRN. Fixed card 88 typo "Cook Book." Fixed card 209 typo "Gray Murray." Fixed card 243 typo "Draw Linkage." Fixed card 378 typo "Super Cook Book." Fixed card 143 and 429 typo "Iriqois Pliskin." Fixed shortening of "M15 Grenade." Fixed numbering mistake for cards 490 and 491. Removed extra "be" in cards 231, 232, 512, and 513. Added +s to cards 562, 563, and 564. Fixed missile typos.
  • acid2ngcards.1587003976.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/04/16 02:26
  • by plywood